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# 00:48:14 Trel I'm REALLY stuck. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Is there any support option for this that is more persistant?
# 00:50:57 Trel I built a toolchain, set envars, copied sysroot into a staging folder, made it writable, compiled zlib and installed to a destdir of staging, and then tried building libpng. Libpng fails to compile saying it can't find one of its own generated files (which is there).
# 01:00:03 Trel (In the source as it's building)
# 02:16:38 Trel Best I can guess at this point is I'm doing something fundamentally wrong without realizing it. If I start completely fresh and document every command I run until I start getting failures, can someone look at that and help from there?
# 02:17:01 Trel If so I'll get started. I'll even make a dedicated user to make sure no profile issues like paths, etc
# 03:04:35 Trel (I'm going that route both for my sake and for sharing results here.)
# 05:34:11 Trel Yeah, I'm having the same issue each time, libtool is failing on the make for gpgme. Here's what I did start to finish: https://pastebin.com/D3qZ0r2c
# 05:42:23 Trel (it looks like it's trying to read /usr/lib/libgpg-error.la which is only referenced in a generated .la file)
# 18:12:08 Trel Oh one more thing, in the paste there, the block under the diff command is just the output to show what I changed in menuconfig.

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