path: root/bootstrap
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bootstrap')
1 files changed, 668 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/bootstrap b/bootstrap
index ab493dd..f5784cd 100755
--- a/bootstrap
+++ b/bootstrap
@@ -1,10 +1,671 @@
-set -e
-printf "Running autoconf...\n"
-autoconf -Wall --force
+# Common meta-language implementation. Syntax:
+# The template file is processed line by line, with @@VAR@@ placeholders
+# being replaced with a value of the VAR variable.
+# Special lines start with '#!' and a keyword:
+# #!//
+# Comment, the rest of the line is ignored
+# #!if COND
+# Conditional: the lines until the matching #!end-if are processed
+# only if the conditional COND evaluates to true.
+# #!foreach NAME
+# Iterate over NAME entities (the iterator must be set up first
+# using the set_iter function), processing the lines until the matching
+# #!end-foreach line.
+declare -A info
+ if [ -n "${DEBUG}" ]; then
+ echo "DEBUG :: $@" >&2
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${QUIET}" ]; then
+ echo "INFO :: $@" >&2
+ fi
+ echo "WARN :: $@" >&2
+ echo "ERROR :: $@" >&2
+ exit 1
+ local token="${1}"
+ local count=1
+ # Skip first line, we know it has the proper '#!' command on it
+ endline=$[l + 1]
+ while [ "${endline}" -le "${end}" ]; do
+ case "${tlines[${endline}]}" in
+ "#!${token} "*)
+ count=$[count + 1]
+ ;;
+ "#!end-${token}")
+ count=$[count - 1]
+ ;;
+ esac
+ if [ "${count}" = 0 ]; then
+ return
+ fi
+ endline=$[endline + 1]
+ done
+ error "line ${l}: '${token}' token is unpaired"
+ local name="${1}"
+ if [ "${info[iter_${name}]+set}" = "set" ]; then
+ error "Iterator over '${name}' is already set up"
+ fi
+ shift
+ debug "Setting iterator over '${name}' to '$*'"
+ info[iter_${name}]="$*"
+ local cond="${1}"
+ local endline
+ find_end "if"
+ if eval "${cond}"; then
+ debug "True conditional '${cond}' at lines ${l}..${endline}"
+ run_lines $[l + 1] $[endline - 1]
+ else
+ debug "False conditional '${cond}' at lines ${l}..${endline}"
+ fi
+ lnext=$[endline + 1]
+ debug "Continue at line ${lnext}"
+ local var="${1}"
+ local -A saveinfo
+ local v k
+ shift
+ if [ "`type -t enter_${var}`" != "function" ]; then
+ error "No parameter setup routine for iterator over '${var}'"
+ fi
+ for v in ${info[iter_${var}]}; do
+ # This works in bash 4.4, but not in bash 4.3:
+ # local saveinfo=`declare -p info`
+ # ...
+ # eval "${saveinfo}"
+ # Therefore, need to save key-by-key
+ saveinfo=()
+ for k in "${!info[@]}"; do
+ saveinfo["${k}"]=${info["${k}"]}
+ done
+ eval "enter_${var} ${v}"
+ eval "$@"
+ info=()
+ for k in "${!saveinfo[@]}"; do
+ info["${k}"]=${saveinfo["${k}"]}
+ done
+ done
+ local var="${1}"
+ local endline
+ if [ "${info[iter_${var}]+set}" != "set" ]; then
+ error "line ${l}: iterator over '${var}' is not defined"
+ fi
+ find_end "foreach"
+ debug "Loop over '${var}', lines ${l}..${endline}"
+ do_foreach ${var} run_lines $[l + 1] $[endline - 1]
+ lnext=$[endline + 1]
+ debug "Continue at line ${lnext}"
+ local start="${1}"
+ local end="${2}"
+ local l lnext s s1 v
+ debug "Running lines ${start}..${end}"
+ l=${start}
+ while [ "${l}" -le "${end}" ]; do
+ lnext=$[l+1]
+ s="${tlines[${l}]}"
+ # Expand @@foo@@ to ${info[foo]}. First escape variables/backslashes for evals below.
+ s="${s//\\/\\\\}"
+ s="${s//\$/\\\$}"
+ s1=
+ while [ -n "${s}" ]; do
+ case "${s}" in
+ *@@*@@*)
+ v="${s#*@@}"
+ v="${v%%@@*}"
+ if [ "${info[${v}]+set}" != "set" ]; then
+ error "line ${l}: reference to undefined variable '${v}'"
+ fi
+ s1="${s1}${s%%@@*}\${info[${v}]}"
+ s="${s#*@@*@@}"
+ ;;
+ *@@*)
+ error "line ${l}: non-paired @@ markers"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ s1="${s1}${s}"
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ s=${s1}
+ debug "Evaluate: ${s}"
+ case "${s}" in
+ "#!if "*)
+ run_if "${s#* }"
+ ;;
+ "#!foreach "*)
+ run_foreach "${s#* }"
+ ;;
+ "#!//"*)
+ # Comment, do nothing
+ ;;
+ "#!"*)
+ error "line ${l}: unrecognized command"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Not a special command
+ eval "echo \"${s//\"/\\\"}\""
+ ;;
+ esac
+ l=${lnext}
+ done
+ local -a tlines
+ local src="${1}"
+ if [ ! -r "${src}" ]; then
+ error "Template '${src}' not found"
+ fi
+ debug "Running template ${src}"
+ mapfile -O 1 -t tlines < "${src}"
+ run_lines 1 ${#tlines[@]}
+# Convert the argument to a Kconfig-style macro
+ local v="${1}"
+ local p pb pa vx
+ shift
+ # If optional patterns are provided, find the first match
+ # and contract to the matching portion.
+ for p in "$@"; do
+ pb=${p%|*}
+ pa=${p#*|}
+ eval "vx=\${v#${pb}${pa}}"
+ if [ "${v%${pa}${vx}}" != "${v}" ]; then
+ v=${v%${pa}${vx}}
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ v=${v//[^0-9A-Za-z_]/_}
+ echo "${v^^}"
+# Helper for cmp_versions: compare an upstream/debian portion of
+# a version. Returns 0 if equal, otherwise echoes "-1" or "1" and
+# returns 1.
+ local v1="${1}"
+ local v2="${2}"
+ local p1 p2
+ # Compare alternating non-numerical/numerical portions, until
+ # non-equal portion is found or either string is exhausted.
+ while [ -n "${v1}" -a -n "${v2}" ]; do
+ # Find non-numerical portions and compare lexicographically
+ p1="${v1%%[0-9]*}"
+ p2="${v2%%[0-9]*}"
+ v1="${v1#${p1}}"
+ v2="${v2#${p2}}"
+ #debug "lex [${p1}] v [${p2}]"
+ if [ "${p1}" \< "${p2}" ]; then
+ echo "-1"
+ return 1
+ elif [ "${p1}" \> "${p2}" ]; then
+ echo "1"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ #debug "rem [${v1}] v [${v2}]"
+ # Find numerical portions and compare numerically
+ p1="${v1%%[^0-9]*}"
+ p2="${v2%%[^0-9]*}"
+ v1="${v1#${p1}}"
+ v2="${v2#${p2}}"
+ #debug "num [${p1}] v [${p2}]"
+ if [ "${p1:-0}" -lt "${p2:-0}" ]; then
+ echo "-1"
+ return 1
+ elif [ "${p1:-0}" -gt "${p2:-0}" ]; then
+ echo "1"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ #debug "rem [${v1}] v [${v2}]"
+ done
+ if [ -n "${v1}" ]; then
+ echo "1"
+ return 1
+ elif [ -n "${v2}" ]; then
+ echo "-1"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+# Compare two version strings, similar to sort -V. But we don't
+# want to depend on GNU sort availability on the host.
+# See
+# for description of what the version is expected to be.
+# Returns "-1", "0" or "1" if first version is earlier, same or
+# later than the second.
+ local v1="${1}"
+ local v2="${2}"
+ local e1=0 e2=0 u1 u2 d1=0 d2=0
+ # Case-insensitive comparison
+ v1="${v1^^}"
+ v2="${v2^^}"
+ # Find if the versions contain epoch part
+ case "${v1}" in
+ *:*)
+ e1="${v1%%:*}"
+ v1="${v1#*:}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "${v2}" in
+ *:*)
+ e2="${v2%%:*}"
+ v2="${v2#*:}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Compare epochs numerically
+ if [ "${e1}" -lt "${e2}" ]; then
+ echo "-1"
+ return
+ elif [ "${e1}" -gt "${e2}" ]; then
+ echo "1"
+ return
+ fi
+ # Find if the version contains a "debian" part.
+ # v1/v2 will now contain "upstream" part.
+ case "${v1}" in
+ *-*)
+ d1=${v1##*-}
+ v1=${v1%-*}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ case "${v2}" in
+ *-*)
+ d2=${v2##*-}
+ v2=${v2%-*}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ # Compare upstream
+ if equal_versions "${v1}" "${v2}" && equal_versions "${d1}" "${d2}"; then
+ echo "0"
+ fi
+# Sort versions, descending
+ local sorted
+ local remains="$*"
+ local next_remains
+ local v vx found
+ while [ -n "${remains}" ]; do
+ #debug "Sorting [${remains}]"
+ for v in ${remains}; do
+ found=yes
+ next_remains=
+ #debug "Candidate ${v}"
+ for vx in ${remains}; do
+ #debug "${v} vs ${vx} :: `cmp_versions ${v} ${vx}`"
+ case `cmp_versions ${v} ${vx}` in
+ 1)
+ next_remains+=" ${vx}"
+ ;;
+ 0)
+ ;;
+ -1)
+ found=no
+ #debug "Bad: earlier than ${vx}"
+ break
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ "${found}" = "yes" ]; then
+ # $v is less than all other members in next_remains
+ sorted+=" ${v}"
+ remains="${next_remains}"
+ #debug "Good candidate ${v} sorted [${sorted}] remains [${remains}]"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ echo "${sorted}"
+ local l p
+ while read l; do
+ l="${p}${l}"
+ p=
+ case "${l}" in
+ "")
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *\\)
+ p="${l%\\}"
+ continue
+ ;;
+ "#"*)
+ continue
+ ;;
+ *=*)
+ echo "info[${l%%=*}]=${l#*=}"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ error "syntax error in '${1}': '${l}'"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < "${1}"
-printf "Generating kconfig files...\n"
+ read_file "packages/${1}/package.desc"
+ read_file "packages/${1}/${2}/version.desc"
+ local -A info
+ info[preferred]=${1}
+ eval `read_package_desc ${1}`
+ if [ -n "${info[master]}" ]; then
+ pkg_nforks[${info[master]}]=$[pkg_nforks[${info[master]}]+1]
+ pkg_forks[${info[master]}]+=" ${1} "
+ else
+ pkg_preferred[${1}]=${info[preferred]}
+ pkg_nforks[${1}]=$[pkg_nforks[${1}]+1]
+ pkg_forks[${1}]+=" ${1} "
+ pkg_milestones[${1}]=`sort_versions ${info[milestones]}`
+ pkg_relevantpattern[${1}]=${info[relevantpattern]}
+ pkg_masters+=( "${1}" )
+ fi
+ # Keep sorting so that preferred fork is first
+ if [ -n "${pkg_preferred[${1}]}" ]; then
+ pkg_forks[${1}]="${pkg_preferred[${1}]} ${pkg_forks[${1}]##* ${pkg_preferred[${1}]} } ${pkg_forks[${1}]%% ${pkg_preferred[${1}]} *}"
+ fi
+ [ -z "${info[obsolete]}" ] && only_obsolete=
+ [ -z "${info[experimental]}" ] && only_experimental=
+ local fork="${1}"
+ local versions
+ local only_obsolete only_experimental
+ # Set defaults
+ info[obsolete]=
+ info[experimental]=
+ info[repository]=
+ info[repository_branch]=
+ info[repository_cset]=
+ info[repository_subdir]=
+ info[bootstrap]=
+ info[fork]=${fork}
+ info[pkg_name]=${fork}
+ info[pkg_label]=${fork}
+ info[mirrors]=
+ info[archive_filename]='@{pkg_name}-@{version}'
+ info[archive_dirname]='@{pkg_name}-@{version}'
+ eval `read_package_desc ${fork}`
+ info[pfx]=`kconfigize ${fork}`
+ info[originpfx]=`kconfigize ${info[origin]}`
+ if [ -r "packages/${info[origin]}.help" ]; then
+ info[originhelp]=`sed 's/^/ /' "packages/${info[origin]}.help"`
+ else
+ info[originhelp]=" ${info[master]} from ${info[origin]}."
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${info[repository]}" ]; then
+ info[vcs]=${info[repository]%% *}
+ info[repository_url]=${info[repository]#* }
+ fi
+ info[versionlocked]=`kconfigize "${info[versionlocked]}"`
+ versions=`cd packages/${fork} && \
+ for f in */version.desc; do [ -r "${f}" ] && echo "${f%/version.desc}"; done`
+ versions=`sort_versions ${versions}`
+ set_iter version ${versions}
+ info[all_versions]=${versions}
+ # If a fork does not define any versions at all ("rolling release"), do not
+ # consider it obsolete/experimental unless it is so marked in the fork's
+ # description.
+ if [ -n "${versions}" ]; then
+ only_obsolete=yes
+ only_experimental=yes
+ do_foreach version check_obsolete_experimental
+ info[only_obsolete]=${only_obsolete}
+ info[only_experimental]=${only_experimental}
+ else
+ info[only_obsolete]=${info[obsolete]}
+ info[only_experimental]=${info[experimental]}
+ fi
+ local -A ver_postfix=( \
+ [,yes,,]=" (OBSOLETE)" \
+ [,,yes,]=" (EXPERIMENTAL)" \
+ [,yes,yes,]=" (OBSOLETE,EXPERIMENTAL)" )
+ local version="${1}"
+ eval `read_version_desc ${info[fork]} ${version}`
+ info[ver]=${version}
+ info[kcfg]=`kconfigize ${version} ${info[relevantpattern]}`
+ info[ver_postfix]=${ver_postfix[,${info[obsolete]},${info[experimental]},]}
+ local ms="${1}"
+ local cmp
+ info[ms]=${ms}
+ info[ms_kcfg]=`kconfigize ${ms}`
+ if [ -n "${info[ver]}" ]; then
+ info[version_cmp_milestone]=`cmp_versions ${info[ver]} ${info[ms]}`
+ fi
+ local -A pkg_forks pkg_milestones pkg_nforks pkg_relevantpattern
+ local -a pkg_masters pkg_all pkg_preferred
+ pkg_all=( `cd packages && \
+ ls */package.desc 2>/dev/null | \
+ while read f; do [ -r "${f}" ] && echo "${f%/package.desc}"; done | \
+ xargs echo` )
+ debug "Packages: ${pkg_all[@]}"
+ # We need to group forks of the same package into the same
+ # config file. Discover such relationships and only iterate
+ # over "master" packages at the top.
+ for p in "${pkg_all[@]}"; do
+ find_forks "${p}"
+ done
+ msg "Master packages: ${pkg_masters[@]}"
+ # Now for each master, create its kconfig file with version
+ # definitions.
+ for p in "${pkg_masters[@]}"; do
+ msg "Generating '${config_versions_dir}/${p}.in'"
+ exec >"${config_versions_dir}/${p}.in"
+ # Base definitions for the whole config file
+ info=( \
+ [master]=${p} \
+ [masterpfx]=`kconfigize ${p}` \
+ [nforks]=${pkg_nforks[${p}]} \
+ [all_milestones]=${pkg_milestones[${p}]} \
+ [relevantpattern]=${pkg_relevantpattern[${p}]} \
+ )
+ set_iter fork ${pkg_forks[${p}]}
+ set_iter milestone ${pkg_milestones[${p}]}
+ run_template "maintainer/kconfig-versions.template"
+ done
+msg "*** Generating package version descriptions"
+rm -rf "${config_versions_dir}"
+mkdir -p "${config_versions_dir}"
+ local dir="${1}"
+ local f b
+ for f in ${dir}/*.in; do
+ b=${f#${dir}/}
+ echo ${}
+ done
+ local choice="${1}"
+ local l
+ info[choice]="${choice}"
+ info[kcfg_choice]=`kconfigize "${choice}"`
+ # Not local, we need these arrays be set in enter_dependency/enter_help
+ deplines=( )
+ helplines=( )
+ while read l; do
+ case "${l}" in
+ "## help "*)
+ helplines+=( "${l#* help }" )
+ ;;
+ "## depends "*|"## select "*)
+ deplines+=( "${l#* }" )
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done < "config/${info[dir]}/${choice}.in"
+ set_iter dependency "${!deplines[@]}"
+ set_iter help "${!helplines[@]}"
+ info[depline]="${deplines[${1}]}"
+ info[helpline]="${helplines[${1}]}"
+ local type="${1}"
+ local dir="${2}"
+ local label="${3}"
+ msg "Generating ${dir}.in"
+ exec >"${config_gen_dir}/${dir}.in"
+ info=( \
+ [prefix]=`kconfigize ${dir}` \
+ [dir]=${dir} \
+ [label]="${label}" \
+ )
+ set_iter choice `get_components config/${dir}`
+ run_template "maintainer/kconfig-${type}.template"
+msg "*** Generating menu/choice selections"
+rm -rf "${config_gen_dir}"
+mkdir -p "${config_gen_dir}"
+gen_selection choice arch "Target Architecture"
+gen_selection choice kernel "Target OS"
+gen_selection choice cc "Compiler"
+gen_selection choice binutils "Binutils"
+gen_selection choice libc "C library"
+gen_selection menu debug "Debug facilities"
+gen_selection menu comp_tools "Companion tools"
+msg "*** Running autoconf"
+autoconf -Wall --force
-printf "Done. You may now run:\n ./configure\n"
+msg "*** Done!"