author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Sun Jul 17 22:43:07 2011 +0200 (2011-07-17)
changeset 2893 a8a65758664f
parent 2722 ca0322db584f
child 2981 80151a249b85
permissions -rw-r--r--
cc/gcc: do not use the core pass-2 to build the baremetal compiler

In case we build a baremetal compiler, use the standard passes:
- core_cc is used to build the C library;
- as such, it is meant to run on build, not host;
- the final compiler is meant to run on host;

As the current final compiler step can not build a baremetal compiler,
call the core backend from the final step.

NB: Currently, newlib is built during the start_files pass, so we have
to have a core compiler by then... Once we can build the baremetal
compiler from the final cc step, then we can move the newlib build to
the proper step, and then get rid of the core pass-1 static compiler...

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
     1 # Makefile to manage samples
     3 # ----------------------------------------------------------
     4 # Build the list of available samples
     5 CT_TOP_SAMPLES := $(patsubst $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/%/crosstool.config,%,$(wildcard $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/*/crosstool.config))
     6 CT_LIB_SAMPLES := $(filter-out $(CT_TOP_SAMPLES),$(patsubst $(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/%/crosstool.config,%,$(wildcard $(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/*/crosstool.config)))
     7 CT_SAMPLES := $(shell echo $(sort $(CT_TOP_SAMPLES) $(CT_LIB_SAMPLES))  \
     8                       |$(sed) -r -e 's/ /\n/g;'                         \
     9                       |$(sed) -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;'               \
    10                       |sort                                             \
    11                       |$(sed) -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;'               \
    12                )
    14 # ----------------------------------------------------------
    15 # This part deals with the samples help entries
    17 help-config::
    18 	@echo  '  saveconfig         - Save current config as a preconfigured target'
    20 help-samples::
    21 	@echo  '  list-samples       - prints the list of all samples (for scripting)'
    22 	@echo  '  show-<sample>      - show a brief overview of <sample> (list with list-samples)'
    23 	@echo  '  <sample>           - preconfigure crosstool-NG with <sample> (list with list-samples)'
    24 	@echo  '  build-all[.#]      - Build *all* samples (list with list-samples) and install in'
    25 	@echo  '                       $${CT_PREFIX} (which you must set)'
    27 help-distrib::
    28 	@echo  '  wiki-samples       - Print a DokuWiki table of samples'
    30 help-env::
    31 	@echo  '  CT_PREFIX=dir      - install samples in dir (see action "build-all", above).'
    33 # ----------------------------------------------------------
    34 # This part deals with printing samples information
    36 # Print the details of current configuration
    37 PHONY += show-config
    38 show-config: .config
    39 	@export current_tuple=$(shell $(MAKE) -rf "$(CT_NG)" show-tuple );  \
    40 	$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -v current
    42 # Prints the details of a sample
    43 PHONY += $(patsubst %,show-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
    44 $(patsubst %,show-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)):
    45 	@$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -v $(patsubst show-%,%,$(@))
    47 # Prints the details of all samples
    48 PHONY += show-all
    49 show-all: $(patsubst %,show-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
    51 # print the list of all available samples
    52 PHONY += list-samples
    53 list-samples: FORCE
    54 	$(SILENT)$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ $(CT_SAMPLES)
    56 PHONY += list-samples-short
    57 list-samples-short: FORCE
    58 	$(SILENT)for s in $(CT_SAMPLES); do \
    59 	    printf "$${s}\n";               \
    60 	done
    62 PHONY += wiki-samples
    63 wiki-samples:
    64 	$(SILENT)$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/ -w $(CT_SAMPLES)
    66 # ----------------------------------------------------------
    67 # This part deals with saving/restoring samples
    69 PHONY += samples
    70 samples:
    71 	@$(ECHO) '  MKDIR $@'
    72 	$(SILENT)mkdir -p $@
    74 # Save a sample
    75 saveconfig: .config samples
    76 	$(SILENT)$(CT_LIB_DIR)/scripts/
    78 # The 'sample_dir' function prints the directory in which the sample is,
    79 # searching first in local samples, then in global samples
    80 define sample_dir
    81 $$( [ -d $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/$(1) ] && echo "$(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/$(1)" || echo "$(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/$(1)")
    82 endef
    84 # How we do recall one sample
    85 PHONY += $(CT_SAMPLES)
    86 $(CT_SAMPLES):
    87 	$(SILENT)cp $(call sample_dir,$@)/crosstool.config .config
    88 	$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=$(V) oldconfig
    89 	@echo
    90 	@echo  '***********************************************************'
    91 	@echo
    92 	$(SILENT)( . $(call sample_dir,$@)/;                             \
    93 	   echo "Initially reported by: $${reporter_name}";                         \
    94 	   echo "URL: $${reporter_url}";                                            \
    95 	   if [ -n "$${reporter_comment}" ]; then                                   \
    96 	     echo  ;                                                                \
    97 	     echo  "Comment:";                                                      \
    98 	     printf "$${reporter_comment}\n";                                       \
    99 	   fi;                                                                      \
   100 	   echo  ;                                                                  \
   101 	   echo  '***********************************************************';     \
   102 	 )
   103 	$(SILENT)if $(grep) -E '^CT_EXPERIMENTAL=y$$' .config >/dev/null 2>&1; then \
   104 	   echo  ;                                                                  \
   105 	   echo  'WARNING! This sample may enable experimental features.';          \
   106 	   echo  '         Please be sure to review the configuration prior';       \
   107 	   echo  '         to building and using your toolchain!';                  \
   108 	   echo  'Now, you have been warned!';                                      \
   109 	   echo  ;                                                                  \
   110 	   echo  '***********************************************************';     \
   111 	 fi
   112 	@echo
   113 	@echo  'Now configured for "$@"'
   115 # ----------------------------------------------------------
   116 # Some helper functions
   118 # Create the rule to build a sample
   119 # $1: sample tuple
   120 # $2: prefix
   121 define build_sample
   122 	@$(ECHO) '  CONF  $(1)'
   123 	$(SILENT)cp $(call sample_dir,$(1))/crosstool.config .config
   124 	$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^(CT_PREFIX_DIR=).*$$:\1"$(2)":;' .config
   125 	$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_(WARN|INFO|EXTRA|DEBUG|ALL)).*$$:# \1 is not set:;' .config
   126 	$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_ERROR).*$$:\1=y:;' .config
   127 	$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^(CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX)=.*$$:\1="ERROR":;' .config
   128 	$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_TO_FILE).*$$:\1=y:;' .config
   129 	$(SILENT)$(sed) -i -r -e 's:^.*(CT_LOG_PROGRESS_BAR).*$$:\1=y:;' .config
   130 	$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=0 oldconfig
   131 	@$(ECHO) '  BUILD $(1)'
   132 	$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=0 build
   133 endef
   135 # ----------------------------------------------------------
   136 # Build samples for use (not regtest!)
   138 # Check that PREFIX is set if building samples
   139 ifneq ($(strip $(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
   140 ifneq ($(strip $(filter $(patsubst %,build-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)) build-all,$(MAKECMDGOALS))),)
   142 ifeq ($(strip $(CT_PREFIX)),)
   143 $(error Please set 'CT_PREFIX' to where you want to install generated toolchain samples!)
   144 endif
   146 endif # MAKECMDGOALS contains a build sample rule
   147 endif # MAKECMDGOALS != ""
   149 # Build a single sample
   150 $(patsubst %,build-%,$(CT_SAMPLES)):
   151 	$(call build_sample,$(patsubst build-%,%,$@),$(CT_PREFIX)/$(patsubst build-%,%,$@))
   153 # Build al samples
   154 build-all: $(patsubst %,build-%,$(CT_SAMPLES))
   156 # Build all samples, overiding the number of // jobs per sample
   157 build-all.%:
   158 	$(SILENT)$(MAKE) -rf $(CT_NG) V=$(V) $(shell echo "$(@)" |$(sed) -r -e 's|^([^.]+)\.([[:digit:]]+)$$|\1 CT_JOBS=\2|;')