ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 08:25:35 smartin joins #crosstool-ng
# 10:04:13 al` joins #crosstool-ng
# 10:07:42 al`_ quits : *.net *.split
# 15:02:25 amossam joins #crosstool-ng
# 15:03:47 mnt_real joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:41:26 amossam quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 16:41:45 amossam joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:57:59 amossam quits : Quit: amossam
# 17:01:32 amossam joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:07:25 amossam quits : Quit: amossam
# 17:40:25 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:56:10 smartin quits : Ping timeout: 258 seconds
# 18:09:35 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
# 19:07:04 y_morin|away is now known as: y_morin
# 19:27:55 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
# 19:40:26 fauno joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:40:30 fauno hi o/
# 19:47:50 sh[4]rm4 quits : Quit: sh[4]rm4
# 20:43:53 sh4rm4 joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:23:43 smartin joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:52:21 y_morin|away is now known as: y_morin
# 21:52:39 y_morin fauno: hey!
# 21:55:47 fauno y_morin: :D
# 22:12:12 smartin quits
# 22:16:23 fauno i'm being masochist an trying to create a crosstoolchain in archlinux pkgbuilds...
# 22:17:01 fauno so i build one with ct-ng and tried to mimic it's behaviour but i'm stuck with the glibc headers
# 22:17:19 fauno configure always fails with missing crti.o
# 22:17:41 y_morin fauno: trying to build with NPTL, he? ;-)
# 22:18:59 y_morin fauno: for NPTL, you need to build three compilers, and install the glibc trice: http://crosstool-ng.org/hg/crosstool-ng/file/tip/docs/9%20-%20How%20is%20a%20toolchain%20constructed.txt
# 22:27:04 fauno mmm i have cross-binutils, kernel headers and gcc first pass...
# 22:59:14 y_morin quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 23:00:09 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 23:00:38 y_morin is now known as: y_morin|away
# 23:02:46 y_morin|away is now known as: y_morin
# 23:29:01 fauno quits : Ping timeout: 252 seconds
# 23:30:35 fauno joins #crosstool-ng
# 23:34:35 fauno y_morin: if i got those three steps done, what could be going wrong?
# 23:36:01 y_morin fauno: after gcc pass one, you must install kernel headers, then glibc headers and start_files, then gcc pass two, then full glibc, then full gcc.
# 23:37:07 y_morin fauno: glibc start files you have to build 'by hand': http://crosstool-ng.org/hg/crosstool-ng/file/tip/scripts/build/libc/glibc-eglibc.sh-common#l415
# 23:39:01 fauno aaah i missed that bit!
# 23:39:15 fauno i'll try, thanks :)
# 23:39:39 y_morin fauno: cheers! ;-)

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN