ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 03:15:59 feepbot quits : Ping timeout: 276 seconds
# 03:19:35 feepbot joins #crosstool-ng
# 04:33:44 bhundven Cool, I'll take a look when I get home.
# 04:34:47 bhundven I need to go through old issues too
# 05:19:17 cpackham Thanks. I think they're all in pretty good shape. But they probably haven't been tested in combination
# 05:38:13 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 245 seconds
# 06:14:50 saul joins #crosstool-ng
# 06:44:15 bhundven I'm not sure about 1240
# 06:46:18 bhundven I would rather see that merged upstream in musl-libc then depend on someone's fork of musl-libc
# 06:46:47 bhundven I could be convinced otherwise, but I'll have to rejoin the musl channel and ask them first
# 06:54:33 bhundven I've brought this up in #musl
# 07:01:23 bhundven ah, he left the channel :(
# 07:01:29 bhundven sorry for my noise
# 07:01:54 bhundven luckly ctngbot is here to log my madness
# 07:02:45 bhundven 1233 I feel needs more explanations. This seems to be for 2.29, but is it needed for 2.30?
# 07:03:02 bhundven does it need to be back ported for older versions?
# 07:03:23 bhundven I'll put that in the pr
# 07:05:40 bhundven for the curious: http://crosstool-ng.osuosl.org/download/ibot-logs/today.html
# 07:06:13 bhundven thank yann for that ;)
# 07:19:43 bhundven Ok, cpackham, I've reviewed all of those, 1240 and 1233 need some explanations, but I've approved the rest
# 07:20:02 bhundven btw, wtf is up with souceforge being lame?
# 07:20:42 bhundven https://media0.giphy.com/media/cGu1pGFumy0QnzkPil/giphy.gif
# 07:22:01 bhundven 12:22am... signing out... g'night y'all
# 07:31:11 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 07:31:41 cpackham @bhundven yeah still playing with IRC clients
# 07:33:21 cpackham Kconversation (installed with kde) doesn't seem to handle identifying _before_ trying to join
# 07:34:58 cpackham I aggree #1240 needs work. At the very least it could benefit from a rebasing to squash out the mis-steps
# 07:50:50 cpackham Hopefully I've enplained #1233
# 07:52:23 cpackham short version is that it only affects 2.29. #1232 has the correct code as part of the ARC patch
# 09:55:51 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 246 seconds
# 17:36:55 bhundven 1240 should go in to buildroot, ptxdist, yacto... I don't think it belongs in crosstool-ng
# 17:37:15 bhundven I think 1233 is good
# 17:46:26 bhundven I use irccloud.com, I've never looked back at ircii...
# 21:21:52 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:29:43 cpackham_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:33:44 cpackham quits : Quit: Konversation terminated!
# 21:33:44 cpackham_ is now known as: cpackham
# 21:46:48 dwi joins #crosstool-ng
# 22:34:06 cpackham hmm not so wild about irccloud's terms of service
# 22:34:12 cpackham "You grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free and perpetual licence to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, adapt, re-format, modify, publish, translate, licence, sub-licence any images, sounds, text or information that you access, store, distribute or transmit (“User Content”) for the purposes of providing the Service."
# 22:35:05 dwi o.O
# 22:35:35 cpackham but given the fact this is all logged onto a public channel regardless of the irc client it's probably me being overly paranoid
# 22:39:41 dwi ahh, the last bit is bolded. I'm guessing with that and the privacy policy it makes sense. They can't provide the service without doing those things. Although the actions they use describe seem excessive.
# 22:54:20 bhundven I don't even have a privacy policy for ctngbot
# 22:54:35 bhundven which is basically, what you say here is on the interwebs
# 23:29:35 cpackham oddly enough i seem to be more happy with "logs are on the interwebs" than "we can use this for whatever"

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN