ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 00:21:43 dinuxbg quits : Ping timeout: 256 seconds
# 00:21:46 dinuxbg_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 06:22:27 dinuxbg_ is now known as: dinuxbg
# 17:39:31 eliadcohen quits : Quit: Leaving
# 21:17:49 eliadcohen joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:19:44 eliadcohen Hi all. I wanted to ask for help on using the tool. After have read the documentation I think I am stuck at: "Using the Toolchain/Assembling a root filesystem (option 2)"
# 21:20:35 eliadcohen I have finished building an arm toolchain based on the example. I added the x-tools directory to the path and can access the -gcc from my c project (helloworld.c - yes it is that simple)
# 21:21:30 eliadcohen When trying to build, I am getting errors about undefined references
# 21:21:49 eliadcohen Did I miss a step? Is there a cookbook that shows end-to-end usage?

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