ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 00:08:35 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 240 seconds
# 00:08:55 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 04:30:46 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 260 seconds
# 18:18:46 HcE milkylainen: did we chat about RISC-V? https://www.qualcomm.com/news/releases/2023/10/qualcomm-to-bring-risc-v-based-wearable-platform-to--wear-os-by-
# 18:18:55 HcE Qualcomm on the ball, might turn out into something useful.
# 19:35:28 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:00:13 milkylainen HcE: Don't remember, but interesting article. Hopefully into something with a sane ecosystem, fabbed in in volume etc.

Generated by ibotlog2html by Yann E. MORIN