ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 07:06:45 HcE quits : Remote host closed the connection
# 12:35:42 DEATH I have a hello world repro of uclibc-ng bug
# 12:37:05 DEATH https://paste.c-net.org/OpticalTracks + compile with -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112 -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600 (taken from FFmpeg)
# 12:37:09 DEATH If you compile with defaults, no bug
# 12:37:49 DEATH This is due to time fields of struct stat
# 12:38:30 DEATH The struct is expected to be 128 bytes in size, with 64bit timespec fields; instead with the above config you get 32bit ints
# 12:39:00 DEATH Calling code allocates 104 bytes for struct stat, syscall writes 128 bytes, and you know the rest.
# 12:39:33 DEATH This explains how come none of my other (pretty heavy) stuff using the same toolchain never broke.
# 12:59:29 DEATH Hacking relevant header (bits/stat.h) of the toolchain makes the problem go away, replacing int with long int on offending fields.
# 14:00:11 milkylainen DEATH: Good work isolating it. I'll hopefully get some more time later this evening.
# 20:09:24 milkylainen DEATH: Umm. I've looked into it and yeah.. I wish I hadn't.
# 20:10:18 milkylainen I knew stat was getting complicated over time. But holy christ what a mess.
# 20:11:01 milkylainen I can't consolidate the glibc and the uclibc ones either. It's a miracle that anything works at all.
# 20:13:26 milkylainen In the glibc headers:
# 20:13:31 milkylainen # ifndef __x86_64__ __mode_t st_mode; /* File mode. */ __nlink_t st_nlink; /* Link count. */ # else __nlink_t st_nlink; /* Link count. */ __mode_t st_mode; /* File mode. */ # endif
# 20:13:40 milkylainen like whaaa?!?

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