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# 11:51:39 wilsonjholmes quits : Ping timeout: 260 seconds
# 11:59:30 wilsonjholmes joins #crosstool-ng
# 13:36:10 kenzu hey guys
# 13:36:15 kenzu hello zagura
# 13:36:47 kenzu guys on #buildroot said to me that its not meant for cross compiling
# 13:37:13 kenzu I keep thiinking that the lib is missing IN the toolchain
# 14:34:37 milkylainen I think you're missunderstanding them or they're misunderstanding you.
# 14:35:49 milkylainen Literally on their first page "Buildroot is a simple, efficient and easy-to-use tool to generate embedded Linux systems through cross-compilation."
# 14:37:03 milkylainen arbitrary libraries are per definition not missing from the cross toolchain.
# 15:04:54 kenzu yes milkylainen
# 15:05:06 kenzu you are right there is a misunderstanding
# 15:05:41 kenzu normally you compile trought a toolchain
# 15:05:45 kenzu in my case
# 15:05:56 kenzu armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
# 15:06:57 kenzu when I try tp cross compile it yells at be that I don't have libglib2
# 15:07:12 kenzu if I compile natively on my arm it works
# 15:07:36 kenzu and for the moment I did a hello.c it worked
# 15:07:49 kenzu now the question is, how to add libs to my toochain ?
# 15:08:33 kenzu (i'm trying to cross-compile BitlBee)
# 15:08:50 kenzu from my desktop for my RPi1
# 15:25:43 kenzu this is what I try  fu  ~  git  bitlbee  ./configure --prefix=/home/fu/cross/bitlbee/ --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --target=armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
# 15:25:46 kenzu BitlBee configure
# 15:25:48 kenzu Cannot find glib2 development libraries, aborting. (Install libglib2-dev?)
# 15:25:50 kenzu wooopsy
# 18:37:34 kenzu anyone around here ?
# 18:37:53 kenzu do not run away seeing my nickname
# 22:04:06 kenzu quits : Ping timeout: 256 seconds
# 22:05:39 kenzu joins #crosstool-ng
# 23:45:19 kenzu quits : Quit: leaving

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