ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 03:18:53 diorcety quits : Ping timeout: 245 seconds
# 05:12:38 dalias quits : Ping timeout: 252 seconds
# 05:16:42 jmm_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 05:16:54 jmm quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 05:18:26 jmm_ is now known as: jmm
# 05:28:13 dalias joins #crosstool-ng
# 05:50:42 jmm_ joins #crosstool-ng
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# 05:52:25 jmm_ is now known as: jmm
# 07:29:27 blueluna quits : Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de
# 07:49:06 alan_o quits : Quit: Leaving
# 08:17:54 imMute quits : Ping timeout: 245 seconds
# 08:27:31 imMute joins #crosstool-ng
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# 08:27:31 imMute joins #crosstool-ng
# 08:29:12 diorcety joins #crosstool-ng
# 08:35:41 jerro joins #crosstool-ng
# 08:36:20 jerro Hi
# 08:37:43 diorcety quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 08:38:42 diorcety joins #crosstool-ng
# 08:40:38 jerro I'm trying to build GDC (GNU D compiler) using crosstool-ng and I'm having a problem. The build fails and there's a bunch of lines like "[ALL ] Error: cent and ucent types not implemented". It looks like the D compiler gives this error when compiling the standard library. The thing is, there should also be a file name and line number, but it seems crosstool-ng doesn't save those to build.log. Is there any way to get the entire stdout and st
# 09:00:24 smartin joins #crosstool-ng
# 10:16:30 jerro never mind, it seems that D compiler actually outputs error messages like that in this case
# 10:23:58 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 10:36:24 smartin y_morin: hi
# 10:37:00 y_morin smartin: howdy!
# 10:37:20 smartin don't know if you remember the gdbserver issue i told you at fosdem, with some missing sys/reg.h header...
# 10:37:45 y_morin smartin: no, sorry...
# 10:38:06 smartin i've just give a new try, and look at the gdbserver config.log: http://code.bulix.org/sd1xe0-83136
# 10:38:50 smartin it tests for sys/reg.h using the host compiler instead of the cross-compiler :-/
# 10:40:58 smartin the end of the build log: http://code.bulix.org/7gpphe-83137
# 10:41:48 y_morin smartin: did you test with ccqch disqbled?
# 10:41:55 y_morin *ccache
# 10:43:32 smartin is there such option in ct-ng?
# 10:43:41 y_morin smartin: I've seen a few issues using ccache in the past, that were *very* hard to track down, and now I avoid ccache as I would avoid the plague.
# 10:44:12 y_morin smartin: No. That an /issue/ with your system. It's up to you as a system owner to disable ccache.
# 10:44:19 y_morin smartin: I usually just uninstall it.
# 10:44:35 y_morin got to go for a while..
# 10:44:46 y_morin smartin: Got to go, back in the afternoon...
# 10:44:52 smartin yeah, that's the easiest way...
# 10:45:16 smartin ok, meanwhile, i'll give a try without ccache
# 14:03:08 blueness quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 14:14:18 devcoder joins #crosstool-ng
# 14:42:59 y_morin smartin: I'm back. Did removing ccache fixed your issue?
# 14:43:07 y_morin *fix
# 14:48:52 smartin y_morin: yeap, i'm preparing few patchs
# 14:49:08 y_morin smartin: patch agaisnt ct-ng, or against gdb?
# 14:49:16 smartin is having some hard time with hg...
# 14:50:28 smartin actually, it in ct-ng, for few debug tools, CC and vars like that were not set to ${CT_TARGET}-...
# 14:52:19 smartin when i checked the content of /path/to/debug-root/usr/bin/*, some binaries were cross-built, some were not...
# 14:52:57 y_morin smartin: Well, normally, ./configure is responsible for detecting the compiler, and use ${tuple}-gcc for cross-compilation.
# 14:55:42 devcoder quits : Quit: devcoder
# 14:56:34 smartin seems that either it does correctly detect the cross-compilation, or env. vars (even not set) take precedence...
# 14:56:59 smartin s/does correctly/does not correctly/
# 15:00:54 voltagex joins #crosstool-ng
# 15:01:02 voltagex fading fast here, 2am. Anyone awake?
# 15:01:32 voltagex I'm getting x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-g++: internal compiler error: Killed, while trying to build an ARMV7 toolchain
# 15:02:18 voltagex config is at http://sprunge.us/PjOA
# 15:02:33 voltagex I'm going to bed, I guess I'll just hit pageup tomorrow
# 15:05:38 smartin y_morin: you got emails ;)
# 15:07:03 voltagex blargh. sleep deprivation - OOM error.
# 15:07:12 smartin also, what was weird to me is that for gdb native, CC and co env vars. were set but not for gdbserver...
# 15:07:47 voltagex I guess my real question is why don't the configs at http://archlinuxarm.org/mirror/development/ct-ng/ work with ct-ng 1.18?
# 15:34:21 blueness joins #crosstool-ng
# 15:34:22 blueness quits : Changing host
# 15:34:22 blueness joins #crosstool-ng
# 15:45:49 jerro quits : Ping timeout: 245 seconds
# 16:00:56 alan_o joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:04:43 devcoder joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:42:43 devcoder quits : Quit: devcoder
# 17:53:30 ubergeek42 quits : Ping timeout: 252 seconds
# 17:59:09 y_morin_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:59:56 y_morin quits : Ping timeout: 246 seconds
# 18:00:06 y_morin_ is now known as: y_morin
# 18:06:28 ubergeek42 joins #crosstool-ng
# 18:56:09 smartin quits : Quit: leaving
# 19:09:46 ubergeek42 quits : Ping timeout: 252 seconds
# 19:22:12 diorcety quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 19:23:07 diorcety joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:30:01 ubergeek42 joins #crosstool-ng
# 22:50:48 y_morin quits : Quit: Nighty Night!

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN