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# 16:21:27 HcE milkylainen: I have some previous coworkers that now try to use RISC-V commercially, unsure about their success yet, but the microcontroller they try to create is very cool. A zero battery microcontroller with wireless.
# 16:21:46 HcE They have an actual device that works.
# 16:33:14 milkylainen Nice. I was thinking more about the performance end of embedded. I don't do much microcontroller stuff these days.
# 16:33:42 milkylainen HcE: Did they design their own IP based on free components?
# 16:37:11 HcE milkylainen: sadly I haven't met my previous collegue for beers for years, so I haven't gotten the nitty gritty details. Knowing them I suspect shelf components where it makes sense and focusing on creating key stuff they need themselves. Think they are around 10 persons now, so hopefully they'll make it. Or get bought up on the way.
# 16:37:34 HcE 19 now according to linkedin
# 16:37:51 HcE https://www.onio.com/products/onio-zero.html for the curious
# 16:38:13 HcE I used to work in microcontroller world before moving up to more high-end ARM SoC embedded devices.
# 16:42:22 milkylainen batteryless microcontrollers is a super interesting area though.
# 16:43:06 HcE Yes, initially they aimed a bit for medical applications, especially monitoring of pasients that are not 100% in the bed.
# 17:47:17 milkylainen HcE: Interesting. I've worked with critical care equipment. The requirements are tough. Most things have to have guarantees of operation, even with power failures. All of the equipment I saw had machine local battery backups.
# 17:48:03 milkylainen But maybe you're talking more like home, non-critical equipment for continous monitoring?
# 19:30:21 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:17:10 HcE milkylainen: I think they wanted to get the foot into the critical equipment, since that would trigger funding, market possibilities, etc. You know, aim high :D They wanted to get pasients away from wired monitoring equipment, allowing people to move within an area. Since you don't get better by being "bolted" to a bed in hospital.

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