ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 01:37:32 cpackham[m] milkylainen: I imagine most of them are out of date (or at least moot because the reporter is long gone). I have been tempted to just close anything older say 3 years but there may be some valuable nuggets hidden in the noise
# 01:38:28 cpackham[m] The other thing Is I have no idea how to do a bulk operation on a bunch of issues that meet some criteria (whatever we determine that critera to be)
# 07:20:51 AGR quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 15:27:05 troglodi1o quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 15:50:45 troglodito joins #crosstool-ng

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN