ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 00:34:59 enunes joins #crosstool-ng
# 00:51:14 diorcety quits : Quit: Leaving.
# 00:57:09 Risk64 quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 01:06:59 s1341 quits : Ping timeout: 265 seconds
# 01:08:34 s1341_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 02:51:10 enunes quits : Quit: leaving
# 07:50:56 diorcety joins #crosstool-ng
# 08:24:15 diorcety quits : Quit: Leaving.
# 09:07:26 diorcety joins #crosstool-ng
# 11:56:32 mingwandroid joins #crosstool-ng
# 12:48:04 Risk64 joins #crosstool-ng
# 12:48:09 Risk64 quits : Client Quit
# 12:49:36 Risk64 joins #crosstool-ng
# 12:52:20 Risk64 Hi, does it matter which built-in gcc version i choose when i select 'custom gcc'? Just asking because that chosen version is mentioned in 'gcc -v' that is kinda confusing.
# 12:55:58 Risk64 I'm compiling linaro 5.2.1 and not sure if i should pick 'gcc 5.2.0' or 'linaro 4.9' or even create a new entry myself (if it does matter at all).
# 13:16:14 enunes joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:25:06 diorcety quits : Ping timeout: 240 seconds
# 16:55:35 y_morin joins #crosstool-ng
# 16:59:20 Risk64 quits : Quit: quit
# 16:59:44 Risk64 joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:06:41 diorcety joins #crosstool-ng
# 17:23:24 bhundven Risk64: I'm guessing you are using 1.22
# 17:23:36 Risk64 yes
# 17:23:45 bhundven there is an updated set of patches in master on git
# 17:24:00 bhundven that fix how custom location settings work that is much less confusing
# 17:24:25 bhundven I would appreciate your testing :)
# 17:25:13 Risk64 sure.. no problem. It compiled properly. Its just a "cosmectical" though, right? I mean, i can use the already compiled toolchain without problems, right?
# 17:25:21 Risk64 *cosmetical
# 17:25:38 Risk64 ah... *cosmetical problem
# 17:25:40 Risk64 :)
# 17:51:06 Risk64 bhundven: Is my toolchain ok that i compiled with 1.22 with 'custom gcc' (linaro 5.3.0) set to 'gcc 5.2.0'?
# 17:51:42 Risk64 is there a difference between 'gcc 5.2.0' and 'linaro 4.9.2' when i set to 'custom gcc'?
# 18:57:15 enunes quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 19:01:32 enunes joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:04:33 enunes quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 19:06:34 enunes joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:17:22 enunes quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 19:24:02 enunes joins #crosstool-ng
# 20:11:41 bhundven Risk64: It would select different Kconfig options. Other components may also be configured differently depending on the version.
# 20:12:32 Risk64 ok, thx.
# 20:16:24 Risk64 so i better go for 'linaro x.x.x' when compiling a custom linaro gcc.
# 20:16:49 Risk64 with own source
# 20:17:49 enunes quits : Quit: leaving
# 20:22:42 Risk64 nvm... i'm right now in menuconfig seeing there is none of it anymore.
# 20:23:22 Risk64 now all's clear.. thx
# 21:23:37 bhundven :)
# 21:58:50 xenoxaos quits : Ping timeout: 260 seconds
# 22:04:50 Guest95048 joins #crosstool-ng
# 22:07:40 Risk64 quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 22:19:15 Guest95048 quits : Ping timeout: 260 seconds
# 22:21:43 xenoxaos- joins #crosstool-ng
# 22:23:09 xenoxaos- quits : Excess Flood
# 22:53:03 xenoxaos joins #crosstool-ng
# 23:18:47 y_morin quits : Quit: Nighty Night! :-)

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN