author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Thu Dec 23 20:43:32 2010 +0100 (2010-12-23)
changeset 2307 2efd46963086
parent 1888 b82375bb7acd
child 2403 ee2634bc3871
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
buildtools: move to working directory

There is absolutely *no* reason for the buildtools (wrappers to gcc, g++,
as, ld... for the local machine) to be in the toolchain directory. Moreover,
they are removed after the build completes.

Move them out of the toolchain directory, and into the build directory (but
yet the part specific to the current toolchain). This means we no longer
need to explicitly remove them either, BTW, but we need to save/restore them
for the restart feature.

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
     1 #!/bin/sh
     3 repos="$1"
     4 pdir="$2"
     5 if [ -z "${repos}" -o ! -d "${repos}" -o -z "${pdir}" -o ! -d "${pdir}" ];then
     6     printf "Usage: ${0##*/} <repos_dir> <patch_dir>\n"
     7     exit 1
     8 fi
    10 pdir="$( cd "${pdir}"; pwd)"
    11 version="$( echo "${pdir}" |sed -r -e 's,.*/([^/]+)/*$,\1,' )"
    12 branch="${version%.*}"
    13 n=$( ls -1 "${pdir}" 2>/dev/null |wc -l )
    15 r1="$( hg -R "${repos}" log -b "${branch}"  \
    16        |awk '
    17             $1=="changeset:" {
    18                 prev=rev;
    19                 split($2,a,":");
    20                 rev=a[1];
    21             }
    22             $0~/^summary:[[:space:]]+'"${branch}: (bump|update) version to ${version}\+hg"'$/ {
    23                 printf( "%d\n", prev );
    24             }
    25             '
    26      )"
    28 i=0
    29 hg -R "${repos}" log -b "${branch}" -r "${r1}:tip" --template '{rev}\n'    \
    30 |while read rev; do
    31     p="$( printf "%03d" ${i} )"
    32     i=$((i+1))
    33     if [ $( ls -1 "${pdir}/${p}-"*.patch 2>/dev/null |wc -l ) -ne 0 ]; then
    34         continue
    35     fi
    36     plog=$( hg -R "${repos}" log -r ${rev} --template '{desc|firstline}\n'  \
    37             |sed -r -e 's,[/:,[:space:]],_,g; s/_+/_/g;'                    \
    38           )
    39     pname="${p}-${plog}.patch"
    40     printf "Revision '%d' --> '%s'\n" ${rev} "${pname}"
    41     hg -R "${repos}" diff -c ${rev} --color=never >"${pdir}/${pname}"
    42     pdate="$( hg -R "${repos}" log -r ${rev} --template '{date|isodate}\n' )"
    43     touch -d "${pdate}" "${pdir}/${pname}"
    44 done