author "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr>
Sat Dec 31 18:47:37 2011 +0100 (2011-12-31)
changeset 2829 0c3c95f911ec
parent 1876 a6a4beab3125
child 2988 a57b8a45ea26
permissions -rw-r--r--
docs: credit Konrad EISELE for the initial multilib support

Konrad submitted an initial patch adding multlib support:

The patch was full of good ideas, but had a few issues, so
I (Yann E. MORIN) started it all from scatch, re-using part
of the original patch. This got implemented in this series:
hg log -r 446a17b5dd1e:e47d17391ae3

As I forgot to credit Konrad in these changelogs, update the
docs so that the work by Konrad gets credited. Without his
initial effort, we would probably not have had multlib support
so soon. Thank you Konrad!

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr>
     1 # To be sourced
     3 _ct-ng () {
     4     local cur prev samples show_samples actions steps start_steps stop_steps ct_ng_opts vars
     5     COMPREPLY=()
     6     cur=$(_get_cword)
     7     prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
     9     samples=$( "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" list-samples-short 2>/dev/null )
    10     show_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1show-/g;')
    11     build_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1build-/g;')
    13     steps=$(${COMP_WORDS[0]} list-steps 2>/dev/null |awk '$1 == "-" { print $2; }')
    14     start_steps=$(echo "${steps}" |sed -r -e 's/($| )/\1+/;')
    15     stop_steps=$(echo "${steps}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/+\1/;')
    17     actions='help menuconfig oldconfig saveconfig extractconfig
    18              build build. build-all build-all.
    19              wiki-samples list-samples list-samples-short list-steps
    20              show-tuple show-all show-config
    21              clean distclean updatetools
    22              tarball version'
    24     vars="RESTART= STOP= PREFIX= V="
    26     ct_ng_opts="${samples} ${show_samples} ${build_samples}
    27                 ${steps} ${start_steps} ${stop_steps}
    28                 ${actions} ${vars}"
    30     COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${ct_ng_opts}" -- "${cur}"))
    31     return 0
    32 }
    33 complete -F _ct-ng ct-ng