ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 06:58:02 kos_tom joins #crosstool-ng
# 07:15:05 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 07:22:18 mnt_real quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 07:39:31 y_morin quits : Quit: BRB...
# 07:45:03 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 09:53:32 smartin_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 10:07:58 kos_tom y_morin, two issues reported on the list.
# 11:11:44 y_morin kos_tom: OK, just saw them. Thx.
# 11:14:43 y_morin kos_tom: I just don't know how we could handle that expat issue... :-(
# 11:15:29 y_morin I'm not even sure I understand it correctly. expat-using programs build fine, but gdb's ./configure don't find it, right?
# 11:24:54 kos_tom y_morin, yes, for the expat problem, I'm also puzzled. I'd need to reproduce it to provide more details.
# 11:25:31 y_morin kos_tom: indeed. As for the download part, we could check if the mime type if aything but text, I believe that would be OK...
# 11:26:13 kos_tom y_morin, I guess the mime type for a HTML page is not text.
# 11:26:31 y_morin kos_tom: file --mime-type tmp/google.html
# 11:26:33 kos_tom y_morin, so maybe it'd be better to do something like accept only tar, tar.gz, tar.bz2, tar.xz, .zip, etc.
# 11:26:38 y_morin tmp/google.html: text/html
# 11:27:11 kos_tom the other alternatives is to store md5/sha1 of files supposed to be downloaded. But it's a burden to maintain.
# 11:27:38 y_morin kos_tom: I don't want to go the md5 route, that's too much to handle...
# 11:28:26 kos_tom y_morin, the thing that I find a bit ugly in ct-ng is this big list of potential downloads URLs, where ct-ng goes through multiple invalid URLs before getting the right one.
# 11:28:36 kos_tom y_morin, we don't have this mechanism in Buildroot and things are still working fine.
# 11:29:57 y_morin kos_tom: probably need a rethink and rework of the download/extract/patch infra, yes...
# 15:30:01 mnt_real joins #crosstool-ng
# 15:33:28 y_morin quits : Quit: Back on-line in ~1h...
# 16:21:56 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:48:58 kos_tom quits : Quit: Leaving
# 17:07:14 smartin_ quits : Quit: Page closed
# 17:15:00 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
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# 17:53:45 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
# 18:15:32 smartin joins #crosstool-ng
# 18:23:58 y_morin|away is now known as: y_morin
# 18:43:05 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
# 20:13:22 kos_tom joins #crosstool-ng
# 20:18:44 y_morin|away is now known as: y_morin
# 21:44:43 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
# 21:45:36 y_morin|away is now known as: y_morin
# 21:45:57 kos_tom quits : Ping timeout: 255 seconds
# 22:27:11 y_morin quits : Quit: Night all!
# 22:28:23 smartin quits : Quit: Page closed

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