ibotlog2html for #crosstool-ng

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# 02:58:14 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 03:02:42 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 255 seconds
# 06:02:57 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 07:14:11 HcE cpackham: nice adding GCC 13.3.3, you're faster than me :)
# 07:14:47 HcE I plan to try test it near term, and also mid term run GCC 14 test. But GCC 13.3.0 first, since that is a bugfix compared to GCC 13.2.0.
# 07:45:34 cpackham it popped into my inbox
# 07:50:57 cpackham Starting to think about cutting a new release. Now that we have GCC 14 seems about time
# 08:32:33 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 255 seconds
# 08:35:30 HcE cpackham needs a host that hangs around 24/7 :)
# 09:01:00 Tea_ joins #crosstool-ng
# 09:01:15 Tea quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 09:01:20 milkylainen quits : Ping timeout: 268 seconds
# 09:01:33 milkylainen joins #crosstool-ng
# 09:01:37 Tea_ is now known as: Tea
# 12:19:10 HcE I'm quite interested in getting support for mold linker in crosstool-ng, I have people already asking me about providing that.
# 20:34:07 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng

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