path: root/scripts/
diff options
authorYann E. MORIN" <>2008-08-01 09:23:58 (GMT)
committerYann E. MORIN" <>2008-08-01 09:23:58 (GMT)
commit4eeadf87e2e338544d1311c702d850bfadfb6632 (patch)
treeb1b7d87c0e5dac8e5392969da92f03e8e980bfa2 /scripts/
parent2166fb982fae87c1ce63c3f6445afad844574ed8 (diff)
Rework a little bit of the LAN mirror and proxy settings.
/trunk/scripts/ | 105 4 101 0 +------------------------ /trunk/scripts/functions | 151 129 22 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----- /trunk/config/global/ | 193 99 94 0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------- 3 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 217 deletions(-)
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 101 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index a393d87..2f6660a 100755
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -101,8 +101,10 @@ if [ -n "${CT_RESTART}" -a ! -d "${CT_STATE_DIR}" ]; then
CT_Abort "I will stop here to avoid any carnage"
-# Make all path absolute, it so much easier!
+if [ -n "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}" ]; then
+ # Make absolute path, it so much easier!
# If the local tarball directory does not exist, say so, and don't try to save there!
if [ ! -d "${CT_LOCAL_TARBALLS_DIR}" ]; then
@@ -211,105 +213,6 @@ case "${CT_LOG_TO_FILE}" in
-# Set environment for proxy access
-# This has to be done even if we are restarting, as they don't get
-# saved in the step snapshot.
-case "${CT_PROXY_TYPE}" in
- none) ;;
- http)
- http_proxy="http://"
- case "${CT_PROXY_USER}:${CT_PROXY_PASS}" in
- :) ;;
- :*) http_proxy="${http_proxy}:${CT_PROXY_PASS}@";;
- *:) http_proxy="${http_proxy}${CT_PROXY_USER}@";;
- *:*) http_proxy="${http_proxy}${CT_PROXY_USER}:${CT_PROXY_PASS}@";;
- esac
- export http_proxy="${http_proxy}${CT_PROXY_HOST}:${CT_PROXY_PORT}/"
- export https_proxy="${http_proxy}"
- export ftp_proxy="${http_proxy}"
- CT_DoLog DEBUG "http_proxy='${http_proxy}'"
- ;;
- sockssys)
- # Force not using HTTP proxy
- unset http_proxy ftp_proxy https_proxy
- CT_HasOrAbort tsocks
- . tsocks -on
- ;;
- socks*)
- # Force not using HTTP proxy
- unset http_proxy ftp_proxy https_proxy
- # Remove any lingering config file from any previous run
- rm -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tsocks.conf"
- # Find all interfaces and build locally accessible networks
- server_ip=$(ping -c 1 -W 2 "${CT_PROXY_HOST}" |head -n 1 |sed -r -e 's/^[^\(]+\(([^\)]+)\).*$/\1/;' || true)
- CT_TestOrAbort "SOCKS proxy '${CT_PROXY_HOST}' has no IP." -n "${server_ip}"
- /sbin/ifconfig |awk -v server_ip="${server_ip}" '
- split( server_ip, tmp, "\\." );
- server_ip_num = tmp[1] * 2^24 + tmp[2] * 2^16 + tmp[3] * 2^8 + tmp[4] * 2^0;
- pairs = 0;
- }
- $0 ~ /^[[:space:]]*inet addr:/ {
- split( $2, tmp, ":|\\." );
- if( ( tmp[2] == 127 ) && ( tmp[3] == 0 ) && ( tmp[4] == 0 ) && ( tmp[5] == 1 ) ) {
- /* Skip, it'\''s taken care of by tsocks itself */
- next;
- }
- ip_num = tmp[2] * 2^24 + tmp[3] * 2^16 + tmp[4] * 2 ^8 + tmp[5] * 2^0;
- i = 32;
- do {
- i--;
- mask = 2^32 - 2^i;
- } while( (i!=0) && ( and( server_ip_num, mask ) == and( ip_num, mask ) ) );
- mask = and( 0xFFFFFFFF, lshift( mask, 1 ) );
- if( (i!=0) && (mask!=0) ) {
- masked_ip = and( ip_num, mask );
- for( i=0; i<pairs; i++ ) {
- if( ( masked_ip == ips[i] ) && ( mask == masks[i] ) ) {
- next;
- }
- }
- ips[pairs] = masked_ip;
- masks[pairs] = mask;
- pairs++;
- printf( "local = %d.%d.%d.%d/%d.%d.%d.%d\n",
- and( 0xFF, masked_ip / 2^24 ),
- and( 0xFF, masked_ip / 2^16 ),
- and( 0xFF, masked_ip / 2^8 ),
- and( 0xFF, masked_ip / 2^0 ),
- and( 0xFF, mask / 2^24 ),
- and( 0xFF, mask / 2^16 ),
- and( 0xFF, mask / 2^8 ),
- and( 0xFF, mask / 2^0 ) );
- }
- }
- ' >"${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tsocks.conf"
- ( echo "server = ${server_ip}";
- echo "server_port = ${CT_PROXY_PORT}";
- [ -n "${CT_PROXY_USER}" ] && echo "default_user=${CT_PROXY_USER}";
- [ -n "${CT_PROXY_PASS}" ] && echo "default_pass=${CT_PROXY_PASS}";
- ) >>"${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tsocks.conf"
- case "${CT_PROXY_TYPE/socks}" in
- 4|5) proxy_type="${CT_PROXY_TYPE/socks}";;
- auto)
- reply=$(inspectsocks "${server_ip}" "${CT_PROXY_PORT}" 2>&1 || true)
- case "${reply}" in
- *"server is a version 4 socks server") proxy_type=4;;
- *"server is a version 5 socks server") proxy_type=5;;
- *) CT_Abort "Unable to determine SOCKS proxy type for '${CT_PROXY_HOST}:${CT_PROXY_PORT}'"
- esac
- ;;
- esac
- echo "server_type = ${proxy_type}" >> "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tsocks.conf"
- CT_HasOrAbort tsocks
- # If tsocks was found, then validateconf is present (distributed with tsocks).
- CT_DoExecLog DEBUG validateconf -f "${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tsocks.conf"
- export TSOCKS_CONF_FILE="${CT_BUILD_DIR}/tsocks.conf"
- . tsocks -on
- ;;
# Setting up the rest of the environment only if not restarting
if [ -z "${CT_RESTART}" ]; then
# Determine build system if not set by the user