author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Tue Nov 10 19:32:11 2009 +0100 (2009-11-10)
changeset 1622 9ad2a3fd1fcc
parent 1520 e156ab9c7370
child 1657 0da038fd747b
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
scripts: output renumbered patches in a new directory

When renumbering patches, the original patches get removed and replaced
with the new ones. This can be annoying to loose the original patches.
Fix this by putting the new patchs in a directory of their own.
     1 #!/bin/sh
     2 # Yes, this is supposed to be a POSIX-compliant shell script.
     4 # Parses all samples on the command line, and for each of them, prints
     5 # the versions of the main tools
     7 # Use tools discovered by ./configure
     8 . "${CT_LIB_DIR}/"
    10 [ "$1" = "-v" ] && opt="$1" && shift
    11 [ "$1" = "-w" ] && opt="$1" && shift
    13 # GREP_OPTIONS screws things up.
    14 export GREP_OPTIONS=
    16 # Dump a single sample
    17 dump_single_sample() {
    18     local verbose=0
    19     [ "$1" = "-v" ] && verbose=1 && shift
    20     [ "$1" = "-w" ] && wiki=1 && shift
    21     local width="$1"
    22     local sample="$2"
    23     if [ -f "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${sample}/crosstool.config" ]; then
    24         sample_top="${CT_TOP_DIR}"
    25         sample_type="l"
    26     else
    27         sample_top="${CT_LIB_DIR}"
    28         sample_type="g"
    29     fi
    30     . "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/crosstool.config"
    31     if [ -z "${wiki}" ]; then
    32         t_width=13
    33         printf "    %-*s  [%s" ${width} "${sample}" "${sample_type}"
    34         [ -f "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/broken" ] && printf "B" || printf " "
    35         [ "${CT_EXPERIMENTAL}" = "y" ] && printf "X" || printf " "
    36         echo "]"
    37         if [ ${verbose} -ne 0 ]; then
    38             case "${CT_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE}" in
    39                 cross)  ;;
    40                 canadian)
    41                     printf "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "Host" "${CT_HOST}"
    42                     ;;
    43             esac
    44             printf "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "OS" "${CT_KERNEL}${CT_KERNEL_VERSION:+-}${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}"
    45             if [ "${CT_GMP_MPFR}" = "y" ]; then
    46                 printf    "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "GMP/MPFR" "gmp-${CT_GMP_VERSION} / mpfr-${CT_MPFR_VERSION}"
    47             fi
    48             if [ "${CT_PPL_CLOOG_MPC}" = "y" ]; then
    49                 printf    "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "PPL/CLOOG/MPC" "ppl-${CT_PPL_VERSION} / cloog-${CT_CLOOG_VERSION} / mpc-${CT_MPC_VERSION}"
    50             fi
    51             printf  "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "binutils" "binutils-${CT_BINUTILS_VERSION}"
    52             printf  "    %-*s : %s" ${t_width} "C compiler" "${CT_CC}-${CT_CC_VERSION} (C"
    53             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_CXX}" = "y"     ] && printf ",C++"
    54             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_FORTRAN}" = "y" ] && printf ",Fortran"
    55             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_JAVA}" = "y"    ] && printf ",Java"
    56             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_ADA}" = "y"     ] && printf ",ADA"
    57             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJC}" = "y"    ] && printf ",Objective-C"
    58             [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJCXX}" = "y"  ] && printf ",Objective-C++"
    59             [ -n "${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"     ] && printf ",${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"
    60             printf ")\n"
    61             printf  "    %-*s : %s\n" ${t_width} "C library" "${CT_LIBC}${CT_LIBC_VERSION:+-}${CT_LIBC_VERSION}"
    62             printf  "    %-*s :" ${t_width} "Tools"
    63             [ "${CT_TOOL_libelf}"   ] && printf " libelf-${CT_LIBELF_VERSION}"
    64             [ "${CT_TOOL_sstrip}"   ] && printf " sstrip"
    65             [ "${CT_DEBUG_dmalloc}" ] && printf " dmalloc-${CT_DMALLOC_VERSION}"
    66             [ "${CT_DEBUG_duma}"    ] && printf " duma-${CT_DUMA_VERSION}"
    67             [ "${CT_DEBUG_gdb}"     ] && printf " gdb-${CT_GDB_VERSION}"
    68             [ "${CT_DEBUG_ltrace}"  ] && printf " ltrace-${CT_LTRACE_VERSION}"
    69             [ "${CT_DEBUG_strace}"  ] && printf " strace-${CT_STRACE_VERSION}"
    70             printf "\n"
    71         fi
    72     else
    73         printf "| ''${sample}''  "
    74         printf "|  "
    75         [ "${CT_EXPERIMENTAL}" = "y" ] && printf "X"
    76         [ -f "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/broken" ] && printf "B"
    77         printf '  |  '
    78         case "${CT_TOOLCHAIN_TYPE}" in
    79             cross)      ;;
    80             canadian)   printf "${CT_HOST}";;
    81             *)          ;;
    82         esac
    83         printf "  |  ''${CT_KERNEL}''  |"
    84         if [ "${CT_KERNEL}" != "bare-metal" ];then
    85             if [ "${CT_KERNEL_LINUX_HEADERS_USE_CUSTOM_DIR}" = "y" ]; then
    86                 printf "  //custom//  "
    87             else
    88                 printf "  ${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}  "
    89             fi
    90         fi
    91         printf "|  ${CT_BINUTILS_VERSION}  "
    92         printf "|  ''${CT_CC}''  "
    93         printf "|  ${CT_CC_VERSION}  "
    94         printf "|  ''${CT_LIBC}''  |"
    95         if [ "${CT_LIBC}" != "none" ]; then
    96             printf "  ${CT_LIBC_VERSION}  "
    97         fi
    98         printf "|  ${CT_THREADS:-none}  "
    99         printf "|  ${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_HW:+hard}${CT_ARCH_FLOAT_SW:+soft} float  "
   100         printf "|  C"
   101         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_CXX}" = "y"     ] && printf ", C++"
   102         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_FORTRAN}" = "y" ] && printf ", Fortran"
   103         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_JAVA}" = "y"    ] && printf ", Java"
   104         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_ADA}" = "y"     ] && printf ", ADA"
   105         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJC}" = "y"    ] && printf ", Objective-C"
   106         [ "${CT_CC_LANG_OBJCXX}" = "y"  ] && printf ", Objective-C++"
   107         [ -n "${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"     ] && printf "\\\\\\\\ Others: ${CT_CC_LANG_OTHERS}"
   108         printf "  "
   109         ( . "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}/"
   110           if [ -n "${reporter_name}" ]; then
   111               if [ -n "${reporter_url}" ]; then
   112                   printf "|  [[${reporter_url}|${reporter_name}]]  "
   113               else
   114                   printf "|  ${reporter_name}  "
   115               fi
   116           else
   117               printf "|  [[|YEM]]  "
   118           fi
   119         )
   120         sample_updated="$( hg log -l 1 --template '{date|shortdate}' "${sample_top}/samples/${sample}" )"
   121         printf "|  ${sample_updated}  "
   122         echo "|"
   123     fi
   124 }
   126 # Get largest sample width
   127 width=0
   128 for sample in "${@}"; do
   129     [ ${#sample} -gt ${width} ] && width=${#sample}
   130 done
   132 if [ "${opt}" = -w ]; then
   133     echo "^ @@DATE@@  ^ |||||||||||||"
   134     printf "^ Target "
   135     printf "^  Status  "
   136     printf "^  Host  "
   137     printf "^  Kernel headers\\\\\\\\ version  ^"
   138     printf "^  binutils\\\\\\\\ version  "
   139     printf "^  C compiler\\\\\\\\ version  ^"
   140     printf "^  C library\\\\\\\\ version  ^"
   141     printf "^  Threading\\\\\\\\ model  "
   142     printf "^  Floating point\\\\\\\\ support  "
   143     printf "^  Languages  "
   144     printf "^  Initially\\\\\\\\ reported by  "
   145     printf "^  Last\\\\\\\\ updated  "
   146     echo   "^"
   147 fi
   149 for sample in "${@}"; do
   150     ( dump_single_sample ${opt} ${width} "${sample}" )
   151 done
   153 if [ "${opt}" = -w ]; then
   154     printf "^ Total: ${#@} samples  | ''X'': sample uses features marked as being EXPERIMENTAL.\\\\\\\\ ''B'': sample is curently BROKEN. |||||||||||||"
   155     echo   ""
   156 elif [ -z "${opt}" ]; then
   157     echo '      l (local)       : sample was found in current directory'
   158     echo '      g (global)      : sample was installed with crosstool-NG'
   159     echo '      X (EXPERIMENTAL): sample may use EXPERIMENTAL features'
   160     echo '      B (BROKEN)      : sample is currently broken'
   161 fi