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# 03:58:10 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 276 seconds
# 18:37:23 smoothdev joins #crosstool-ng
# 18:40:00 smoothdev Hello, thanks for crosstool-ng, it is amazing! I’m trying to sort an issue after several tries. I want to update a vendor arm toolchain, which is currently gcc 3.3.2, glibc 2.2.4, linux 2.6.14
# 18:40:50 smoothdev I was able to make a first attempt for none (not linux) toolchain with latest gcc 13.2, and compile a kernel module of my own, this is already amazing.
# 18:41:40 smoothdev My current issue is trying to make the toolchain for linux, so I can compile standalone programs, and I’m facing main issue with glibc.
# 18:43:43 smoothdev last glibc which supports <= kernel 2.6.14 seems to be 2.16, I had issues with getting the toolchain built for either default one selected by crosstool-ng, or me trying to fix it to 2.2.4
# 18:44:39 smoothdev so with trying glibc 2.16 (from git tag glibc 2.16.90), I’m facing [ERROR] checking sysdep dirs... configure: error: The arm is not supported.
# 18:46:49 smoothdev Also, with glibc 2.2.4, crosstool-ng failed to find extensions nltp and ports, so I think this is currently not supported
# 18:47:12 smoothdev with glibc du jour, it fails due to wanting linux kernel >= 3.2
# 18:49:17 smoothdev so any guidance or things I could try, to get past this would be helpful. I’m not familiar enough to consider updating the image on the hardware, so I think for now, I’m constrained with kernel and glibc as it is set.
# 19:06:23 milkylainen Glibc 2.2.4? wow. Isn't that like 20 years something?
# 19:06:57 milkylainen I don't think you can expect a modern ct-ng to help you with that.
# 19:07:24 milkylainen smoothdev: I'd say your best bet is either doing it manually or using a very old ct-ng release.
# 19:08:40 milkylainen smoothdev: probably need an old env too. If you don't intend to fix all env related issues.
# 19:24:20 milkylainen 22 years ago.
# 19:40:54 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:48:51 smoothdev @milkylainen, I have to start somewhere :) to do it manually, I’m at several tries I did in the past, just to compile something like gcc 3.3.2 or the given glibc, and didn’t succeed, while with crosstool-ng, I actually was able to get a recent compiler that already works for my kernel modules. I’d also like to contribute to crosstool-ng with eventual patches I could add.
# 19:49:20 smoothdev Is there a specific reason to believe an old version of ct-ng would work, if I need to build recent compiler?
# 19:51:09 smoothdev For example, there is one patch I need to do in the 2.6 kernel to accept GCC > 4, could I get any guidance how to do it properly (through patches in contrib)?
# 20:25:48 milkylainen smoothdev: Maybe I misunderstood. What are you targeting with what versions?
# 20:26:28 milkylainen In general, you won't get a new CC to build older code without a lot of headache and fixing.
# 20:33:35 milkylainen older as in 22 years of diff.
# 21:00:45 smoothdev I’m targetting hardware from Artila, called M508 (M501 series), I can already use new compiler, after fixing my kernel headers for the “vermagic” check on GCC version.
# 21:01:58 smoothdev I’d like to be able to build userspace binaries with the recent compiler as it seems to work well for kernel module already, crosstool-ng really seems to make it easy to try the config, but I think I need to look at glibc in particular.
# 21:02:59 smoothdev I also intend to bring support for rust (nothing to do with crosstool-ng, but it also ties into libc support so I can link properly)
# 21:05:19 milkylainen So. An ARMv4t.
# 21:06:24 milkylainen Using a glibc 2.2.4? With kernel something?
# 21:09:21 smoothdev glibc 2.2.4, linux kernel 2.6.14, gcc 3.3.2 is the vendor supplied toolchain
# 21:09:50 smoothdev I’m wondering if crosstool-ng has some form of support where I’d basically point to the sysinclude & libc binaries to make the new gcc?
# 21:12:42 smoothdev I don’t even understand properly what kind of things gcc needs to be able to make a linux-gnueabi distribution in my context, does it need to compile glibc for the machine hosting the compiler first or just needs to generate the binaries matching the target?
# 21:15:02 smoothdev I’m running crosstool-ng on debian 12 aarch64, but I don’t think it matters, I tried in docker (macos host) but it was giving weird errors while unpacking glibc tarball, I figured it works better on vm than docker.
# 21:31:47 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 264 seconds
# 21:35:06 smoothdev I’m trying with glibc 2.23 (last before it switches to 3.2 kernel) and it seems to build, I don’t know what will be the implications for the binaries I’ll compile though, but it is same trade off than when I tried glibc 2.16.
# 21:43:40 zagura The setup sounds quite ancient. Anyway, good luck with building it.
# 21:43:42 zagura :)
# 21:45:13 wilsonjholmes quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 21:45:37 wilsonjholmes joins #crosstool-ng
# 21:46:03 wilsonjholmes quits : Write error: Connection reset by peer
# 21:46:44 wilsonjholmes joins #crosstool-ng
# 22:04:39 smoothdev somehow, the compiler generates binaries that refer to ld-linux.so.3 and not ld-linux.so.2 so it is not working properly, not sure if there is a work around, also my binary has GLIBC2.4 stuff in it (expected since I made the toolchain with glibc 2.16, last before switch to 3.2 kernel)
# 22:34:48 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng

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