ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 01:27:42 mnt_real quits : Quit: Ex-Chat
# 02:43:14 alberthrocks quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 05:15:05 alan_o quits : Quit: Leaving
# 06:26:49 smartin joins #crosstool-ng
# 12:41:44 ben1066 quits : Ping timeout: 246 seconds
# 15:07:06 mnt_real joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:00:00 kos_tom_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:00:16 kos_tom_ quits : Client Quit
# 16:00:30 kos_tom quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 16:00:46 kos_tom joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:33:08 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:11:05 alan_o joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:56:35 smartin quits
# 20:50:36 dsmith-work btw: Who owns/runs ctngbot, and what code is it?
# 20:51:02 dsmith-work likes that s/old/new/ replace thing.
# 20:56:03 y_morin dsmith-work: ctngbot is running on the crosstool-ng.org server. It's the infobot's perl script: http://sourceforge.net/projects/infobot/
# 20:56:26 y_morin dsmith-work: the rendering on the crosstool-ng.org server is done by bash+gawk scripts of my own.
# 20:56:43 dsmith-work Thanks.
# 20:56:46 y_morin I mean, the webpages that display the logs.
# 20:57:12 y_morin dsmith-work: I may publish the web scripts later, if there is interest...
# 20:57:18 dsmith-work Was just looking at the help. Saw "lart" and was reminded of the bots in #debian
# 20:57:23 y_morin They need a bit of cleanup, though...
# 20:57:40 y_morin dsmith-work: I think it is the same bot, just not the same instance.
# 20:58:15 dsmith-work Yep. THough the #debian bot has been highly customized I hear.
# 20:58:44 dsmith-work IT was either apt or deb. Changed at one point.
# 20:58:56 y_morin dsmith-work: yes, much customisations! :-)
# 21:00:53 y_morin Although I did not really understood how to create factoids, so ctngbot could answer FAQs...
# 21:01:01 y_morin ctngbot: give dsmith-work a cake
# 21:01:15 y_morin ~ctngbot: give dsmith-work a cake
# 21:01:24 y_morin Gah, it used to work!...
# 21:01:32 y_morin ~ctngbot give dsmith-work a cake
# 21:01:37 y_morin Tsss...
# 21:02:16 dsmith-work I'm running a bot in #guile
# 21:03:34 dsmith-work He was being cranky last few days. Wasn't wanting to later tell people stuff.
# 21:05:18 y_morin ctngbot: help
# 21:06:18 y_morin ctngbot, give dsmith-work a cake
# 21:06:32 y_morin ~cake
# 21:06:45 y_morin ctngbot: you are lazy...
# 21:06:45 ctngbot y_morin: I think you lost me on that one
# 21:07:41 y_morin whatever...
# 21:14:16 dsmith-work heh
# 23:13:52 y_morin quits : Quit: Night!
# 23:33:14 mnt_real quits : Quit: Ex-Chat

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN