22 May 2010 - Titus von Boxberg Prerequisites and instructions for using ct-ng for building a cross toolchain on FreeBSD as host. 0) Tested on FreeBSD 8.0 1) Install (at least) the following ports archivers/lzma textproc/gsed devel/gmake devel/patch shells/bash devel/bison lang/gawk devel/automake110 ftp/wget Of course, you should have /usr/local/bin in your PATH. 2) run ct-ng's configure with the following tool configuration: ./configure --with-sed=/usr/local/bin/gsed --with-make=/usr/local/bin/gmake \ --with-patch=/usr/local/bin/gpatch [...other configure parameters as you like...] 3) proceed as described in general documentation but use gmake instead of make