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# 04:38:06 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 255 seconds
# 07:21:30 realtime-neil_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 07:21:54 realtime-neil quits : Ping timeout: 255 seconds
# 19:35:37 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 19:45:38 bhundven milkylainen: iirc, you were asking previously about security scanning of ct-ng?
# 19:47:16 bhundven I might be wrong, and it could have been someone else.
# 19:48:24 bhundven I've been doing a lot of CI/CD work around security scanning for my work (specifically with GHA).
# 19:54:48 milkylainen bhundven: hmm? Can't say it rings a bell. But I do dabble a lot in those areas. I was hoping CVE fixes would more easily make into ct-ng, esp. glibc. Or targeting the stable branch with the fixes easier.
# 19:56:01 milkylainen We develop our own (now very large) tool to deal with devsecops. It's called MAIA. https://t2data.com/maia-software/
# 19:56:36 milkylainen It's pretty complex. I mostly use it for CVE handling and telling me about software updates to my SBOMs.
# 19:57:08 milkylainen To the SBOM end it got a fork of that part called SBOM-central. https://t2data.com/sbom-central/
# 19:57:22 milkylainen It's the part most people are interested in.
# 19:57:32 milkylainen heh. A whole lotta shameless plugs here. :)
# 19:58:09 milkylainen https://sbomcentral.com/
# 20:00:03 bhundven For work we use Trivy and Twistlock
# 20:00:32 bhundven and lots of fedramp compliance stuff
# 20:01:26 milkylainen Mmm. MAIA is pretty general. I use it from the output of buildroot, yocto, ptxdist etc.
# 20:01:34 milkylainen Embedded mostly.
# 20:02:01 milkylainen But the MAIA people themselves use it otherwise.
# 20:02:09 milkylainen In another way even.
# 20:02:14 milkylainen Oh well.
# 20:04:11 milkylainen I tend to not regenerate the toolchains that often. But atleast on every glibc release. A lot of companies I've worked for are still using toolchains from the dark ages.
# 20:04:31 milkylainen Which is an interesting problem in itself.
# 20:05:02 cpackham The tricky part with glibc is that you can build the run time part for your target separate to what's in the toolchain (that's what we do at $dayjob)
# 20:05:41 cpackham Obviously the versions need to match but it is possible to add stuff that the compiler doesn't need to care about
# 20:05:51 milkylainen I know. But some use it directly from the toolchain. iirc yocto doesn't? Buildroot is optional and ptxdist always does?
# 20:08:30 cpackham I'm going to pass your shameless plugs on to the security folks at $dayjob we're starting to have a bit more of a push on making sure we're not shipping code with known exploits
# 20:09:59 milkylainen I think I'd like a new glibc option. Like "1. Released tarball, version x.y.z" and for GNU "Stable git branch, version x.y.z", then "3, vendor/custom" and "4. custom".
# 20:10:38 milkylainen I think it's already doable by pointing the vendor/custom repository correctly.
# 20:10:58 cpackham Conceptually sounds good.
# 20:11:30 cpackham I'm just not sure we can add the "Stable git branch, version x.y.z" to glibc without adding it as an option to every package
# 20:11:57 cpackham But definitely give it a go
# 20:12:15 milkylainen cpackham: Yeah. I think you came to that conclusion already. But it's still on the santa wishlist.
# 20:12:18 milkylainen :)

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