author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Sun Jan 01 17:49:44 2012 +0100 (2012-01-01)
changeset 2924 0eab838768b1
parent 2075 edc7c7958e80
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
cc/gcc: install the core compilers in the build-tools dir

There really is no good reason to install the core compilers in their
own places, one for each pass. We can install them with the other
build tools.

Also, this implies that:
- there are fewer directories to save/restore
- there are fewer symlinks to create for binutils
- the PATH is shorter

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
     1 #!/bin/sh
     3 repos="$1"
     4 pdir="$2"
     5 if [ -z "${repos}" -o ! -d "${repos}" -o -z "${pdir}" -o ! -d "${pdir}" ];then
     6     printf "Usage: ${0##*/} <repos_dir> <patch_dir>\n"
     7     exit 1
     8 fi
    10 pdir="$( cd "${pdir}"; pwd)"
    11 version="$( echo "${pdir}" |sed -r -e 's,.*/([^/]+)/*$,\1,' )"
    12 branch="${version%.*}"
    13 n=$( ls -1 "${pdir}" 2>/dev/null |wc -l )
    15 r1="$( hg -R "${repos}" log -b "${branch}"  \
    16        |awk '
    17             $1=="changeset:" {
    18                 prev=rev;
    19                 split($2,a,":");
    20                 rev=a[1];
    21             }
    22             $0~/^summary:[[:space:]]+'"${branch}: (bump|update) version to ${version}\+hg"'$/ {
    23                 printf( "%d\n", prev );
    24             }
    25             '
    26      )"
    28 i=0
    29 hg -R "${repos}" log -b "${branch}" -r "${r1}:tip" --template '{rev}\n'    \
    30 |while read rev; do
    31     p="$( printf "%03d" ${i} )"
    32     i=$((i+1))
    33     if [ $( ls -1 "${pdir}/${p}-"*.patch 2>/dev/null |wc -l ) -ne 0 ]; then
    34         continue
    35     fi
    36     plog=$( hg -R "${repos}" log -r ${rev} --template '{desc|firstline}\n'  \
    37             |sed -r -e 's,[^[:alnum:]],_,g; s/_+/_/g;'                      \
    38           )
    39     pname="${p}-${plog}.patch"
    40     printf "Revision '%d' --> '%s'\n" ${rev} "${pname}"
    41     hg -R "${repos}" diff -c ${rev} --color=never >"${pdir}/${pname}"
    42     pdate="$( hg -R "${repos}" log -r ${rev} --template '{date|isodate}\n' )"
    43     touch -d "${pdate}" "${pdir}/${pname}"
    44 done