author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Fri Mar 19 18:46:57 2010 +0100 (2010-03-19)
changeset 1846 4220dec659c6
parent 1845 085683652f7e
child 1876 a6a4beab3125
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
scripts: fix dumping the config for companion libraries for target

Companion libraries can be disable for the host, but still used for
the target (eg. binutils or gdb). Dump the version also in this case.
     1 #!/bin/sh
     2 # Yes, this is supposed to be a POSIX-compliant shell script.
     4 # Parses all samples on the command line, and for each of them, prints
     5 # the versions of the main tools
     7 # Use tools discovered by ./configure
     8 . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/"
    10 [ "$1" = "-v" ] && opt="$1" && shift
    11 [ "$1" = "-w" ] && opt="$1" && shift
    13 # GREP_OPTIONS screws things up.
    14 export GREP_OPTIONS=
    16 # Dump a single sample
    17 dump_single_sample() {
    18     local verbose=0
    19     local complibs
    20     [ "$1" = "-v" ] && verbose=1 && shift
    21     [ "$1" = "-w" ] && wiki=1 && shift
    22     local width="$1"
    23     local sample="$2"
    24     case "${sample}" in
    25         current)
    26             sample_type="l"
    27             sample="${current_tuple}"
    28             width="${#sample}"
    29             . $(pwd)/.config
    30             ;;
    31         *)  if [ -f "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${sample}/crosstool.config" ]; then
    32                 sample_top="${CT_TOP_DIR}"
    33                 sample_type="l"
    34             else
    35                 sample_top="${CT_LIB_DIR}"
    36                 sample_type="g"
    37             fi
    38             . "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/crosstool.config"
    39             ;;
    40     esac
    41     if [ -z "${wiki}" ]; then
    42         t_width=14
    43         printf "%-*s  [%s" ${width} "${sample}" "${sample_type}"
    44         [ -f "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/broken" ] && printf "B" || printf " "
    45         [ "${CT_EXPERIMENTAL}" = "y" ] && printf "X" || printf " "
    46         echo "]"
    47         if [ ${verbose} -ne 0 ]; then
    48             case "${CT_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE}" in
    49                 cross)  ;;
    50                 canadian)
    51                     printf "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "Host" "${CT_HOST}"
    52                     ;;
    53             esac
    54             printf "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "OS" "${CT_KERNEL}${CT_KERNEL_VERSION:+-}${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}"
    55             if [    -n "${CT_GMP}"              \
    56                  -o -n "${CT_MPFR}"             \
    57                  -o -n "${CT_PPL}"              \
    58                  -o -n "${CT_CLOOG}"            \
    59                  -o -n "${CT_MPC}"              \
    60                  -o -n "${CT_LIBELF}"           \
    61                  -o -n "${CT_GMP_TARGET}"       \
    62                  -o -n "${CT_MPFR_TARGET}"      \
    63                  -o -n "${CT_PPL_TARGET}"       \
    64                  -o -n "${CT_CLOOG_TARGET}"     \
    65                  -o -n "${CT_MPC_TARGET}"       \
    66                  -o -n "${CT_LIBELF_TARGET}"    \
    67                ]; then
    68                 printf "    %-*s :" ${t_width} "Companion libs"
    69                 complibs=1
    70             fi
    71             [ -z "${CT_GMP}"    -a -z "${CT_GMP_TARGET}"    ] || printf " gmp-%s"       "${CT_GMP_VERSION}"
    72             [ -z "${CT_MPFR}"   -a -z "${CT_MPFR_TARGET}"   ] || printf " mpfr-%s"      "${CT_MPFR_VERSION}"
    73             [ -z "${CT_PPL}"    -a -z "${CT_PPL_TARGET}"    ] || printf " ppl-%s"       "${CT_PPL_VERSION}"
    74             [ -z "${CT_CLOOG}"  -a -z "${CT_CLOOG_TARGET}"  ] || printf " cloog-ppl-%s" "${CT_CLOOG_VERSION}"
    75             [ -z "${CT_MPC}"    -a -z "${CT_MPC_TARGET}"    ] || printf " mpc-%s"       "${CT_MPC_VERSION}"
    76             [ -z "${CT_LIBELF}" -a -z "${CT_LIBELF_TARGET}" ] || printf " libelf-%s"    "${CT_LIBELF_VERSION}"
    77             [ -z "${complibs}"  ] || printf "\n"
    78             printf  "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "binutils" "binutils-${CT_BINUTILS_VERSION}"
    79             printf  "    %-*s : %s" ${t_width} "C compiler" "${CT_CC}-${CT_CC_VERSION} (C"
    80             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_CXX}" = "y"     ] && printf ",C++"
    81             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_FORTRAN}" = "y" ] && printf ",Fortran"
    82             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_JAVA}" = "y"    ] && printf ",Java"
    83             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_ADA}" = "y"     ] && printf ",ADA"
    84             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJC}" = "y"    ] && printf ",Objective-C"
    85             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJCXX}" = "y"  ] && printf ",Objective-C++"
    86             [ -n "${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"     ] && printf ",${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"
    87             printf ")\n"
    88             printf  "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "C library" "${CT_LIBC}${CT_LIBC_VERSION:+-}${CT_LIBC_VERSION}"
    89             printf  "    %-*s :" ${t_width} "Tools"
    90             [ "${CT_TOOL_sstrip}"   ] && printf " sstrip"
    91             [ "${CT_DEBUG_dmalloc}" ] && printf " dmalloc-${CT_DMALLOC_VERSION}"
    92             [ "${CT_DEBUG_duma}"    ] && printf " duma-${CT_DUMA_VERSION}"
    93             [ "${CT_DEBUG_gdb}"     ] && printf " gdb-${CT_GDB_VERSION}"
    94             [ "${CT_DEBUG_ltrace}"  ] && printf " ltrace-${CT_LTRACE_VERSION}"
    95             [ "${CT_DEBUG_strace}"  ] && printf " strace-${CT_STRACE_VERSION}"
    96             printf "\n"
    97         fi
    98     else
    99         case "${CT_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE}" in
   100             cross)
   101                 printf "| ''${sample}''  | "
   102                 ;;
   103             canadian)
   104                 printf "| ''"
   105                 printf "${sample}" |sed -r -e 's/.*,//'
   106                 printf "''  | ${CT_HOST}  "
   107                 ;;
   108             *)          ;;
   109         esac
   110         printf "|  "
   111         [ "${CT_EXPERIMENTAL}" = "y" ] && printf "**X**"
   112         [ -f "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/broken" ] && printf "**B**"
   113         printf "  |  ''${CT_KERNEL}''  |"
   114         if [ "${CT_KERNEL}" != "bare-metal" ];then
   115             if [ "${CT_KERNEL_LINUX_HEADERS_USE_CUSTOM_DIR}" = "y" ]; then
   116                 printf "  //custom//  "
   117             else
   118                 printf "  ${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}  "
   119             fi
   120         fi
   121         printf "|  ${CT_BINUTILS_VERSION}  "
   122         printf "|  ''${CT_CC}''  "
   123         printf "|  ${CT_CC_VERSION}  "
   124         printf "|  ''${CT_LIBC}''  |"
   125         if [ "${CT_LIBC}" != "none" ]; then
   126             printf "  ${CT_LIBC_VERSION}  "
   127         fi
   128         printf "|  ${CT_THREADS:-none}  "
   129         printf "|  ${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_HW:+hard}${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_SW:+soft} float  "
   130         printf "|  C"
   131         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_CXX}" = "y"     ] && printf ", C++"
   132         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_FORTRAN}" = "y" ] && printf ", Fortran"
   133         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_JAVA}" = "y"    ] && printf ", Java"
   134         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_ADA}" = "y"     ] && printf ", ADA"
   135         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJC}" = "y"    ] && printf ", Objective-C"
   136         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJCXX}" = "y"  ] && printf ", Objective-C++"
   137         [ -n "${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"     ] && printf "\\\\\\\\ Others: ${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"
   138         printf "  "
   139         ( . "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/"
   140           if [ -n "${reporter_name}" ]; then
   141               if [ -n "${reporter_url}" ]; then
   142                   printf "|  [[${reporter_url}|${reporter_name}]]  "
   143               else
   144                   printf "|  ${reporter_name}  "
   145               fi
   146           else
   147               printf "|  [[|YEM]]  "
   148           fi
   149         )
   150         sample_updated="$( hg log -l 1 --template '{date|shortdate}' "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}" )"
   151         printf "|  ${sample_updated}  "
   152         echo "|"
   153     fi
   154 }
   156 # Get largest sample width
   157 width=0
   158 for sample in "${@}"; do
   159     [ ${#sample} -gt ${width} ] && width=${#sample}
   160 done
   162 if [ "${opt}" = -w ]; then
   163     printf "^ %s  |||||||||||||||\n" "$( date "+%Y%m%d.%H%M %z" )"
   164     printf "^ Target  "
   165     printf "^ Host  "
   166     printf "^  Status  "
   167     printf "^  Kernel headers\\\\\\\\ version  ^"
   168     printf "^  binutils\\\\\\\\ version  "
   169     printf "^  C compiler\\\\\\\\ version  ^"
   170     printf "^  C library\\\\\\\\ version  ^"
   171     printf "^  Threading\\\\\\\\ model  "
   172     printf "^  Floating point\\\\\\\\ support  "
   173     printf "^  Languages  "
   174     printf "^  Initially\\\\\\\\ reported by  "
   175     printf "^  Last\\\\\\\\ updated  "
   176     echo   "^"
   177 fi
   179 for sample in "${@}"; do
   180     ( dump_single_sample ${opt} ${width} "${sample}" )
   181 done
   183 if [ "${opt}" = -w ]; then
   184     printf "^ Total: ${#@} samples  || **X**: sample uses features marked as being EXPERIMENTAL.\\\\\\\\ **B**: sample is curently BROKEN. |||||||||||||"
   185     echo   ""
   186 elif [ -z "${opt}" ]; then
   187     echo '      l (local)       : sample was found in current directory'
   188     echo '      g (global)      : sample was installed with crosstool-NG'
   189     echo '      X (EXPERIMENTAL): sample may use EXPERIMENTAL features'
   190     echo '      B (BROKEN)      : sample is currently broken'
   191 fi