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# 01:43:03 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 260 seconds
# 17:59:35 milkylainen closing https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/issues/2101
# 17:59:39 milkylainen ?
# 18:20:36 bhundven I closed it with a comment to the PR
# 19:02:31 milkylainen tnx.
# 19:03:20 milkylainen what happened to binutils 2.42 btw?
# 19:04:29 bhundven Not sure.
# 19:06:48 bhundven Oh yea... https://github.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/pull/2095
# 19:08:00 bhundven Still no update on: https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=31320
# 19:09:51 bhundven I guess you'll have to ask cpackham
# 19:13:27 milkylainen should be enough issues on the interwebz regarding this already.
# 19:22:17 bhundven '*should be*'
# 19:26:18 milkylainen What I mean is that the apple os missing uchar.h shouldn't be a new thing right?
# 19:26:40 milkylainen It never had uchar.h to begin with?
# 19:26:42 milkylainen Or?
# 19:41:37 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 20:09:24 milkylainen Maybe I don't understand the issue.
# 20:24:44 bhundven I'm still experimenting with patches
# 20:40:27 milkylainen Does it use the functions beside the definitions in uchar.h?
# 22:18:29 bhundven I'm at work right now, but I'll get back to this later, if cpackham doesn't beat me to it.
# 22:18:49 bhundven cpackham: talking about binutils 2.42 patch issues with uchar.h
# 23:47:20 cpackham bhundven: there seemed to be other issues when the CI build ran with your patch. I haven't investigated them other than the comments I posted on the Pr

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