author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Sun Feb 17 22:08:06 2008 +0000 (2008-02-17)
changeset 431 8bde4c6ea47a
parent 375 4beb099d5aa4
child 448 08da017ba46b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Robert P. J. DAY says:

apparently, the patchset for gcc 4.2.1 applies properly to the
source for gcc 4.2.2 and gcc 4.2.3. so, if you want, you can simply
add support for those last two just by augmenting menuconfig and
adding a couple symlinks for those two directories. seems like a
cheap way to add a couple new versions.
     1 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Adds a new version to one of the toolchain component
     4 myname="$0"
     6 doHelp() {
     7     cat <<-EOF
     8 Usage: ${myname} <tool> [option] <version>
     9   'tool' in one of:
    10     --gcc, --binutils, --glibc, --uClibc, --linux,
    11     --gdb, --dmalloc, --duma, --strace, --ltrace, --libelf
    13   Valid options for all tools:
    14     --experimental, -x
    15       mark the version as being experimental
    17     --obsolete, -o
    18       mark the version as being obsolete
    20   Valid mandatory 'option' for tool==linux is one and only one of:
    21     --install, --sanitised, --copy
    23   'version' is a valid version for the specified tool.
    25   Examples:
    26     add version to linux kernel install method:
    27       ${myname} --linux --install
    29     add versions 2.3.5 and 2.3.6 to glibc:
    30       ${myname} --glibc 2.3.5 2.3.6
    31 EOF
    32 }
    34 cat=
    35 tool=
    36 tool_prefix=
    37 tool_suffix=
    38 VERSION=
    39 EXP=
    40 OBS=
    41 prompt_suffix=
    43 i=1
    44 while [ $i -le $# ]; do
    45     case "${!i}" in
    46         # Tools:
    47         --gcc)              cat=CC;        tool=gcc;      tool_prefix=cc_;      tool_suffix=;;
    48         --binutils)         cat=BINUTILS;  tool=binutils; tool_prefix=;         tool_suffix=;;
    49         --glibc)            cat=LIBC;      tool=glibc;    tool_prefix=libc_;    tool_suffix=;;
    50         --uClibc)           cat=LIBC;      tool=uClibc;   tool_prefix=libc_;    tool_suffix=;;
    51         --linux)            cat=KERNEL;    tool=linux;    tool_prefix=kernel_;  tool_suffix=;;
    52         --gdb)              cat=GDB;       tool=gdb;      tool_prefix=debug/    tool_suffix=;;
    53         --dmalloc)          cat=DMALLOC;   tool=dmalloc;  tool_prefix=debug/    tool_suffix=;;
    54         --duma)             cat=DUMA;      tool=duma;     tool_prefix=debug/    tool_suffix=;;
    55         --strace)           cat=STRACE;    tool=strace;   tool_prefix=debug/    tool_suffix=;;
    56         --ltrace)           cat=LTRACE;    tool=ltrace;   tool_prefix=debug/    tool_suffix=;;
    57         --libelf)           cat=LIBELF;    tool=libelf;   tool_prefix=tools/    tool_suffix=;;
    58         # Tools options:
    59         -x|--experimental)  EXP=1; OBS=; prompt_suffix=" (EXPERIMENTAL)";;
    60         -o|--obsolete)      OBS=1; EXP=; prompt_suffix=" (OBSOLETE)";;
    61         --install)          tool_suffix=install;;
    62         --sanitised)        tool_suffix=sanitised;;
    63         --copy)             tool_suffix=copy;;
    64         # Misc:
    65         -h|--help)          doHelp; exit 0;;
    66         -*)                 echo "Unknown option: \"${!i}\". (use -h/--help for help"; exit 1;;
    67         *)                  VERSION="${VERSION} ${!i}";;
    68     esac
    69     i=$((i+1))
    70 done
    72 [ -n "${tool}" -o -n "${VERSION}" ] || { doHelp; exit 1; }
    74 case "${cat}" in
    75     KERNEL) [ -z "${tool_suffix}" ] && { doHelp; exit 1; } ;;
    76     *)      ;;
    77 esac
    79 for ver in ${VERSION}; do
    80     unset DEP L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 FILE
    81     v=`echo "${ver}" |sed -r -e 's/-/_/g; s/\./_/g;'`
    82     if [ "${cat}" = "KERNEL" ]; then
    83         TOOL_SUFFIX="`echo \"${tool_suffix}\" |tr [[:lower:]] [[:upper:]]`"
    84         L1="config ${cat}_${TOOL_SUFFIX}_V_${v}\n"
    85         L2="    bool\n"
    86         L3="    prompt \"${ver}${prompt_suffix}\"\n"
    87         # Extra versions are not necessary visible:
    88         case "${tool_suffix},${ver}" in
    89             sanitised,*)    ;; # Sanitised headers always have an extra version
    90             *,*.*.*.*)      DEP="${DEP} && KERNEL_VERSION_SEE_EXTRAVERSION";;
    91         esac
    92         L5="    default \"${ver}\" if ${cat}_${TOOL_SUFFIX}_V_${v}"
    93         FILE="config/${tool_prefix}${tool}_headers_${tool_suffix}.in"
    94     else
    95         L1="config ${cat}_V_${v}\n"
    96         L2="    bool\n"
    97         L3="    prompt \"${ver}${prompt_suffix}\"\n"
    98         L5="    default \"${ver}\" if ${cat}_V_${v}"
    99         FILE="config/${tool_prefix}${tool}.in"
   100     fi
   101     [ -n "${EXP}" ] && DEP="${DEP} && EXPERIMENTAL"
   102     [ -n "${OBS}" ] && DEP="${DEP} && OBSOLETE"
   103     case "${DEP}" in
   104         "") ;;
   105         *)  L4="    depends on `echo \"${DEP}\" |sed -r -e 's/^ \\&\\& //; s/\\&/\\\\&/g;'`\n"
   106     esac
   107     sed -r -i -e 's/^(# CT_INSERT_VERSION_ABOVE)$/'"${L1}${L2}${L3}${L4}"'\n\1/;
   108                   s/^(# CT_INSERT_VERSION_STRING_ABOVE)$/'"${L5}"'\n\1/;' "${FILE}"
   109 done