changeset 3305 7c9145db4314
     1.1 --- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
     1.2 +++ b/kconfig/nconf.c	Fri Feb 21 07:17:33 2014 +0100
     1.3 @@ -0,0 +1,1561 @@
     1.4 +/*
     1.5 + * Copyright (C) 2008 Nir Tzachar <nir.tzachar@gmail.com?
     1.6 + * Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2.0.
     1.7 + *
     1.8 + * Derived from menuconfig.
     1.9 + *
    1.10 + */
    1.11 +#define _GNU_SOURCE
    1.12 +#include <string.h>
    1.13 +#define LKC_DIRECT_LINK
    1.14 +#include "lkc.h"
    1.15 +#include "nconf.h"
    1.16 +#include <ctype.h>
    1.17 +
    1.18 +static const char nconf_readme[] = N_(
    1.19 +"Overview\n"
    1.20 +"--------\n"
    1.21 +"This interface let you select features and parameters for the build.\n"
    1.22 +"Features can either be built-in, modularized, or ignored. Parameters\n"
    1.23 +"must be entered in as decimal or hexadecimal numbers or text.\n"
    1.24 +"\n"
    1.25 +"Menu items beginning with following braces represent features that\n"
    1.26 +"  [ ] can be built in or removed\n"
    1.27 +"  < > can be built in, modularized or removed\n"
    1.28 +"  { } can be built in or modularized (selected by other feature)\n"
    1.29 +"  - - are selected by other feature,\n"
    1.30 +"  XXX cannot be selected. Use Symbol Info to find out why,\n"
    1.31 +"while *, M or whitespace inside braces means to build in, build as\n"
    1.32 +"a module or to exclude the feature respectively.\n"
    1.33 +"\n"
    1.34 +"To change any of these features, highlight it with the cursor\n"
    1.35 +"keys and press <Y> to build it in, <M> to make it a module or\n"
    1.36 +"<N> to removed it.  You may also press the <Space Bar> to cycle\n"
    1.37 +"through the available options (ie. Y->N->M->Y).\n"
    1.38 +"\n"
    1.39 +"Some additional keyboard hints:\n"
    1.40 +"\n"
    1.41 +"Menus\n"
    1.42 +"----------\n"
    1.43 +"o  Use the Up/Down arrow keys (cursor keys) to highlight the item\n"
    1.44 +"   you wish to change use <Enter> or <Space>. Goto submenu by \n"
    1.45 +"   pressing <Enter> of <right-arrow>. Use <Esc> or <left-arrow> to go back.\n"
    1.46 +"   Submenus are designated by \"--->\".\n"
    1.47 +"\n"
    1.48 +"   Searching: pressing '/' triggers interactive search mode.\n"
    1.49 +"              nconfig performs a case insensitive search for the string\n"
    1.50 +"              in the menu prompts (no regex support).\n"
    1.51 +"              Pressing the up/down keys highlights the previous/next\n"
    1.52 +"              matching item. Backspace removes one character from the\n"
    1.53 +"              match string. Pressing either '/' again or ESC exits\n"
    1.54 +"              search mode. All other keys behave normally.\n"
    1.55 +"\n"
    1.56 +"   You may also use the <PAGE UP> and <PAGE DOWN> keys to scroll\n"
    1.57 +"   unseen options into view.\n"
    1.58 +"\n"
    1.59 +"o  To exit a menu use the just press <ESC> <F5> <F8> or <left-arrow>.\n"
    1.60 +"\n"
    1.61 +"o  To get help with an item, press <F1>\n"
    1.62 +"   Shortcut: Press <h> or <?>.\n"
    1.63 +"\n"
    1.64 +"\n"
    1.65 +"Radiolists  (Choice lists)\n"
    1.66 +"-----------\n"
    1.67 +"o  Use the cursor keys to select the option you wish to set and press\n"
    1.68 +"   <S> or the <SPACE BAR>.\n"
    1.69 +"\n"
    1.70 +"   Shortcut: Press the first letter of the option you wish to set then\n"
    1.71 +"             press <S> or <SPACE BAR>.\n"
    1.72 +"\n"
    1.73 +"o  To see available help for the item, press <F1>\n"
    1.74 +"   Shortcut: Press <H> or <?>.\n"
    1.75 +"\n"
    1.76 +"\n"
    1.77 +"Data Entry\n"
    1.78 +"-----------\n"
    1.79 +"o  Enter the requested information and press <ENTER>\n"
    1.80 +"   If you are entering hexadecimal values, it is not necessary to\n"
    1.81 +"   add the '0x' prefix to the entry.\n"
    1.82 +"\n"
    1.83 +"o  For help, press <F1>.\n"
    1.84 +"\n"
    1.85 +"\n"
    1.86 +"Text Box    (Help Window)\n"
    1.87 +"--------\n"
    1.88 +"o  Use the cursor keys to scroll up/down/left/right.  The VI editor\n"
    1.89 +"   keys h,j,k,l function here as do <SPACE BAR> for those\n"
    1.90 +"   who are familiar with less and lynx.\n"
    1.91 +"\n"
    1.92 +"o  Press <Enter>, <F1>, <F5>, <F7> or <Esc> to exit.\n"
    1.93 +"\n"
    1.94 +"\n"
    1.95 +"Alternate Configuration Files\n"
    1.96 +"-----------------------------\n"
    1.97 +"nconfig supports the use of alternate configuration files for\n"
    1.98 +"those who, for various reasons, find it necessary to switch\n"
    1.99 +"between different configurations.\n"
   1.100 +"\n"
   1.101 +"At the end of the main menu you will find two options.  One is\n"
   1.102 +"for saving the current configuration to a file of your choosing.\n"
   1.103 +"The other option is for loading a previously saved alternate\n"
   1.104 +"configuration.\n"
   1.105 +"\n"
   1.106 +"Even if you don't use alternate configuration files, but you\n"
   1.107 +"find during a nconfig session that you have completely messed\n"
   1.108 +"up your settings, you may use the \"Load Alternate...\" option to\n"
   1.109 +"restore your previously saved settings from \".config\" without\n"
   1.110 +"restarting nconfig.\n"
   1.111 +"\n"
   1.112 +"Other information\n"
   1.113 +"-----------------\n"
   1.114 +"If you use nconfig in an XTERM window make sure you have your\n"
   1.115 +"$TERM variable set to point to a xterm definition which supports color.\n"
   1.116 +"Otherwise, nconfig will look rather bad.  nconfig will not\n"
   1.117 +"display correctly in a RXVT window because rxvt displays only one\n"
   1.118 +"intensity of color, bright.\n"
   1.119 +"\n"
   1.120 +"nconfig will display larger menus on screens or xterms which are\n"
   1.121 +"set to display more than the standard 25 row by 80 column geometry.\n"
   1.122 +"In order for this to work, the \"stty size\" command must be able to\n"
   1.123 +"display the screen's current row and column geometry.  I STRONGLY\n"
   1.124 +"RECOMMEND that you make sure you do NOT have the shell variables\n"
   1.125 +"LINES and COLUMNS exported into your environment.  Some distributions\n"
   1.126 +"export those variables via /etc/profile.  Some ncurses programs can\n"
   1.127 +"become confused when those variables (LINES & COLUMNS) don't reflect\n"
   1.128 +"the true screen size.\n"
   1.129 +"\n"
   1.130 +"Optional personality available\n"
   1.131 +"------------------------------\n"
   1.132 +"If you prefer to have all of the options listed in a single menu, rather\n"
   1.133 +"than the default multimenu hierarchy, run the nconfig with NCONFIG_MODE\n"
   1.134 +"environment variable set to single_menu. Example:\n"
   1.135 +"\n"
   1.136 +"make NCONFIG_MODE=single_menu nconfig\n"
   1.137 +"\n"
   1.138 +"<Enter> will then unroll the appropriate category, or enfold it if it\n"
   1.139 +"is already unrolled.\n"
   1.140 +"\n"
   1.141 +"Note that this mode can eventually be a little more CPU expensive\n"
   1.142 +"(especially with a larger number of unrolled categories) than the\n"
   1.143 +"default mode.\n"
   1.144 +"\n"),
   1.145 +menu_no_f_instructions[] = N_(
   1.146 +" You do not have function keys support. Please follow the\n"
   1.147 +" following instructions:\n"
   1.148 +" Arrow keys navigate the menu.\n"
   1.149 +" <Enter> or <right-arrow> selects submenus --->.\n"
   1.150 +" Capital Letters are hotkeys.\n"
   1.151 +" Pressing <Y> includes, <N> excludes, <M> modularizes features.\n"
   1.152 +" Pressing SpaceBar toggles between the above options.\n"
   1.153 +" Press <Esc> or <left-arrow> to go back one menu,\n"
   1.154 +" <?> or <h> for Help, </> for Search.\n"
   1.155 +" <1> is interchangeable with <F1>, <2> with <F2>, etc.\n"
   1.156 +" Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded  <M> module  < > module capable.\n"
   1.157 +" <Esc> always leaves the current window.\n"),
   1.158 +menu_instructions[] = N_(
   1.159 +" Arrow keys navigate the menu.\n"
   1.160 +" <Enter> or <right-arrow> selects submenus --->.\n"
   1.161 +" Capital Letters are hotkeys.\n"
   1.162 +" Pressing <Y> includes, <N> excludes, <M> modularizes features.\n"
   1.163 +" Pressing SpaceBar toggles between the above options\n"
   1.164 +" Press <Esc>, <F5> or <left-arrow> to go back one menu,\n"
   1.165 +" <?>, <F1> or <h> for Help, </> for Search.\n"
   1.166 +" <1> is interchangeable with <F1>, <2> with <F2>, etc.\n"
   1.167 +" Legend: [*] built-in  [ ] excluded  <M> module  < > module capable.\n"
   1.168 +" <Esc> always leaves the current window\n"),
   1.169 +radiolist_instructions[] = N_(
   1.170 +" Use the arrow keys to navigate this window or\n"
   1.171 +" press the hotkey of the item you wish to select\n"
   1.172 +" followed by the <SPACE BAR>.\n"
   1.173 +" Press <?>, <F1> or <h> for additional information about this option.\n"),
   1.174 +inputbox_instructions_int[] = N_(
   1.175 +"Please enter a decimal value.\n"
   1.176 +"Fractions will not be accepted.\n"
   1.177 +"Press <RETURN> to accept, <ESC> to cancel."),
   1.178 +inputbox_instructions_hex[] = N_(
   1.179 +"Please enter a hexadecimal value.\n"
   1.180 +"Press <RETURN> to accept, <ESC> to cancel."),
   1.181 +inputbox_instructions_string[] = N_(
   1.182 +"Please enter a string value.\n"
   1.183 +"Press <RETURN> to accept, <ESC> to cancel."),
   1.184 +setmod_text[] = N_(
   1.185 +"This feature depends on another which\n"
   1.186 +"has been configured as a module.\n"
   1.187 +"As a result, this feature will be built as a module."),
   1.188 +nohelp_text[] = N_(
   1.189 +"There is no help available for this option.\n"),
   1.190 +load_config_text[] = N_(
   1.191 +"Enter the name of the configuration file you wish to load.\n"
   1.192 +"Accept the name shown to restore the configuration you\n"
   1.193 +"last retrieved.  Leave blank to abort."),
   1.194 +load_config_help[] = N_(
   1.195 +"\n"
   1.196 +"For various reasons, one may wish to keep several different\n"
   1.197 +"configurations available on a single machine.\n"
   1.198 +"\n"
   1.199 +"If you have saved a previous configuration in a file other than the\n"
   1.200 +"default one, entering its name here will allow you to modify that\n"
   1.201 +"configuration.\n"
   1.202 +"\n"
   1.203 +"If you are uncertain, then you have probably never used alternate\n"
   1.204 +"configuration files.  You should therefor leave this blank to abort.\n"),
   1.205 +save_config_text[] = N_(
   1.206 +"Enter a filename to which this configuration should be saved\n"
   1.207 +"as an alternate.  Leave blank to abort."),
   1.208 +save_config_help[] = N_(
   1.209 +"\n"
   1.210 +"For various reasons, one may wish to keep different configurations\n"
   1.211 +"available on a single machine.\n"
   1.212 +"\n"
   1.213 +"Entering a file name here will allow you to later retrieve, modify\n"
   1.214 +"and use the current configuration as an alternate to whatever\n"
   1.215 +"configuration options you have selected at that time.\n"
   1.216 +"\n"
   1.217 +"If you are uncertain what all this means then you should probably\n"
   1.218 +"leave this blank.\n"),
   1.219 +search_help[] = N_(
   1.220 +"\n"
   1.221 +"Search for symbols and display their relations. Regular expressions\n"
   1.222 +"are allowed.\n"
   1.223 +"Example: search for \"^FOO\"\n"
   1.224 +"Result:\n"
   1.225 +"-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
   1.226 +"Symbol: FOO [ = m]\n"
   1.227 +"Prompt: Foo bus is used to drive the bar HW\n"
   1.228 +"Defined at drivers/pci/Kconfig:47\n"
   1.229 +"Depends on: X86_LOCAL_APIC && X86_IO_APIC || IA64\n"
   1.230 +"Location:\n"
   1.231 +"  -> Bus options (PCI, PCMCIA, EISA, MCA, ISA)\n"
   1.232 +"    -> PCI support (PCI [ = y])\n"
   1.233 +"      -> PCI access mode (<choice> [ = y])\n"
   1.234 +"Selects: LIBCRC32\n"
   1.235 +"Selected by: BAR\n"
   1.236 +"-----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
   1.237 +"o The line 'Prompt:' shows the text used in the menu structure for\n"
   1.238 +"  this symbol\n"
   1.239 +"o The 'Defined at' line tell at what file / line number the symbol\n"
   1.240 +"  is defined\n"
   1.241 +"o The 'Depends on:' line tell what symbols needs to be defined for\n"
   1.242 +"  this symbol to be visible in the menu (selectable)\n"
   1.243 +"o The 'Location:' lines tell where in the menu structure this symbol\n"
   1.244 +"  is located\n"
   1.245 +"    A location followed by a [ = y] indicate that this is a selectable\n"
   1.246 +"    menu item - and current value is displayed inside brackets.\n"
   1.247 +"o The 'Selects:' line tell what symbol will be automatically\n"
   1.248 +"  selected if this symbol is selected (y or m)\n"
   1.249 +"o The 'Selected by' line tell what symbol has selected this symbol\n"
   1.250 +"\n"
   1.251 +"Only relevant lines are shown.\n"
   1.252 +"\n\n"
   1.253 +"Search examples:\n"
   1.254 +"Examples: USB  => find all symbols containing USB\n"
   1.255 +"          ^USB => find all symbols starting with USB\n"
   1.256 +"          USB$ => find all symbols ending with USB\n"
   1.257 +"\n");
   1.258 +
   1.259 +struct mitem {
   1.260 +	char str[256];
   1.261 +	char tag;
   1.262 +	void *usrptr;
   1.263 +	int is_visible;
   1.264 +};
   1.265 +
   1.266 +#define MAX_MENU_ITEMS 4096
   1.267 +static int show_all_items;
   1.268 +static int indent;
   1.269 +static struct menu *current_menu;
   1.270 +static int child_count;
   1.271 +static int single_menu_mode;
   1.272 +/* the window in which all information appears */
   1.273 +static WINDOW *main_window;
   1.274 +/* the largest size of the menu window */
   1.275 +static int mwin_max_lines;
   1.276 +static int mwin_max_cols;
   1.277 +/* the window in which we show option buttons */
   1.278 +static MENU *curses_menu;
   1.279 +static ITEM *curses_menu_items[MAX_MENU_ITEMS];
   1.280 +static struct mitem k_menu_items[MAX_MENU_ITEMS];
   1.281 +static int items_num;
   1.282 +static int global_exit;
   1.283 +/* the currently selected button */
   1.284 +const char *current_instructions = menu_instructions;
   1.285 +
   1.286 +static void conf(struct menu *menu);
   1.287 +static void conf_choice(struct menu *menu);
   1.288 +static void conf_string(struct menu *menu);
   1.289 +static void conf_load(void);
   1.290 +static void conf_save(void);
   1.291 +static void show_help(struct menu *menu);
   1.292 +static int do_exit(void);
   1.293 +static void setup_windows(void);
   1.294 +static void search_conf(void);
   1.295 +
   1.296 +typedef void (*function_key_handler_t)(int *key, struct menu *menu);
   1.297 +static void handle_f1(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.298 +static void handle_f2(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.299 +static void handle_f3(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.300 +static void handle_f4(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.301 +static void handle_f5(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.302 +static void handle_f6(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.303 +static void handle_f7(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.304 +static void handle_f8(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.305 +static void handle_f9(int *key, struct menu *current_item);
   1.306 +
   1.307 +struct function_keys {
   1.308 +	const char *key_str;
   1.309 +	const char *func;
   1.310 +	function_key key;
   1.311 +	function_key_handler_t handler;
   1.312 +};
   1.313 +
   1.314 +static const int function_keys_num = 9;
   1.315 +struct function_keys function_keys[] = {
   1.316 +	{
   1.317 +		.key_str = "F1",
   1.318 +		.func = "Help",
   1.319 +		.key = F_HELP,
   1.320 +		.handler = handle_f1,
   1.321 +	},
   1.322 +	{
   1.323 +		.key_str = "F2",
   1.324 +		.func = "Sym Info",
   1.325 +		.key = F_SYMBOL,
   1.326 +		.handler = handle_f2,
   1.327 +	},
   1.328 +	{
   1.329 +		.key_str = "F3",
   1.330 +		.func = "Insts",
   1.331 +		.key = F_INSTS,
   1.332 +		.handler = handle_f3,
   1.333 +	},
   1.334 +	{
   1.335 +		.key_str = "F4",
   1.336 +		.func = "Config",
   1.337 +		.key = F_CONF,
   1.338 +		.handler = handle_f4,
   1.339 +	},
   1.340 +	{
   1.341 +		.key_str = "F5",
   1.342 +		.func = "Back",
   1.343 +		.key = F_BACK,
   1.344 +		.handler = handle_f5,
   1.345 +	},
   1.346 +	{
   1.347 +		.key_str = "F6",
   1.348 +		.func = "Save",
   1.349 +		.key = F_SAVE,
   1.350 +		.handler = handle_f6,
   1.351 +	},
   1.352 +	{
   1.353 +		.key_str = "F7",
   1.354 +		.func = "Load",
   1.355 +		.key = F_LOAD,
   1.356 +		.handler = handle_f7,
   1.357 +	},
   1.358 +	{
   1.359 +		.key_str = "F8",
   1.360 +		.func = "Sym Search",
   1.361 +		.key = F_SEARCH,
   1.362 +		.handler = handle_f8,
   1.363 +	},
   1.364 +	{
   1.365 +		.key_str = "F9",
   1.366 +		.func = "Exit",
   1.367 +		.key = F_EXIT,
   1.368 +		.handler = handle_f9,
   1.369 +	},
   1.370 +};
   1.371 +
   1.372 +static void print_function_line(void)
   1.373 +{
   1.374 +	int i;
   1.375 +	int offset = 1;
   1.376 +	const int skip = 1;
   1.377 +
   1.378 +	for (i = 0; i < function_keys_num; i++) {
   1.379 +		(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[FUNCTION_HIGHLIGHT]);
   1.380 +		mvwprintw(main_window, LINES-3, offset,
   1.381 +				"%s",
   1.382 +				function_keys[i].key_str);
   1.383 +		(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[FUNCTION_TEXT]);
   1.384 +		offset += strlen(function_keys[i].key_str);
   1.385 +		mvwprintw(main_window, LINES-3,
   1.386 +				offset, "%s",
   1.387 +				function_keys[i].func);
   1.388 +		offset += strlen(function_keys[i].func) + skip;
   1.389 +	}
   1.390 +	(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[NORMAL]);
   1.391 +}
   1.392 +
   1.393 +/* help */
   1.394 +static void handle_f1(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.395 +{
   1.396 +	show_scroll_win(main_window,
   1.397 +			_("README"), _(nconf_readme));
   1.398 +	return;
   1.399 +}
   1.400 +
   1.401 +/* symbole help */
   1.402 +static void handle_f2(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.403 +{
   1.404 +	show_help(current_item);
   1.405 +	return;
   1.406 +}
   1.407 +
   1.408 +/* instructions */
   1.409 +static void handle_f3(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.410 +{
   1.411 +	show_scroll_win(main_window,
   1.412 +			_("Instructions"),
   1.413 +			_(current_instructions));
   1.414 +	return;
   1.415 +}
   1.416 +
   1.417 +/* config */
   1.418 +static void handle_f4(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.419 +{
   1.420 +	int res = btn_dialog(main_window,
   1.421 +			_("Show all symbols?"),
   1.422 +			2,
   1.423 +			"   <Show All>   ",
   1.424 +			"<Don't show all>");
   1.425 +	if (res == 0)
   1.426 +		show_all_items = 1;
   1.427 +	else if (res == 1)
   1.428 +		show_all_items = 0;
   1.429 +
   1.430 +	return;
   1.431 +}
   1.432 +
   1.433 +/* back */
   1.434 +static void handle_f5(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.435 +{
   1.436 +	*key = KEY_LEFT;
   1.437 +	return;
   1.438 +}
   1.439 +
   1.440 +/* save */
   1.441 +static void handle_f6(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.442 +{
   1.443 +	conf_save();
   1.444 +	return;
   1.445 +}
   1.446 +
   1.447 +/* load */
   1.448 +static void handle_f7(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.449 +{
   1.450 +	conf_load();
   1.451 +	return;
   1.452 +}
   1.453 +
   1.454 +/* search */
   1.455 +static void handle_f8(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.456 +{
   1.457 +	search_conf();
   1.458 +	return;
   1.459 +}
   1.460 +
   1.461 +/* exit */
   1.462 +static void handle_f9(int *key, struct menu *current_item)
   1.463 +{
   1.464 +	do_exit();
   1.465 +	return;
   1.466 +}
   1.467 +
   1.468 +/* return != 0 to indicate the key was handles */
   1.469 +static int process_special_keys(int *key, struct menu *menu)
   1.470 +{
   1.471 +	int i;
   1.472 +
   1.473 +	if (*key == KEY_RESIZE) {
   1.474 +		setup_windows();
   1.475 +		return 1;
   1.476 +	}
   1.477 +
   1.478 +	for (i = 0; i < function_keys_num; i++) {
   1.479 +		if (*key == KEY_F(function_keys[i].key) ||
   1.480 +		    *key == '0' + function_keys[i].key){
   1.481 +			function_keys[i].handler(key, menu);
   1.482 +			return 1;
   1.483 +		}
   1.484 +	}
   1.485 +
   1.486 +	return 0;
   1.487 +}
   1.488 +
   1.489 +static void clean_items(void)
   1.490 +{
   1.491 +	int i;
   1.492 +	for (i = 0; curses_menu_items[i]; i++)
   1.493 +		free_item(curses_menu_items[i]);
   1.494 +	bzero(curses_menu_items, sizeof(curses_menu_items));
   1.495 +	bzero(k_menu_items, sizeof(k_menu_items));
   1.496 +	items_num = 0;
   1.497 +}
   1.498 +
   1.501 +
   1.502 +/* return the index of the matched item, or -1 if no such item exists */
   1.503 +static int get_mext_match(const char *match_str, match_f flag)
   1.504 +{
   1.505 +	int match_start = item_index(current_item(curses_menu));
   1.506 +	int index;
   1.507 +
   1.508 +	if (flag == FIND_NEXT_MATCH_DOWN)
   1.509 +		++match_start;
   1.510 +	else if (flag == FIND_NEXT_MATCH_UP)
   1.511 +		--match_start;
   1.512 +
   1.513 +	index = match_start;
   1.514 +	index = (index + items_num) % items_num;
   1.515 +	while (true) {
   1.516 +		char *str = k_menu_items[index].str;
   1.517 +		if (strcasestr(str, match_str) != 0)
   1.518 +			return index;
   1.519 +		if (flag == FIND_NEXT_MATCH_UP ||
   1.520 +		    flag == MATCH_TINKER_PATTERN_UP)
   1.521 +			--index;
   1.522 +		else
   1.523 +			++index;
   1.524 +		index = (index + items_num) % items_num;
   1.525 +		if (index == match_start)
   1.526 +			return -1;
   1.527 +	}
   1.528 +}
   1.529 +
   1.530 +/* Make a new item. */
   1.531 +static void item_make(struct menu *menu, char tag, const char *fmt, ...)
   1.532 +{
   1.533 +	va_list ap;
   1.534 +
   1.535 +	if (items_num > MAX_MENU_ITEMS-1)
   1.536 +		return;
   1.537 +
   1.538 +	bzero(&k_menu_items[items_num], sizeof(k_menu_items[0]));
   1.539 +	k_menu_items[items_num].tag = tag;
   1.540 +	k_menu_items[items_num].usrptr = menu;
   1.541 +	if (menu != NULL)
   1.542 +		k_menu_items[items_num].is_visible =
   1.543 +			menu_is_visible(menu);
   1.544 +	else
   1.545 +		k_menu_items[items_num].is_visible = 1;
   1.546 +
   1.547 +	va_start(ap, fmt);
   1.548 +	vsnprintf(k_menu_items[items_num].str,
   1.549 +		  sizeof(k_menu_items[items_num].str),
   1.550 +		  fmt, ap);
   1.551 +	va_end(ap);
   1.552 +
   1.553 +	if (!k_menu_items[items_num].is_visible)
   1.554 +		memcpy(k_menu_items[items_num].str, "XXX", 3);
   1.555 +
   1.556 +	curses_menu_items[items_num] = new_item(
   1.557 +			k_menu_items[items_num].str,
   1.558 +			k_menu_items[items_num].str);
   1.559 +	set_item_userptr(curses_menu_items[items_num],
   1.560 +			&k_menu_items[items_num]);
   1.561 +	/*
   1.562 +	if (!k_menu_items[items_num].is_visible)
   1.563 +		item_opts_off(curses_menu_items[items_num], O_SELECTABLE);
   1.564 +	*/
   1.565 +
   1.566 +	items_num++;
   1.567 +	curses_menu_items[items_num] = NULL;
   1.568 +}
   1.569 +
   1.570 +/* very hackish. adds a string to the last item added */
   1.571 +static void item_add_str(const char *fmt, ...)
   1.572 +{
   1.573 +	va_list ap;
   1.574 +	int index = items_num-1;
   1.575 +	char new_str[256];
   1.576 +	char tmp_str[256];
   1.577 +
   1.578 +	if (index < 0)
   1.579 +		return;
   1.580 +
   1.581 +	va_start(ap, fmt);
   1.582 +	vsnprintf(new_str, sizeof(new_str), fmt, ap);
   1.583 +	va_end(ap);
   1.584 +	snprintf(tmp_str, sizeof(tmp_str), "%s%s",
   1.585 +			k_menu_items[index].str, new_str);
   1.586 +	strncpy(k_menu_items[index].str,
   1.587 +		tmp_str,
   1.588 +		sizeof(k_menu_items[index].str));
   1.589 +
   1.590 +	free_item(curses_menu_items[index]);
   1.591 +	curses_menu_items[index] = new_item(
   1.592 +			k_menu_items[index].str,
   1.593 +			k_menu_items[index].str);
   1.594 +	set_item_userptr(curses_menu_items[index],
   1.595 +			&k_menu_items[index]);
   1.596 +}
   1.597 +
   1.598 +/* get the tag of the currently selected item */
   1.599 +static char item_tag(void)
   1.600 +{
   1.601 +	ITEM *cur;
   1.602 +	struct mitem *mcur;
   1.603 +
   1.604 +	cur = current_item(curses_menu);
   1.605 +	if (cur == NULL)
   1.606 +		return 0;
   1.607 +	mcur = (struct mitem *) item_userptr(cur);
   1.608 +	return mcur->tag;
   1.609 +}
   1.610 +
   1.611 +static int curses_item_index(void)
   1.612 +{
   1.613 +	return  item_index(current_item(curses_menu));
   1.614 +}
   1.615 +
   1.616 +static void *item_data(void)
   1.617 +{
   1.618 +	ITEM *cur;
   1.619 +	struct mitem *mcur;
   1.620 +
   1.621 +	cur = current_item(curses_menu);
   1.622 +	if (!cur)
   1.623 +		return NULL;
   1.624 +	mcur = (struct mitem *) item_userptr(cur);
   1.625 +	return mcur->usrptr;
   1.626 +
   1.627 +}
   1.628 +
   1.629 +static int item_is_tag(char tag)
   1.630 +{
   1.631 +	return item_tag() == tag;
   1.632 +}
   1.633 +
   1.634 +static char filename[PATH_MAX+1];
   1.635 +static char menu_backtitle[PATH_MAX+128];
   1.636 +static const char *set_config_filename(const char *config_filename)
   1.637 +{
   1.638 +	int size;
   1.639 +
   1.640 +	size = snprintf(menu_backtitle, sizeof(menu_backtitle),
   1.641 +			"%s - %s", config_filename, rootmenu.prompt->text);
   1.642 +	if (size >= sizeof(menu_backtitle))
   1.643 +		menu_backtitle[sizeof(menu_backtitle)-1] = '\0';
   1.644 +
   1.645 +	size = snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s", config_filename);
   1.646 +	if (size >= sizeof(filename))
   1.647 +		filename[sizeof(filename)-1] = '\0';
   1.648 +	return menu_backtitle;
   1.649 +}
   1.650 +
   1.651 +/* return = 0 means we are successful.
   1.652 + * -1 means go on doing what you were doing
   1.653 + */
   1.654 +static int do_exit(void)
   1.655 +{
   1.656 +	int res;
   1.657 +	if (!conf_get_changed()) {
   1.658 +		global_exit = 1;
   1.659 +		return 0;
   1.660 +	}
   1.661 +	res = btn_dialog(main_window,
   1.662 +			_("Do you wish to save your new configuration?\n"
   1.663 +				"<ESC> to cancel and resume nconfig."),
   1.664 +			2,
   1.665 +			"   <save>   ",
   1.666 +			"<don't save>");
   1.667 +	if (res == KEY_EXIT) {
   1.668 +		global_exit = 0;
   1.669 +		return -1;
   1.670 +	}
   1.671 +
   1.672 +	/* if we got here, the user really wants to exit */
   1.673 +	switch (res) {
   1.674 +	case 0:
   1.675 +		res = conf_write(filename);
   1.676 +		if (res)
   1.677 +			btn_dialog(
   1.678 +				main_window,
   1.679 +				_("Error during writing of configuration.\n"
   1.680 +				  "Your configuration changes were NOT saved."),
   1.681 +				  1,
   1.682 +				  "<OK>");
   1.683 +		break;
   1.684 +	default:
   1.685 +		btn_dialog(
   1.686 +			main_window,
   1.687 +			_("Your configuration changes were NOT saved."),
   1.688 +			1,
   1.689 +			"<OK>");
   1.690 +		break;
   1.691 +	}
   1.692 +	global_exit = 1;
   1.693 +	return 0;
   1.694 +}
   1.695 +
   1.696 +
   1.697 +static void search_conf(void)
   1.698 +{
   1.699 +	struct symbol **sym_arr;
   1.700 +	struct gstr res;
   1.701 +	char dialog_input_result[100];
   1.702 +	char *dialog_input;
   1.703 +	int dres;
   1.704 +again:
   1.705 +	dres = dialog_inputbox(main_window,
   1.706 +			_("Search Configuration Parameter"),
   1.707 +			_("Enter " CONFIG_ " (sub)string to search for "
   1.708 +				"(with or without \"" CONFIG_ "\")"),
   1.709 +			"", dialog_input_result, 99);
   1.710 +	switch (dres) {
   1.711 +	case 0:
   1.712 +		break;
   1.713 +	case 1:
   1.714 +		show_scroll_win(main_window,
   1.715 +				_("Search Configuration"), search_help);
   1.716 +		goto again;
   1.717 +	default:
   1.718 +		return;
   1.719 +	}
   1.720 +
   1.721 +	/* strip the prefix if necessary */
   1.722 +	dialog_input = dialog_input_result;
   1.723 +	if (strncasecmp(dialog_input_result, CONFIG_, strlen(CONFIG_)) == 0)
   1.724 +		dialog_input += strlen(CONFIG_);
   1.725 +
   1.726 +	sym_arr = sym_re_search(dialog_input);
   1.727 +	res = get_relations_str(sym_arr);
   1.728 +	free(sym_arr);
   1.729 +	show_scroll_win(main_window,
   1.730 +			_("Search Results"), str_get(&res));
   1.731 +	str_free(&res);
   1.732 +}
   1.733 +
   1.734 +
   1.735 +static void build_conf(struct menu *menu)
   1.736 +{
   1.737 +	struct symbol *sym;
   1.738 +	struct property *prop;
   1.739 +	struct menu *child;
   1.740 +	int type, tmp, doint = 2;
   1.741 +	tristate val;
   1.742 +	char ch;
   1.743 +
   1.744 +	if (!menu || (!show_all_items && !menu_is_visible(menu)))
   1.745 +		return;
   1.746 +
   1.747 +	sym = menu->sym;
   1.748 +	prop = menu->prompt;
   1.749 +	if (!sym) {
   1.750 +		if (prop && menu != current_menu) {
   1.751 +			const char *prompt = menu_get_prompt(menu);
   1.752 +			enum prop_type ptype;
   1.753 +			ptype = menu->prompt ? menu->prompt->type : P_UNKNOWN;
   1.754 +			switch (ptype) {
   1.755 +			case P_MENU:
   1.756 +				child_count++;
   1.757 +				prompt = _(prompt);
   1.758 +				if (single_menu_mode) {
   1.759 +					item_make(menu, 'm',
   1.760 +						"%s%*c%s",
   1.761 +						menu->data ? "-->" : "++>",
   1.762 +						indent + 1, ' ', prompt);
   1.763 +				} else
   1.764 +					item_make(menu, 'm',
   1.765 +						"   %*c%s  --->",
   1.766 +						indent + 1,
   1.767 +						' ', prompt);
   1.768 +
   1.769 +				if (single_menu_mode && menu->data)
   1.770 +					goto conf_childs;
   1.771 +				return;
   1.772 +			case P_COMMENT:
   1.773 +				if (prompt) {
   1.774 +					child_count++;
   1.775 +					item_make(menu, ':',
   1.776 +						"   %*c*** %s ***",
   1.777 +						indent + 1, ' ',
   1.778 +						_(prompt));
   1.779 +				}
   1.780 +				break;
   1.781 +			default:
   1.782 +				if (prompt) {
   1.783 +					child_count++;
   1.784 +					item_make(menu, ':', "---%*c%s",
   1.785 +						indent + 1, ' ',
   1.786 +						_(prompt));
   1.787 +				}
   1.788 +			}
   1.789 +		} else
   1.790 +			doint = 0;
   1.791 +		goto conf_childs;
   1.792 +	}
   1.793 +
   1.794 +	type = sym_get_type(sym);
   1.795 +	if (sym_is_choice(sym)) {
   1.796 +		struct symbol *def_sym = sym_get_choice_value(sym);
   1.797 +		struct menu *def_menu = NULL;
   1.798 +
   1.799 +		child_count++;
   1.800 +		for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) {
   1.801 +			if (menu_is_visible(child) && child->sym == def_sym)
   1.802 +				def_menu = child;
   1.803 +		}
   1.804 +
   1.805 +		val = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
   1.806 +		if (sym_is_changable(sym)) {
   1.807 +			switch (type) {
   1.808 +			case S_BOOLEAN:
   1.809 +				item_make(menu, 't', "[%c]",
   1.810 +						val == no ? ' ' : '*');
   1.811 +				break;
   1.812 +			case S_TRISTATE:
   1.813 +				switch (val) {
   1.814 +				case yes:
   1.815 +					ch = '*';
   1.816 +					break;
   1.817 +				case mod:
   1.818 +					ch = 'M';
   1.819 +					break;
   1.820 +				default:
   1.821 +					ch = ' ';
   1.822 +					break;
   1.823 +				}
   1.824 +				item_make(menu, 't', "<%c>", ch);
   1.825 +				break;
   1.826 +			}
   1.827 +		} else {
   1.828 +			item_make(menu, def_menu ? 't' : ':', "   ");
   1.829 +		}
   1.830 +
   1.831 +		item_add_str("%*c%s", indent + 1,
   1.832 +				' ', _(menu_get_prompt(menu)));
   1.833 +		if (val == yes) {
   1.834 +			if (def_menu) {
   1.835 +				item_add_str(" (%s)",
   1.836 +					_(menu_get_prompt(def_menu)));
   1.837 +				item_add_str("  --->");
   1.838 +				if (def_menu->list) {
   1.839 +					indent += 2;
   1.840 +					build_conf(def_menu);
   1.841 +					indent -= 2;
   1.842 +				}
   1.843 +			}
   1.844 +			return;
   1.845 +		}
   1.846 +	} else {
   1.847 +		if (menu == current_menu) {
   1.848 +			item_make(menu, ':',
   1.849 +				"---%*c%s", indent + 1,
   1.850 +				' ', _(menu_get_prompt(menu)));
   1.851 +			goto conf_childs;
   1.852 +		}
   1.853 +		child_count++;
   1.854 +		val = sym_get_tristate_value(sym);
   1.855 +		if (sym_is_choice_value(sym) && val == yes) {
   1.856 +			item_make(menu, ':', "   ");
   1.857 +		} else {
   1.858 +			switch (type) {
   1.859 +			case S_BOOLEAN:
   1.860 +				if (sym_is_changable(sym))
   1.861 +					item_make(menu, 't', "[%c]",
   1.862 +						val == no ? ' ' : '*');
   1.863 +				else
   1.864 +					item_make(menu, 't', "-%c-",
   1.865 +						val == no ? ' ' : '*');
   1.866 +				break;
   1.867 +			case S_TRISTATE:
   1.868 +				switch (val) {
   1.869 +				case yes:
   1.870 +					ch = '*';
   1.871 +					break;
   1.872 +				case mod:
   1.873 +					ch = 'M';
   1.874 +					break;
   1.875 +				default:
   1.876 +					ch = ' ';
   1.877 +					break;
   1.878 +				}
   1.879 +				if (sym_is_changable(sym)) {
   1.880 +					if (sym->rev_dep.tri == mod)
   1.881 +						item_make(menu,
   1.882 +							't', "{%c}", ch);
   1.883 +					else
   1.884 +						item_make(menu,
   1.885 +							't', "<%c>", ch);
   1.886 +				} else
   1.887 +					item_make(menu, 't', "-%c-", ch);
   1.888 +				break;
   1.889 +			default:
   1.890 +				tmp = 2 + strlen(sym_get_string_value(sym));
   1.891 +				item_make(menu, 's', "    (%s)",
   1.892 +						sym_get_string_value(sym));
   1.893 +				tmp = indent - tmp + 4;
   1.894 +				if (tmp < 0)
   1.895 +					tmp = 0;
   1.896 +				item_add_str("%*c%s%s", tmp, ' ',
   1.897 +						_(menu_get_prompt(menu)),
   1.898 +						(sym_has_value(sym) ||
   1.899 +						 !sym_is_changable(sym)) ? "" :
   1.900 +						_(" (NEW)"));
   1.901 +				goto conf_childs;
   1.902 +			}
   1.903 +		}
   1.904 +		item_add_str("%*c%s%s", indent + 1, ' ',
   1.905 +				_(menu_get_prompt(menu)),
   1.906 +				(sym_has_value(sym) || !sym_is_changable(sym)) ?
   1.907 +				"" : _(" (NEW)"));
   1.908 +		if (menu->prompt && menu->prompt->type == P_MENU) {
   1.909 +			item_add_str("  --->");
   1.910 +			return;
   1.911 +		}
   1.912 +	}
   1.913 +
   1.914 +conf_childs:
   1.915 +	indent += doint;
   1.916 +	for (child = menu->list; child; child = child->next)
   1.917 +		build_conf(child);
   1.918 +	indent -= doint;
   1.919 +}
   1.920 +
   1.921 +static void reset_menu(void)
   1.922 +{
   1.923 +	unpost_menu(curses_menu);
   1.924 +	clean_items();
   1.925 +}
   1.926 +
   1.927 +/* adjust the menu to show this item.
   1.928 + * prefer not to scroll the menu if possible*/
   1.929 +static void center_item(int selected_index, int *last_top_row)
   1.930 +{
   1.931 +	int toprow;
   1.932 +
   1.933 +	set_top_row(curses_menu, *last_top_row);
   1.934 +	toprow = top_row(curses_menu);
   1.935 +	if (selected_index < toprow ||
   1.936 +	    selected_index >= toprow+mwin_max_lines) {
   1.937 +		toprow = max(selected_index-mwin_max_lines/2, 0);
   1.938 +		if (toprow >= item_count(curses_menu)-mwin_max_lines)
   1.939 +			toprow = item_count(curses_menu)-mwin_max_lines;
   1.940 +		set_top_row(curses_menu, toprow);
   1.941 +	}
   1.942 +	set_current_item(curses_menu,
   1.943 +			curses_menu_items[selected_index]);
   1.944 +	*last_top_row = toprow;
   1.945 +	post_menu(curses_menu);
   1.946 +	refresh_all_windows(main_window);
   1.947 +}
   1.948 +
   1.949 +/* this function assumes reset_menu has been called before */
   1.950 +static void show_menu(const char *prompt, const char *instructions,
   1.951 +		int selected_index, int *last_top_row)
   1.952 +{
   1.953 +	int maxx, maxy;
   1.954 +	WINDOW *menu_window;
   1.955 +
   1.956 +	current_instructions = instructions;
   1.957 +
   1.958 +	clear();
   1.959 +	(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[NORMAL]);
   1.960 +	print_in_middle(stdscr, 1, 0, COLS,
   1.961 +			menu_backtitle,
   1.962 +			attributes[MAIN_HEADING]);
   1.963 +
   1.964 +	(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[MAIN_MENU_BOX]);
   1.965 +	box(main_window, 0, 0);
   1.966 +	(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[MAIN_MENU_HEADING]);
   1.967 +	mvwprintw(main_window, 0, 3, " %s ", prompt);
   1.968 +	(void) wattrset(main_window, attributes[NORMAL]);
   1.969 +
   1.970 +	set_menu_items(curses_menu, curses_menu_items);
   1.971 +
   1.972 +	/* position the menu at the middle of the screen */
   1.973 +	scale_menu(curses_menu, &maxy, &maxx);
   1.974 +	maxx = min(maxx, mwin_max_cols-2);
   1.975 +	maxy = mwin_max_lines;
   1.976 +	menu_window = derwin(main_window,
   1.977 +			maxy,
   1.978 +			maxx,
   1.979 +			2,
   1.980 +			(mwin_max_cols-maxx)/2);
   1.981 +	keypad(menu_window, TRUE);
   1.982 +	set_menu_win(curses_menu, menu_window);
   1.983 +	set_menu_sub(curses_menu, menu_window);
   1.984 +
   1.985 +	/* must reassert this after changing items, otherwise returns to a
   1.986 +	 * default of 16
   1.987 +	 */
   1.988 +	set_menu_format(curses_menu, maxy, 1);
   1.989 +	center_item(selected_index, last_top_row);
   1.990 +	set_menu_format(curses_menu, maxy, 1);
   1.991 +
   1.992 +	print_function_line();
   1.993 +
   1.994 +	/* Post the menu */
   1.995 +	post_menu(curses_menu);
   1.996 +	refresh_all_windows(main_window);
   1.997 +}
   1.998 +
   1.999 +static void adj_match_dir(match_f *match_direction)
  1.1000 +{
  1.1001 +	if (*match_direction == FIND_NEXT_MATCH_DOWN)
  1.1002 +		*match_direction =
  1.1004 +	else if (*match_direction == FIND_NEXT_MATCH_UP)
  1.1005 +		*match_direction =
  1.1007 +	/* else, do no change.. */
  1.1008 +}
  1.1009 +
  1.1010 +struct match_state
  1.1011 +{
  1.1012 +	int in_search;
  1.1013 +	match_f match_direction;
  1.1014 +	char pattern[256];
  1.1015 +};
  1.1016 +
  1.1017 +/* Return 0 means I have handled the key. In such a case, ans should hold the
  1.1018 + * item to center, or -1 otherwise.
  1.1019 + * Else return -1 .
  1.1020 + */
  1.1021 +static int do_match(int key, struct match_state *state, int *ans)
  1.1022 +{
  1.1023 +	char c = (char) key;
  1.1024 +	int terminate_search = 0;
  1.1025 +	*ans = -1;
  1.1026 +	if (key == '/' || (state->in_search && key == 27)) {
  1.1027 +		move(0, 0);
  1.1028 +		refresh();
  1.1029 +		clrtoeol();
  1.1030 +		state->in_search = 1-state->in_search;
  1.1031 +		bzero(state->pattern, sizeof(state->pattern));
  1.1032 +		state->match_direction = MATCH_TINKER_PATTERN_DOWN;
  1.1033 +		return 0;
  1.1034 +	} else if (!state->in_search)
  1.1035 +		return 1;
  1.1036 +
  1.1037 +	if (isalnum(c) || isgraph(c) || c == ' ') {
  1.1038 +		state->pattern[strlen(state->pattern)] = c;
  1.1039 +		state->pattern[strlen(state->pattern)] = '\0';
  1.1040 +		adj_match_dir(&state->match_direction);
  1.1041 +		*ans = get_mext_match(state->pattern,
  1.1042 +				state->match_direction);
  1.1043 +	} else if (key == KEY_DOWN) {
  1.1044 +		state->match_direction = FIND_NEXT_MATCH_DOWN;
  1.1045 +		*ans = get_mext_match(state->pattern,
  1.1046 +				state->match_direction);
  1.1047 +	} else if (key == KEY_UP) {
  1.1048 +		state->match_direction = FIND_NEXT_MATCH_UP;
  1.1049 +		*ans = get_mext_match(state->pattern,
  1.1050 +				state->match_direction);
  1.1051 +	} else if (key == KEY_BACKSPACE || key == 127) {
  1.1052 +		state->pattern[strlen(state->pattern)-1] = '\0';
  1.1053 +		adj_match_dir(&state->match_direction);
  1.1054 +	} else
  1.1055 +		terminate_search = 1;
  1.1056 +
  1.1057 +	if (terminate_search) {
  1.1058 +		state->in_search = 0;
  1.1059 +		bzero(state->pattern, sizeof(state->pattern));
  1.1060 +		move(0, 0);
  1.1061 +		refresh();
  1.1062 +		clrtoeol();
  1.1063 +		return -1;
  1.1064 +	}
  1.1065 +	return 0;
  1.1066 +}
  1.1067 +
  1.1068 +static void conf(struct menu *menu)
  1.1069 +{
  1.1070 +	struct menu *submenu = 0;
  1.1071 +	const char *prompt = menu_get_prompt(menu);
  1.1072 +	struct symbol *sym;
  1.1073 +	struct menu *active_menu = NULL;
  1.1074 +	int res;
  1.1075 +	int current_index = 0;
  1.1076 +	int last_top_row = 0;
  1.1077 +	struct match_state match_state = {
  1.1078 +		.in_search = 0,
  1.1079 +		.match_direction = MATCH_TINKER_PATTERN_DOWN,
  1.1080 +		.pattern = "",
  1.1081 +	};
  1.1082 +
  1.1083 +	while (!global_exit) {
  1.1084 +		reset_menu();
  1.1085 +		current_menu = menu;
  1.1086 +		build_conf(menu);
  1.1087 +		if (!child_count)
  1.1088 +			break;
  1.1089 +
  1.1090 +		show_menu(prompt ? _(prompt) : _("Main Menu"),
  1.1091 +				_(menu_instructions),
  1.1092 +				current_index, &last_top_row);
  1.1093 +		keypad((menu_win(curses_menu)), TRUE);
  1.1094 +		while (!global_exit) {
  1.1095 +			if (match_state.in_search) {
  1.1096 +				mvprintw(0, 0,
  1.1097 +					"searching: %s", match_state.pattern);
  1.1098 +				clrtoeol();
  1.1099 +			}
  1.1100 +			refresh_all_windows(main_window);
  1.1101 +			res = wgetch(menu_win(curses_menu));
  1.1102 +			if (!res)
  1.1103 +				break;
  1.1104 +			if (do_match(res, &match_state, &current_index) == 0) {
  1.1105 +				if (current_index != -1)
  1.1106 +					center_item(current_index,
  1.1107 +						    &last_top_row);
  1.1108 +				continue;
  1.1109 +			}
  1.1110 +			if (process_special_keys(&res,
  1.1111 +						(struct menu *) item_data()))
  1.1112 +				break;
  1.1113 +			switch (res) {
  1.1114 +			case KEY_DOWN:
  1.1115 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM);
  1.1116 +				break;
  1.1117 +			case KEY_UP:
  1.1118 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_UP_ITEM);
  1.1119 +				break;
  1.1120 +			case KEY_NPAGE:
  1.1121 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_SCR_DPAGE);
  1.1122 +				break;
  1.1123 +			case KEY_PPAGE:
  1.1124 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_SCR_UPAGE);
  1.1125 +				break;
  1.1126 +			case KEY_HOME:
  1.1127 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_FIRST_ITEM);
  1.1128 +				break;
  1.1129 +			case KEY_END:
  1.1130 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_LAST_ITEM);
  1.1131 +				break;
  1.1132 +			case 'h':
  1.1133 +			case '?':
  1.1134 +				show_help((struct menu *) item_data());
  1.1135 +				break;
  1.1136 +			}
  1.1137 +			if (res == 10 || res == 27 ||
  1.1138 +				res == 32 || res == 'n' || res == 'y' ||
  1.1139 +				res == KEY_LEFT || res == KEY_RIGHT ||
  1.1140 +				res == 'm')
  1.1141 +				break;
  1.1142 +			refresh_all_windows(main_window);
  1.1143 +		}
  1.1144 +
  1.1145 +		refresh_all_windows(main_window);
  1.1146 +		/* if ESC or left*/
  1.1147 +		if (res == 27 || (menu != &rootmenu && res == KEY_LEFT))
  1.1148 +			break;
  1.1149 +
  1.1150 +		/* remember location in the menu */
  1.1151 +		last_top_row = top_row(curses_menu);
  1.1152 +		current_index = curses_item_index();
  1.1153 +
  1.1154 +		if (!item_tag())
  1.1155 +			continue;
  1.1156 +
  1.1157 +		submenu = (struct menu *) item_data();
  1.1158 +		active_menu = (struct menu *)item_data();
  1.1159 +		if (!submenu || !menu_is_visible(submenu))
  1.1160 +			continue;
  1.1161 +		if (submenu)
  1.1162 +			sym = submenu->sym;
  1.1163 +		else
  1.1164 +			sym = NULL;
  1.1165 +
  1.1166 +		switch (res) {
  1.1167 +		case ' ':
  1.1168 +			if (item_is_tag('t'))
  1.1169 +				sym_toggle_tristate_value(sym);
  1.1170 +			else if (item_is_tag('m'))
  1.1171 +				conf(submenu);
  1.1172 +			break;
  1.1173 +		case KEY_RIGHT:
  1.1174 +		case 10: /* ENTER WAS PRESSED */
  1.1175 +			switch (item_tag()) {
  1.1176 +			case 'm':
  1.1177 +				if (single_menu_mode)
  1.1178 +					submenu->data =
  1.1179 +						(void *) (long) !submenu->data;
  1.1180 +				else
  1.1181 +					conf(submenu);
  1.1182 +				break;
  1.1183 +			case 't':
  1.1184 +				if (sym_is_choice(sym) &&
  1.1185 +				    sym_get_tristate_value(sym) == yes)
  1.1186 +					conf_choice(submenu);
  1.1187 +				else if (submenu->prompt &&
  1.1188 +					 submenu->prompt->type == P_MENU)
  1.1189 +					conf(submenu);
  1.1190 +				else if (res == 10)
  1.1191 +					sym_toggle_tristate_value(sym);
  1.1192 +				break;
  1.1193 +			case 's':
  1.1194 +				conf_string(submenu);
  1.1195 +				break;
  1.1196 +			}
  1.1197 +			break;
  1.1198 +		case 'y':
  1.1199 +			if (item_is_tag('t')) {
  1.1200 +				if (sym_set_tristate_value(sym, yes))
  1.1201 +					break;
  1.1202 +				if (sym_set_tristate_value(sym, mod))
  1.1203 +					btn_dialog(main_window, setmod_text, 0);
  1.1204 +			}
  1.1205 +			break;
  1.1206 +		case 'n':
  1.1207 +			if (item_is_tag('t'))
  1.1208 +				sym_set_tristate_value(sym, no);
  1.1209 +			break;
  1.1210 +		case 'm':
  1.1211 +			if (item_is_tag('t'))
  1.1212 +				sym_set_tristate_value(sym, mod);
  1.1213 +			break;
  1.1214 +		}
  1.1215 +	}
  1.1216 +}
  1.1217 +
  1.1218 +static void conf_message_callback(const char *fmt, va_list ap)
  1.1219 +{
  1.1220 +	char buf[1024];
  1.1221 +
  1.1222 +	vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, ap);
  1.1223 +	btn_dialog(main_window, buf, 1, "<OK>");
  1.1224 +}
  1.1225 +
  1.1226 +static void show_help(struct menu *menu)
  1.1227 +{
  1.1228 +	struct gstr help = str_new();
  1.1229 +
  1.1230 +	if (menu && menu->sym && menu_has_help(menu)) {
  1.1231 +		if (menu->sym->name) {
  1.1232 +			str_printf(&help, "%s%s:\n\n", CONFIG_, menu->sym->name);
  1.1233 +			str_append(&help, _(menu_get_help(menu)));
  1.1234 +			str_append(&help, "\n");
  1.1235 +			get_symbol_str(&help, menu->sym);
  1.1236 +		} else {
  1.1237 +			str_append(&help, _(menu_get_help(menu)));
  1.1238 +		}
  1.1239 +	} else {
  1.1240 +		str_append(&help, nohelp_text);
  1.1241 +	}
  1.1242 +	show_scroll_win(main_window, _(menu_get_prompt(menu)), str_get(&help));
  1.1243 +	str_free(&help);
  1.1244 +}
  1.1245 +
  1.1246 +static void conf_choice(struct menu *menu)
  1.1247 +{
  1.1248 +	const char *prompt = _(menu_get_prompt(menu));
  1.1249 +	struct menu *child = 0;
  1.1250 +	struct symbol *active;
  1.1251 +	int selected_index = 0;
  1.1252 +	int last_top_row = 0;
  1.1253 +	int res, i = 0;
  1.1254 +	struct match_state match_state = {
  1.1255 +		.in_search = 0,
  1.1256 +		.match_direction = MATCH_TINKER_PATTERN_DOWN,
  1.1257 +		.pattern = "",
  1.1258 +	};
  1.1259 +
  1.1260 +	active = sym_get_choice_value(menu->sym);
  1.1261 +	/* this is mostly duplicated from the conf() function. */
  1.1262 +	while (!global_exit) {
  1.1263 +		reset_menu();
  1.1264 +
  1.1265 +		for (i = 0, child = menu->list; child; child = child->next) {
  1.1266 +			if (!show_all_items && !menu_is_visible(child))
  1.1267 +				continue;
  1.1268 +
  1.1269 +			if (child->sym == sym_get_choice_value(menu->sym))
  1.1270 +				item_make(child, ':', "<X> %s",
  1.1271 +						_(menu_get_prompt(child)));
  1.1272 +			else if (child->sym)
  1.1273 +				item_make(child, ':', "    %s",
  1.1274 +						_(menu_get_prompt(child)));
  1.1275 +			else
  1.1276 +				item_make(child, ':', "*** %s ***",
  1.1277 +						_(menu_get_prompt(child)));
  1.1278 +
  1.1279 +			if (child->sym == active){
  1.1280 +				last_top_row = top_row(curses_menu);
  1.1281 +				selected_index = i;
  1.1282 +			}
  1.1283 +			i++;
  1.1284 +		}
  1.1285 +		show_menu(prompt ? _(prompt) : _("Choice Menu"),
  1.1286 +				_(radiolist_instructions),
  1.1287 +				selected_index,
  1.1288 +				&last_top_row);
  1.1289 +		while (!global_exit) {
  1.1290 +			if (match_state.in_search) {
  1.1291 +				mvprintw(0, 0, "searching: %s",
  1.1292 +					 match_state.pattern);
  1.1293 +				clrtoeol();
  1.1294 +			}
  1.1295 +			refresh_all_windows(main_window);
  1.1296 +			res = wgetch(menu_win(curses_menu));
  1.1297 +			if (!res)
  1.1298 +				break;
  1.1299 +			if (do_match(res, &match_state, &selected_index) == 0) {
  1.1300 +				if (selected_index != -1)
  1.1301 +					center_item(selected_index,
  1.1302 +						    &last_top_row);
  1.1303 +				continue;
  1.1304 +			}
  1.1305 +			if (process_special_keys(
  1.1306 +						&res,
  1.1307 +						(struct menu *) item_data()))
  1.1308 +				break;
  1.1309 +			switch (res) {
  1.1310 +			case KEY_DOWN:
  1.1311 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM);
  1.1312 +				break;
  1.1313 +			case KEY_UP:
  1.1314 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_UP_ITEM);
  1.1315 +				break;
  1.1316 +			case KEY_NPAGE:
  1.1317 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_SCR_DPAGE);
  1.1318 +				break;
  1.1319 +			case KEY_PPAGE:
  1.1320 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_SCR_UPAGE);
  1.1321 +				break;
  1.1322 +			case KEY_HOME:
  1.1323 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_FIRST_ITEM);
  1.1324 +				break;
  1.1325 +			case KEY_END:
  1.1326 +				menu_driver(curses_menu, REQ_LAST_ITEM);
  1.1327 +				break;
  1.1328 +			case 'h':
  1.1329 +			case '?':
  1.1330 +				show_help((struct menu *) item_data());
  1.1331 +				break;
  1.1332 +			}
  1.1333 +			if (res == 10 || res == 27 || res == ' ' ||
  1.1334 +					res == KEY_LEFT){
  1.1335 +				break;
  1.1336 +			}
  1.1337 +			refresh_all_windows(main_window);
  1.1338 +		}
  1.1339 +		/* if ESC or left */
  1.1340 +		if (res == 27 || res == KEY_LEFT)
  1.1341 +			break;
  1.1342 +
  1.1343 +		child = item_data();
  1.1344 +		if (!child || !menu_is_visible(child) || !child->sym)
  1.1345 +			continue;
  1.1346 +		switch (res) {
  1.1347 +		case ' ':
  1.1348 +		case  10:
  1.1349 +		case KEY_RIGHT:
  1.1350 +			sym_set_tristate_value(child->sym, yes);
  1.1351 +			return;
  1.1352 +		case 'h':
  1.1353 +		case '?':
  1.1354 +			show_help(child);
  1.1355 +			active = child->sym;
  1.1356 +			break;
  1.1357 +		case KEY_EXIT:
  1.1358 +			return;
  1.1359 +		}
  1.1360 +	}
  1.1361 +}
  1.1362 +
  1.1363 +static void conf_string(struct menu *menu)
  1.1364 +{
  1.1365 +	const char *prompt = menu_get_prompt(menu);
  1.1366 +	char dialog_input_result[256];
  1.1367 +
  1.1368 +	while (1) {
  1.1369 +		int res;
  1.1370 +		const char *heading;
  1.1371 +
  1.1372 +		switch (sym_get_type(menu->sym)) {
  1.1373 +		case S_INT:
  1.1374 +			heading = _(inputbox_instructions_int);
  1.1375 +			break;
  1.1376 +		case S_HEX:
  1.1377 +			heading = _(inputbox_instructions_hex);
  1.1378 +			break;
  1.1379 +		case S_STRING:
  1.1380 +			heading = _(inputbox_instructions_string);
  1.1381 +			break;
  1.1382 +		default:
  1.1383 +			heading = _("Internal nconf error!");
  1.1384 +		}
  1.1385 +		res = dialog_inputbox(main_window,
  1.1386 +				prompt ? _(prompt) : _("Main Menu"),
  1.1387 +				heading,
  1.1388 +				sym_get_string_value(menu->sym),
  1.1389 +				dialog_input_result,
  1.1390 +				sizeof(dialog_input_result));
  1.1391 +		switch (res) {
  1.1392 +		case 0:
  1.1393 +			if (sym_set_string_value(menu->sym,
  1.1394 +						dialog_input_result))
  1.1395 +				return;
  1.1396 +			btn_dialog(main_window,
  1.1397 +				_("You have made an invalid entry."), 0);
  1.1398 +			break;
  1.1399 +		case 1:
  1.1400 +			show_help(menu);
  1.1401 +			break;
  1.1402 +		case KEY_EXIT:
  1.1403 +			return;
  1.1404 +		}
  1.1405 +	}
  1.1406 +}
  1.1407 +
  1.1408 +static void conf_load(void)
  1.1409 +{
  1.1410 +	char dialog_input_result[256];
  1.1411 +	while (1) {
  1.1412 +		int res;
  1.1413 +		res = dialog_inputbox(main_window,
  1.1414 +				NULL, load_config_text,
  1.1415 +				filename,
  1.1416 +				dialog_input_result,
  1.1417 +				sizeof(dialog_input_result));
  1.1418 +		switch (res) {
  1.1419 +		case 0:
  1.1420 +			if (!dialog_input_result[0])
  1.1421 +				return;
  1.1422 +			if (!conf_read(dialog_input_result)) {
  1.1423 +				set_config_filename(dialog_input_result);
  1.1424 +				sym_set_change_count(1);
  1.1425 +				return;
  1.1426 +			}
  1.1427 +			btn_dialog(main_window, _("File does not exist!"), 0);
  1.1428 +			break;
  1.1429 +		case 1:
  1.1430 +			show_scroll_win(main_window,
  1.1431 +					_("Load Alternate Configuration"),
  1.1432 +					load_config_help);
  1.1433 +			break;
  1.1434 +		case KEY_EXIT:
  1.1435 +			return;
  1.1436 +		}
  1.1437 +	}
  1.1438 +}
  1.1439 +
  1.1440 +static void conf_save(void)
  1.1441 +{
  1.1442 +	char dialog_input_result[256];
  1.1443 +	while (1) {
  1.1444 +		int res;
  1.1445 +		res = dialog_inputbox(main_window,
  1.1446 +				NULL, save_config_text,
  1.1447 +				filename,
  1.1448 +				dialog_input_result,
  1.1449 +				sizeof(dialog_input_result));
  1.1450 +		switch (res) {
  1.1451 +		case 0:
  1.1452 +			if (!dialog_input_result[0])
  1.1453 +				return;
  1.1454 +			res = conf_write(dialog_input_result);
  1.1455 +			if (!res) {
  1.1456 +				set_config_filename(dialog_input_result);
  1.1457 +				return;
  1.1458 +			}
  1.1459 +			btn_dialog(main_window, _("Can't create file! "
  1.1460 +				"Probably a nonexistent directory."),
  1.1461 +				1, "<OK>");
  1.1462 +			break;
  1.1463 +		case 1:
  1.1464 +			show_scroll_win(main_window,
  1.1465 +				_("Save Alternate Configuration"),
  1.1466 +				save_config_help);
  1.1467 +			break;
  1.1468 +		case KEY_EXIT:
  1.1469 +			return;
  1.1470 +		}
  1.1471 +	}
  1.1472 +}
  1.1473 +
  1.1474 +void setup_windows(void)
  1.1475 +{
  1.1476 +	if (main_window != NULL)
  1.1477 +		delwin(main_window);
  1.1478 +
  1.1479 +	/* set up the menu and menu window */
  1.1480 +	main_window = newwin(LINES-2, COLS-2, 2, 1);
  1.1481 +	keypad(main_window, TRUE);
  1.1482 +	mwin_max_lines = LINES-7;
  1.1483 +	mwin_max_cols = COLS-6;
  1.1484 +
  1.1485 +	/* panels order is from bottom to top */
  1.1486 +	new_panel(main_window);
  1.1487 +}
  1.1488 +
  1.1489 +int main(int ac, char **av)
  1.1490 +{
  1.1491 +	char *mode;
  1.1492 +
  1.1493 +	setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
  1.1494 +	bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR);
  1.1495 +	textdomain(PACKAGE);
  1.1496 +
  1.1497 +	conf_parse(av[1]);
  1.1498 +	conf_read(NULL);
  1.1499 +
  1.1500 +	mode = getenv("NCONFIG_MODE");
  1.1501 +	if (mode) {
  1.1502 +		if (!strcasecmp(mode, "single_menu"))
  1.1503 +			single_menu_mode = 1;
  1.1504 +	}
  1.1505 +
  1.1506 +	/* Initialize curses */
  1.1507 +	initscr();
  1.1508 +	/* set color theme */
  1.1509 +	set_colors();
  1.1510 +
  1.1511 +	cbreak();
  1.1512 +	noecho();
  1.1513 +	keypad(stdscr, TRUE);
  1.1514 +	curs_set(0);
  1.1515 +
  1.1516 +	if (COLS < 75 || LINES < 20) {
  1.1517 +		endwin();
  1.1518 +		printf("Your terminal should have at "
  1.1519 +			"least 20 lines and 75 columns\n");
  1.1520 +		return 1;
  1.1521 +	}
  1.1522 +
  1.1523 +	notimeout(stdscr, FALSE);
  1.1524 +	ESCDELAY = 1;
  1.1525 +
  1.1526 +	/* set btns menu */
  1.1527 +	curses_menu = new_menu(curses_menu_items);
  1.1528 +	menu_opts_off(curses_menu, O_SHOWDESC);
  1.1529 +	menu_opts_on(curses_menu, O_SHOWMATCH);
  1.1530 +	menu_opts_on(curses_menu, O_ONEVALUE);
  1.1531 +	menu_opts_on(curses_menu, O_NONCYCLIC);
  1.1532 +	menu_opts_on(curses_menu, O_IGNORECASE);
  1.1533 +	set_menu_mark(curses_menu, " ");
  1.1534 +	set_menu_fore(curses_menu, attributes[MAIN_MENU_FORE]);
  1.1535 +	set_menu_back(curses_menu, attributes[MAIN_MENU_BACK]);
  1.1536 +	set_menu_grey(curses_menu, attributes[MAIN_MENU_GREY]);
  1.1537 +
  1.1538 +	set_config_filename(conf_get_configname());
  1.1539 +	setup_windows();
  1.1540 +
  1.1541 +	/* check for KEY_FUNC(1) */
  1.1542 +	if (has_key(KEY_F(1)) == FALSE) {
  1.1543 +		show_scroll_win(main_window,
  1.1544 +				_("Instructions"),
  1.1545 +				_(menu_no_f_instructions));
  1.1546 +	}
  1.1547 +
  1.1548 +	conf_set_message_callback(conf_message_callback);
  1.1549 +	/* do the work */
  1.1550 +	while (!global_exit) {
  1.1551 +		conf(&rootmenu);
  1.1552 +		if (!global_exit && do_exit() == 0)
  1.1553 +			break;
  1.1554 +	}
  1.1555 +	/* ok, we are done */
  1.1556 +	unpost_menu(curses_menu);
  1.1557 +	free_menu(curses_menu);
  1.1558 +	delwin(main_window);
  1.1559 +	clear();
  1.1560 +	refresh();
  1.1561 +	endwin();
  1.1562 +	return 0;
  1.1563 +}
  1.1564 +