author Titus von Boxberg <>
Mon Aug 22 09:41:35 2011 +0200 (2011-08-22)
changeset 2625 b1be254591e7
parent 2623 e8e30025fcc5
child 2626 c7c9e98d36d8
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
configure: fix --with-prog=[...]

check_for didn't set variable 'where' when the path to a prog
was passed manually "(cached)".

Signed-off-by: "Titus von Boxberg" <>
     1 #!/bin/sh
     3 myname="${0##*/}"
     5 VERSION=$( cat .version )
     6 DATE=$( date +%Y%m%d )
     8 PREFIX_DEFAULT=/usr/local
    10 BINDIR_set=
    11 LIBDIR_set=
    12 DOCDIR_set=
    13 MANDIR_set=
    14 PROG_PFX=
    15 PROG_SFX=
    16 PROG_SED=
    17 LOCAL_set=
    18 FORCE=
    20 do_quit=
    22 # Simply print the error message, and exit. Obvious, he?
    23 do_error() {
    24     printf "${myname}: ${@}\n"
    25     exit 1
    26 }
    28 # Given an option string and the following argument,
    29 # echoes the value of the option.
    30 # If --var=val => echoes val and returns 0, meaning second arg was not consumed
    31 # If --var val => echoes val and returns non null, meaning second arg was used
    32 get_optval(){
    33     case "$1" in
    34         --*=?*)
    35             printf "${1#*=}"
    36             return 0
    37             ;;
    38         *)
    39             printf "${2}"
    40             return 1
    41             ;;
    42     esac
    43 }
    45 # The set_xxx functions will set the corresponding configuration variable
    46 # They return 0 if second arg was not consumed, and non-zero if it was consumed.
    47 set_prefix() {
    48     PREFIX="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    49 }
    50 set_bindir() {
    51     BINDIR_set=1
    52     BINDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    53 }
    54 set_libdir() {
    55     LIBDIR_set=1
    56     LIBDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    57 }
    58 set_docdir() {
    59     DOCDIR_set=1
    60     DOCDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    61 }
    62 set_mandir() {
    63     MANDIR_set=1
    64     MANDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    65 }
    66 set_program_prefix() {
    67     PROG_PFX="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    68 }
    69 set_program_suffix() {
    70     PROG_SFX="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    71 }
    72 set_program_transform_name() {
    73     PROG_SED="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    74 }
    75 set_tool() {
    76     local var_name="${1%%=*}"
    77     var_name="${var_name#--with-}"
    78     eval ${var_name}="\$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    79 }
    81 # var_list is a list of variables, each one holding a path to a
    82 # tool, either detected by ./configure, or specified by the user.
    83 var_list=""
    84 kconfig_list=""
    86 # This function adds a variable name to the above list of variable names.
    87 # $1: the name of the variable to add to the list
    88 add_to_var_list() {
    89     local v
    90     for v in ${var_list}; do
    91         [ "${v}" = "${1}" ] && return 0
    92     done
    93     var_list="${var_list} ${1}"
    94 }
    95 add_to_kconfig_list() {
    96     local k
    97     for k in ${kconfig_list}; do
    98         [ "${k}" = "${1}" ] && return 0
    99     done
   100     kconfig_list="${kconfig_list} ${1}"
   101 }
   103 # A function to test for required tools/headers/libraries
   104 # Return 0 (true) if found, !0 (false) if not found
   105 #
   106 # $*: [prog|inc|lib]=<name[ name...]>
   107 #     the name(s) of tool(s) to test for
   108 #     mandatory
   109 #       eg: prog=bash   prog="curl wget"
   110 # $*: var=<var_name>
   111 #     the name of the variable to test and set
   112 #     optional
   113 #       eg: var=bash    if ${bash} is set and non-null, use that,
   114 #                       else check for bash and set bash=$(which bash)
   115 # $*: ver=<regexp>
   116 #     for each 'prog', test if $(prog --version) matches 'regexp'
   117 #     optional
   118 #       eg: ver='^GNU bash, version [34]\.'
   119 # $*: lib_exts=<extension[ extension...]>
   120 #     the list of allowed library extension
   121 #     mandatory
   122 #       eg: lib_exts="so dylib"     lib_exts="so dylib a"
   123 # $*: err=<error_message>
   124 #     the error message to print if tool is missing
   125 #     optional, defaults to: '${prog}: none found'
   126 #       eg: err="'bash' 3.x or above was not found"
   127 #     Note: err may be printed by caller, not us
   128 # $*: kconfig=<var_name>
   129 #     the name of a variable to pass down to kconfig if
   130 #     the prog/inc/lib was found
   131 #     optional, defaults to none
   132 #       eg: kconfig=has_libncurses
   133 # $*: skip=[y|n|]
   134 #     if set to 'y', skip the test, but still register the
   135 #     kconfig and var variables; if 'n' or empty, do the
   136 #     test.
   137 #     optional, default to 'n'
   138 #       eg: skip="${static_link_ko}"
   139 check_for() {
   140     local lib_exts
   141     local skip
   142     local val
   143     local item
   144     local where
   145     local status
   146     local ext
   148     # Note: prog/inc/lib and var/kconfig/ver/err are set here,
   149     # but declared by the caller (because it needs it)
   150     for item in "${@}"; do
   151         case "${item}" in
   152             prog=*|inc=*|lib=*|var=*|ver=*|err=*|kconfig=*|lib_exts=*|skip=*)
   153                 eval ${item%%=*}=\"${item#*=}\"
   154                 ;;
   155             *)  do_error "check_for: incorrect parameters: '${item}'";;
   156         esac
   157     done
   159     case "${prog}:${inc}:${lib}" in
   160         ?*:?*:|?*::?*|:?*:?*|?*:?*:?*)
   161             if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   162                 do_error "check_for: the use of var is not compatible with passing several of [prog|inc|lib] at once"
   163             fi
   164             ;;
   165         ::) do_error "check_for: [prog|inc|lib] is mandatory";;
   166     esac
   168     if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   169         add_to_var_list "${var}"
   170     fi
   171     if [ -n "${kconfig}" ]; then
   172         add_to_kconfig_list "${kconfig}"
   173     fi
   175     if [ "${skip}" = "y" ]; then
   176         return 0
   177     fi
   179     if [ -n "${prog}" ]; then
   180         for item in ${prog}; do
   181             printf "Checking for '${item}'... "
   182             if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   183                 eval val="\${${var}}"
   184                 if [ -n "${val}" ]; then
   185                     status="${val} (cached)\n"
   186                     where="${val}"
   187                     break
   188                 fi
   189             fi
   190             where="$( which "${item}" 2>/dev/null )"
   191             if [ -z "${where}" ]; then
   192                 printf "no\n"
   193                 continue
   194             elif [ -n "${ver}" ]; then
   195                 str=$( LC_ALL=C "${where}" --version 2>&1   \
   196                        |grep -E "${ver}"                    \
   197                        |head -n 1
   198                      )
   199                 if [ -z "${str}" ]; then
   200                     printf "no\n"
   201                     unset where
   202                     continue
   203                 fi
   204             fi
   205             status="${where}"
   206             break
   207         done
   208         if [ -z "${status}" ]; then
   209             return 1
   210         fi
   211         printf "${status}\n"
   212         unset status
   213     fi
   215     if [ -n "${inc}" ]; then
   216         for item in ${inc}; do
   217             printf "Checking for '${item}'... "
   218             if printf "#include \"${item}\"" |gcc -x c -c - -o /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   219                 where="${item}"
   220                 status=yes
   221                 break;
   222             fi
   223             printf "no\n"
   224         done
   225         if [ -z "${status}" ]; then
   226             return 1
   227         fi
   228         printf "${status}\n"
   229         unset status
   230     fi
   232     if [ -n "${lib}" ]; then
   233         if [ -z "${lib_exts}" ]; then
   234             do_error "check_for: no library extension specified for '${lib}'"
   235         fi
   236         for item in ${lib}; do
   237             for ext in ${lib_exts}; do
   238                 printf "Checking for '${item}.${ext}'... "
   239                 where="$( gcc -print-file-name="${item}.${ext}" )"
   240                 if [ "${where}" != "${item}.${ext}" ]; then
   241                     where="$( readlink "${where}" )"
   242                     status=yes
   243                     break 2;
   244                 fi
   245                 printf "no\n"
   246             done
   247         done
   248         if [ -z "${status}" ]; then
   249             return 1
   250         fi
   251         printf "${status}\n"
   252         unset status
   253     fi
   255     if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   256         eval ${var}='"'"${where}"'"'
   257     fi
   258     if [ -n "${kconfig}" ]; then
   259         eval ${kconfig}=y
   260     fi
   261 }
   263 # This function checks for a tool, and aborts if not found
   264 # See check_for(), above, for how to call has_or_abort
   265 has_or_abort() {
   266     # We declare these 6 variables here, although they are
   267     # set in check_for(), called below
   268     local prog inc lib
   269     local var ver err kconfig
   271     if ! check_for "$@"; then
   272         printf " * A mandatory dependency is missing, or version mis-match:\n"
   273         printf " * - ${err:-${prog}${inc}${lib}: none found}\n"
   274         if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   275             printf " * --> You can give the path to this tool using: --with-${var}=PATH\n"
   276         fi
   277         printf "\n"
   278         # Bail out if --force is not specified
   279         [ -z "${FORCE}" ] && do_error "Bailing out..."
   280         printf "<*                                          *>\n"
   281         printf "<*            FORCE in action:              *>\n"
   282         printf "<* Continuing despite missing pre-requisite *>\n"
   283         printf "<*          Prepare for breakage            *>\n"
   284         printf "<*                                          *>\n"
   285         printf "\n"
   286     fi
   287 }
   289 # This function checks for a tool, and warns if not found
   290 # See check_for(), above, for how to call has_or_abort
   291 # Note: if err is not set, then no error message is printed
   292 has_or_warn() {
   293     # We declare these 6 variables here, although they are
   294     # set in check_for(), called below
   295     local prog inc lib
   296     local var ver err kconfig
   298     if ! check_for "$@"; then
   299         printf " * An optional dependency is missing, some features will be disabled"
   300         printf "${err:+:\n * - ${err}}\n"
   301         if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   302             printf " * --> You can give the path to this tool using: --with-${var}=PATH\n"
   303         fi
   304     fi
   305 }
   307 do_help() {
   308     cat <<__EOF__
   309 \`configure' configures crosstool-NG-${VERSION} to adapt to many kind of systems.
   311 USAGE: ./configure [OPTION]...
   313 Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
   315 Configuration:
   316   -h, --help              display this help and exit
   317       --force             force configure to continue, even in case
   318                           some pre-requisites are missing
   320 Installation directories:
   321   --prefix=PREFIX         install files in PREFIX [${PREFIX_DEFAULT}]
   322   --local                 don't install, and use current directory
   324 By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
   325 \`${PREFIX_DEFAULT}/bin', \`${PREFIX_DEFAULT}/lib' etc.  You can specify
   326 an installation prefix other than \`${PREFIX_DEFAULT}' using \`--prefix',
   327 for instance \`--prefix=\${HOME}'.
   329 For better control, use the options below.
   330 Note: options marked as \`ignored' are recognised, but not acted upon, as
   331 they make no sense for crosstool-NG, or they are not implemented yet.
   333 Fine tuning of the installation directories:
   334   --bindir=DIR            user executables [PREFIX/bin]
   335   --libdir=DIR            object code libraries [PREFIX/lib]
   336   --docdir=DIR            info documentation [PREFIX/share/doc]
   337   --mandir=DIR            man documentation [PREFIX/share/man]
   338   --infodir=DIR           info documentation [DATAROOTDIR/info] (ignored)
   339   --datadir=DIR           read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR]
   340                           (ignored)
   341   --sysconfdir=DIR        read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc] (ignored)
   342   --localstatedir=DIR     modifiable single-machine data [PREFIX/var] (ignored)
   344 Program names:
   345   --program-prefix=PREFIX            prepend PREFIX to installed program names
   346   --program-suffix=SUFFIX            append SUFFIX to installed program names
   347   --program-transform-name=PROGRAM   run sed PROGRAM on installed program names
   349 System types:
   350   --build=BUILD     configure for building on BUILD [guessed] (ignored)
   351   --host=HOST       cross-compile to build programs to run on HOST [BUILD]
   352                     (ignored)
   354 Optional Features:
   355   --enable-shared[=PKGS]  build shared libraries [default=yes] (ignored)
   356   --enable-static[=PKGS]  build static libraries [default=yes] (ignored)
   358 Optional Packages:
   359   --with-install=PATH     Specify the full PATH to GNU install
   360   --with-make=PATH        Specify the full PATH to GNU make >= 3.80
   361   --with-grep=PATH        Specify the full PATH to GNU grep
   362   --with-sed=PATH         Specify the full PATH to GNU sed
   363   --with-bash=PATH        Specify the full PATH to bash >= 3.0
   364 __EOF__
   365 }
   367 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   368 # Set user's options
   370 while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
   371     case "$1" in
   372         --local)    LOCAL_set="y"; shift;;
   373         --prefix*)  set_prefix "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   374         --bindir*)  set_bindir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   375         --libdir*)  set_libdir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   376         --docdir*)  set_docdir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   377         --mandir*)  set_mandir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   378         --with-*)   set_tool   "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   379         --program-prefix=*|--program-prefix)
   380                     set_program_prefix "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2
   381                     ;;
   382         --program-suffix=*|--program-suffix)
   383                     set_program_suffix "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2
   384                     ;;
   385         --program-transform-name=*|--program-transform-name)
   386                     set_program_transform_name "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2
   387                     ;;
   388         --force)    FORCE=1; shift;;
   389         --help|-h)  do_help; exit 0;;
   390         # Skip, auto-stuff compatibility
   391         --build=*|--host=*|--infodir=*|--datadir=*|--sysconfdir=*|--localstatedir=*) shift;;
   392         --build|--host|--infodir|--datadir|--sysconfdir|--localstatedir)             shift 2;;
   393         --enable-shared|--disable-shared|--enable-static|--disable-static)           shift;;
   394         *)          printf "Unrecognised option: '${1}'\n"; do_help; exit 1;;
   395     esac
   396 done
   398 # Use defaults
   399 [ -z "${PREFIX}" ] && set_prefix "" "${PREFIX_DEFAULT}"
   401 # Special case when installing locally
   402 if [ "${LOCAL_set}" = "y" ]; then
   403     set_prefix "" "$( pwd )"
   404     set_bindir "" "$( pwd )"
   405     set_libdir "" "$( pwd )"
   406     set_docdir "" "$( pwd )/docs"
   407     set_mandir "" "$( pwd )/docs"
   408     set_program_prefix "" ""
   409     set_program_suffix "" ""
   410     set_program_transform_name "" ""
   411 fi
   413 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   414 # Some sanity checks, now
   416 # We check for grep and sed manually, because they are used in check_for()
   417 printf "Checking for 'grep'... "
   418 if [ -n "${grep}" ]; then
   419     printf "${grep} (cached)\n"
   420 else
   421     grep="$( which grep 2>/dev/null )"
   422     if [ -z "${grep}" ]; then
   423         printf "not found\n"
   424     else
   425         printf "${grep}\n"
   426         printf "Checking whether '${grep}' supports -E... "
   427         if echo 'foo' |"${grep}" -E 'foo' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   428             printf "yes\n"
   429         else
   430             printf "no\n"
   431             grep=
   432         fi
   433     fi
   434 fi
   435 if [ -z "${grep}" ]; then
   436     printf "Either you are missing entirely the needed tool,\n"
   437     printf "or the version you have is too old.\n"
   438     printf "You can give the path to this tool using: --with-grep=PATH\n"
   439     do_error "Bailing out..."
   440 fi
   441 add_to_var_list grep
   443 printf "Checking for 'sed'... "
   444 if [ -n "${sed}" ]; then
   445     printf "${sed} (cached)\n"
   446 else
   447     sed="$( which sed 2>/dev/null )"
   448     if [ -z "${sed}" ]; then
   449         printf "not found\n"
   450     else
   451         printf "${sed}\n"
   452         printf "Checking whether '${sed}' supports -i and -e... "
   453         touch .ct-ng.sed.test
   454         if "${sed}" -r -i -e 's/foo/bar/' .ct-ng.sed.test >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   455             printf "yes\n"
   456         else
   457             printf "no\n"
   458             sed=
   459         fi
   460         rm -f .ct-ng.sed.test
   461     fi
   462 fi
   463 if [ -z "${sed}" ]; then
   464     printf "Either you are missing entirely the needed tool,\n"
   465     printf "or the version you have is too old.\n"
   466     printf "You can give the path to this tool using: --with-sed=PATH\n"
   467     do_error "Bailing out..."
   468 fi
   469 add_to_var_list sed
   471 # The regular list of tools we can now easily check for
   472 has_or_abort prog=bash                              \
   473              var=bash                               \
   474              ver='^GNU bash, version (3\.[1-9]|4)'  \
   475              err="'bash' 3.1 or above was not found"
   476 has_or_abort prog=cut
   477 has_or_abort prog=install var=install
   478 has_or_abort prog=make                                  \
   479              var=make                                   \
   480              ver='^GNU Make (3.[89][[:digit:]]|[4-9])'  \
   481              err="GNU 'make' 3.80 or above was not found"
   482 has_or_abort prog=gcc
   483 has_or_abort prog="awk gawk" ver='^GNU Awk' err="GNU 'awk' was not found"
   484 has_or_abort prog=bison
   485 has_or_abort prog=flex
   486 has_or_abort prog=makeinfo
   487 has_or_abort prog=automake                                                      \
   488              ver='\(GNU automake\) (1\.[[:digit:]]{2,}|[2-9][[:digit:]]*\.)'    \
   489              err="'automake' 1.10 or above was not found"
   490 has_or_abort prog=libtool                                                                           \
   491              var=libtool                                                                            \
   492              ver='\(GNU libtool.*\) (2[[:digit:]]*\.|1\.6[[:digit:]]*\.|1\.5\.[2-9][[:digit:]]+)'   \
   493              err="'libtool' 1.5.26 or above was not found"
   494 has_or_abort prog=stat
   495 has_or_abort prog="curl wget"
   496 has_or_abort prog=patch
   497 has_or_abort prog=tar
   498 has_or_abort prog=gzip
   499 has_or_abort prog=bzip2
   500 has_or_warn  prog=xz                                        \
   501              kconfig=has_xzutils                            \
   502              err="xz-comoressed tarballs will not be used"
   503 has_or_abort prog=readlink
   504 has_or_abort prog=objcopy var=objcopy
   505 has_or_abort prog=objdump var=objdump
   506 has_or_abort prog=readelf var=readelf
   507 has_or_abort prog=patch var=patch
   508 has_or_warn  prog=cvs                                                   \
   509              kconfig=has_cvs                                            \
   510              err="it will not be possible to use newlib cvs snapshots"
   511 has_or_warn  prog=svn                               \
   512              kconfig=has_svn                        \
   513              err="subversion is required to download eglibc"
   515 # Host system checks
   517 printf "Checking for host system... "
   518 host="$( uname -s )"
   519 printf "%s\n" "${host}"
   520 case "${host}" in
   521     Linux)  ;;
   522     Cygwin) ;;
   523     *)
   524         printf " * Runing under %s is not fully tested\n" "${host}"
   525         printf " * You may encounter some weird behavior\n"
   526         ;;
   527 esac
   529 printf "Checking if static linking is possible... "
   530 static_link_ok=""
   531 case "${host}" in
   532     Darwin) ;;
   533     *)  tmp=.static.tmp
   534         if gcc -xc - -static -o "${tmp}" >/dev/null 2>&1 <<-_EOF_
   535 				int main() { return 0; }
   536 			_EOF_
   537         then
   538             static_link_ok="y"
   539         fi
   540         rm -f "${tmp}"
   541         ;;
   542 esac
   543 if [ "${static_link_ok}" = "y" ]; then
   544     static_link_ko=""
   545     printf "yes\n"
   546 else
   547     static_link_ko="y"
   548     printf "no\n"
   549     printf " * An optional host feature is missing, some features will be disabled:\n"
   550     printf " * - It will not be possible to statically link toolchain's binaries\n"
   551 fi
   552 add_to_kconfig_list static_link_ok
   554 # Library checks
   555 libs_exts="so dylib"
   556 if [ "${static_link_ok}" = "y" ]; then
   557     libs_exts="${libs_exts} a"
   558 fi
   560 ncurses_hdrs="ncurses/ncurses.h ncurses/curses.h ncurses.h curses.h"
   561 ncurses_libs="libncursesw libncurses libcurses"
   562 has_or_abort lib="${ncurses_libs}"                                          \
   563              lib_exts="${libs_exts}"                                        \
   564              inc="${ncurses_hdrs}"                                          \
   565              err="The 'ncurses' library is needed fo the menuconfig frontend"
   567 has_or_abort lib="libstdc++"            \
   568              lib_exts="${libs_exts}"    \
   569              err="The 'libstdc++' library is needed to build gcc"
   571 # Yes, we may be checking twice for libstdc++.a
   572 # The first is because we need one instance of libstdc++ (shared or static)
   573 # because it is needed for PPL; the second is because the static version is
   574 # required for static-linking, and if missing, the option is removed.
   575 has_or_warn  lib="libstdc++"                \
   576              lib_exts="a"                   \
   577              err="static 'libstdc++' is needed to statically link the toolchain's executables" \
   578              kconfig=has_static_libstdcxx   \
   579              skip="${static_link_ko}"
   581 has_or_warn  inc="expat.h"              \
   582              lib="libexpat"             \
   583              lib_exts="${libs_exts}"    \
   584              err="The 'expat' header file and library are needed to link cross-gdb's executables" \
   585              kconfig=has_expat
   587 # Yes, we may be checking twice for libexpat.a
   588 # The first is because we need one instance of libexpat (shared or static)
   589 # because it is needed for cross-gdb; the second is because the static version
   590 # is required for static-linking, and if missing, the option is removed.
   591 has_or_warn  lib="libexpat"             \
   592              lib_exts="a"               \
   593              err="static 'expat' is needed to statically link cross-gdb's executables" \
   594              kconfig=has_static_expat   \
   595              skip="${static_link_ko}"
   597 for v in 7 6 5 4; do
   598     python_incs="${python_incs} python2.${v}/Python.h"
   599     python_libs="${python_libs} libpython2.${v}"
   600 done
   601 has_or_warn  inc="${python_incs}"       \
   602              lib="${python_libs}"       \
   603              lib_exts="${libs_exts}"    \
   604              err="The 'python' header file and library are needed for some features of cross-gdb"
   606 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   607 # Compute the version string
   609 # If this version is n hg clone, try to get the revision number
   610 # If we can't get the revision number, use date
   611 printf "\nComputing version string... "
   612 case "${VERSION}" in
   613     *+hg|hg)
   614         REVISION="$( hg id -n 2>/dev/null || true )"
   615         case "${REVISION}" in
   616             "")
   617                 VERSION="${VERSION}_unknown@$( date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S )";;
   618             *)
   619                 VERSION="${VERSION}_$( hg id -b )@${REVISION%%+}_$( hg id -i )"
   620                 ;;
   621         esac
   622         # Arrange to have no / in the directory name, no need to create an
   623         # arbitrarily deep directory structure
   624         VERSION="$( printf "${VERSION}\n" |"${sed}" -r -e 's|/+|_|g;' )"
   625         ;;
   626 esac
   627 printf "${VERSION}\n"
   629 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   630 # Compute and check install paths
   632 # Now we have the version string, we can build up the paths
   633 [ -z "${BINDIR_set}" ] && BINDIR="${PREFIX}/bin"
   634 [ -z "${LIBDIR_set}" ] && LIBDIR="${PREFIX}/lib"
   635 [ -z "${DOCDIR_set}" ] && DOCDIR="${PREFIX}/share/doc"
   636 [ -z "${MANDIR_set}" ] && MANDIR="${PREFIX}/share/man"
   638 # Install support files in our own sub-dir, so as not to mangle (system)
   639 # files and dirs, but only if not --local
   640 if [ -z "${LOCAL_set}" ]; then
   641     LIBDIR="${LIBDIR}/ct-ng-${VERSION}"
   642     DOCDIR="${DOCDIR}/ct-ng-${VERSION}"
   643 fi
   645 # Check that install PATHs are absolute
   646 for p in BIN LIB DOC MAN; do
   647     var="${p}DIR"
   648     eval v='"${'"${var}"'}"'
   649     case "${v}" in
   650         /*) ;;
   651         *)  do_error "'${var}' is not an absolute path: '${v}'";;
   652     esac
   653 done
   654 case "${PROG_PFX}" in
   655     */*)    do_error "program prefix '${PROG_PFX}' contains a '/'";;
   656 esac
   657 case "${PROG_SFX}" in
   658     */*)    do_error "program suffix '${PROG_SFX}' contains a '/'";;
   659 esac
   661 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   662 # That's all, folks!
   664 printf "Building up Makefile... "
   665 var_sed="$( for var_name in ${var_list}; do
   666                 eval echo 's,@@${var_name}@@,${'"${var_name}"'},g'
   667             done
   668           )"
   669 kconfig_sed="s/@@KCONFIG@@/$( for k_name in ${kconfig_list}; do
   670                                   eval printf \"${k_name}=\${${k_name}} \"
   671                               done
   672                             )/"
   673 "${sed}" -r -e "s,@@BINDIR@@,${BINDIR},g"       \
   674             -e "s,@@LIBDIR@@,${LIBDIR},g"       \
   675             -e "s,@@DOCDIR@@,${DOCDIR},g"       \
   676             -e "s,@@MANDIR@@,${MANDIR},g"       \
   677             -e "s,@@PROG_PFX@@,${PROG_PFX},g"   \
   678             -e "s,@@PROG_SFX@@,${PROG_SFX},g"   \
   679             -e "s,@@PROG_SED@@,${PROG_SED},g"   \
   680             -e "s,@@VERSION@@,${VERSION},g"     \
   681             -e "s,@@DATE@@,${DATE},g"           \
   682             -e "s,@@LOCAL@@,${LOCAL_set},g"     \
   683             -e "${var_sed}"                     \
   684             -e "${kconfig_sed}"                 \
   685                            \
   686          >Makefile
   687 echo "done"
   689 cat <<__EOF__
   691 crosstool-NG configured as follows:
   692   PREFIX='${PREFIX}'
   693   BINDIR='${BINDIR}'
   694   LIBDIR='${LIBDIR}'
   695   DOCDIR='${DOCDIR}'
   696   MANDIR='${MANDIR}'
   697   PROG_PFX='${PROG_PFX}'
   698   PROG_SFX='${PROG_SFX}'
   699   PROG_SED='${PROG_SED}'
   701 Now run:
   702   make
   703 __EOF__
   704 if [ "${LOCAL_set}" != "y" ]; then
   705     printf "  make install\n"
   706 fi