author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Wed Jul 09 21:13:07 2008 +0000 (2008-07-09)
changeset 644 8c816e372384
parent 642 887ce0523903
child 649 dbf389a31c41
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Fix wiki table sample output.

/trunk/scripts/ | 2 1 1 0 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
     1 #!/bin/bash
     3 # Parses all samples on the command line, and for each of them, prints
     4 # the versions of the main tools
     6 [ "$1" = "-v" ] && opt="$1" && shift
     7 [ "$1" = "-w" ] && opt="$1" && shift
     9 # GREP_OPTIONS screws things up.
    10 export GREP_OPTIONS=
    12 # Dump a single sample
    13 dump_single_sample() {
    14     local verbose=0
    15     [ "$1" = "-v" ] && verbose=1 && shift
    16     [ "$1" = "-w" ] && wiki=1 && shift
    17     local width="$1"
    18     local sample="$2"
    19     if [ -f "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${sample}/crosstool.config" ]; then
    20         sample_top="${CT_TOP_DIR}"
    21         sample_type="local"
    22     else
    23         sample_top="${CT_LIB_DIR}"
    24         sample_type="global"
    25     fi
    26     . "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/crosstool.config"
    27     if [ -z "${wiki}" ]; then
    28         printf "  %-*s  (%s" ${width} "${sample}" "${sample_type}"
    29         [ -f "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/broken" ] && printf ",broken"
    30         echo ")"
    31         if [ ${verbose} -ne 0 ]; then
    32             echo    "    OS        : ${CT_KERNEL}-${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}"
    33             echo    "    binutils  : binutils-${CT_BINUTILS_VERSION}"
    34             printf  "    C compiler: ${CT_CC}-${CT_CC_VERSION} (C"
    35             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_CXX}" = "y"     ] && printf ",C++"
    36             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_FORTRAN}" = "y" ] && printf ",Fortran"
    37             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_JAVA}" = "y"    ] && printf ",Java"
    38             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_ADA}" = "y"     ] && printf ",ADA"
    39             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJC}" = "y"    ] && printf ",Objective-C"
    40             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJCXX}" = "y"  ] && printf ",Objective-C++"
    41             [ -n "${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"     ] && printf ",$CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"
    42             echo    ")"
    43             echo    "    C library : ${CT_LIBC}-${CT_LIBC_VERSION}"
    44             printf  "    Tools     :"
    45             [ "${CT_LIBELF}"  ] && printf " libelf-${CT_LIBELF_VERSION}"
    46             [ "${CT_SSTRIP}"  ] && printf " sstrip"
    47             [ "${CT_DMALLOC}" ] && printf " dmalloc-${CT_DMALLOC_VERSION}"
    48             [ "${CT_DUMA}"    ] && printf " duma-${CT_DUMA_VERSION}"
    49             [ "${CT_GDB}"     ] && printf " gdb-${CT_GDB_VERSION}"
    50             [ "${CT_LTRACE}"  ] && printf " ltrace-${CT_LTRACE_VERSION}"
    51             [ "${CT_STRACE}"  ] && printf " strace-${CT_STRACE_VERSION}"
    52             echo
    53         fi
    54     else
    55         printf "| ''${sample}''  "
    56         printf "|  ${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}  "
    57         printf "|  ${CT_BINUTILS_VERSION}  "
    58         printf "|  ${CT_CC_VERSION}  "
    59         printf "|  ''${CT_LIBC}''  "
    60         printf "|  ${CT_LIBC_VERSION}  "
    61         printf "|  ${CT_THREADS_NPTL:+NPTL}${CT_THREADS_LINUXTHREADS:+linuxthreads}${CT_THREADS_NONE:+none}  "
    62         printf "|  ${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_HW:+hard}${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_SW:+soft} float  "
    63         printf "|  "
    64         if [ -f "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/" ]; then
    65             ( . "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/"
    66               if [ -n "${reporter_url}" ]; then
    67                   printf "|  [[${reporter_url}|${reporter_name}]]  "
    68               else
    69                   printf "|  ${reporter_name}  "
    70               fi
    71             )
    72         else
    73             printf "|  [[|YEM]]  "
    74         fi
    75         echo "|"
    76     fi
    77 }
    79 # Get largest sample width
    80 width=0
    81 for sample in "${@}"; do
    82     [ ${#sample} -gt ${width} ] && width=${#sample}
    83 done
    85 if [ "${opt}" = -w ]; then
    86     echo "^ $(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M) ^ |||||||||"
    87     printf "^ Target "
    88     printf "^  kernel headers\\\\\\\\ version  "
    89     printf "^  binutils version  "
    90     printf "^  gcc version  "
    91     printf "^  libc  "
    92     printf "^  libc version  "
    93     printf "^  threading model  "
    94     printf "^  float support  "
    95     printf "^  Misc  "
    96     printf "^  Reported by  "
    97     echo   "^"
    98 fi
    99 for sample in "${@}"; do
   100     ( dump_single_sample ${opt} ${width} "${sample}" )
   101 done