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# 04:26:30 cpackham I wouldn't say it's a non goal. Just that I tried and gave up. If someone with the right level of knowledge and energy wants to pick up the effort I'd happily carry whatever changes are required in ct-ng to make it work'
# 04:31:07 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 252 seconds
# 07:11:26 milkylainen cpackham: I guess one could package some sort of default for various archs, but my guess is that you're going to get a bunch of new issues related to people and their distro interaction plus a new wishlist of packaging combinations. "Why this glibc, can't we have another?" etc.
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# 14:02:55 realtime-neil I can't speak for non-Debian distros, but I daresay that native Debian packaging (where you keep the `debian/` in your own source control) would be an unwelcome disruption to your release process.
# 14:04:59 realtime-neil milkylainen: I was under the impression that ct-ng (at runtime) acquires literally everything it needs to produce the user-given toolchain. Does it require a compiler and/or libc from the host?
# 14:09:18 milkylainen realtime-neil: you need a somewhat normal, basic C development environment for the bootstrap parts. configure{.ac} will whine if it doesn't find mandatory bits.
# 15:04:14 realtime-neil milkylainen: ah, okay; you're probably correct in your prediction; that _is_ where the first complaints will spawn.
# 19:21:27 milkylainen realtime-neil: ? Not sure what you mean. I mean that providing binaries for user, you have to be ready for whatever usage errors or distribution strangeness they may face. Also, packaging toolchain is something with a lot of options on how to build what and why. Different users have different needs from a toolchain. Ergo, the perfect default toolchain hardly exists.
# 19:21:53 milkylainen realtime-neil: I create my own with ct-ng. That's one way to make sure I get what I want etc.
# 19:42:06 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:54:36 realtime-neil milkylainen: I mean that --- even though the build-time dependencies of ct-ng are so meager (a basic C dev env, as you say) --- end users will find a way to take issue with what is found and used during packaging.
# 19:54:59 realtime-neil I'm not advocating the packaging of the toolchains themselves --- only ct-ng proper.
# 19:55:35 realtime-neil Which I've done in my little salsa repo.
# 19:57:28 realtime-neil as far as all the other stuff --- the things that get dumped in ~/x-tools/ --- those probably can't be packaged easily. At any rate, because there are so many supported variants, it's probably infeasible.
# 20:01:29 milkylainen realtime-neil: A toolchain in x-tools can be tarballed up. It is relative, so you can place it wherever you like.
# 20:03:25 realtime-neil milkylainen: Absolutely concur and it's one of the things I like most about ct-ng. But there's too many `.config` combinations to package everything.

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