author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Thu Dec 27 12:45:22 2012 +0100 (2012-12-27)
changeset 3152 b286c7993be5
parent 2075 edc7c7958e80
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
scripts/addToolsVersion: properly handle .in vs. .in.2

While most components have their version in the .in file, some
have it in the .in.2 (eg. elf2flt).

Currently, to handle this case, we indiscriminately munge both files,
but this is wrong: in the elf2flt case, if we add a binutils version,
we do not want it to be added to elf2flt, and conversely.

So, for each tool, we need to explicitly know what file to munge.

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <>
     1 #!/bin/sh
     3 repos="$1"
     4 pdir="$2"
     5 if [ -z "${repos}" -o ! -d "${repos}" -o -z "${pdir}" -o ! -d "${pdir}" ];then
     6     printf "Usage: ${0##*/} <repos_dir> <patch_dir>\n"
     7     exit 1
     8 fi
    10 pdir="$( cd "${pdir}"; pwd)"
    11 version="$( echo "${pdir}" |sed -r -e 's,.*/([^/]+)/*$,\1,' )"
    12 branch="${version%.*}"
    13 n=$( ls -1 "${pdir}" 2>/dev/null |wc -l )
    15 r1="$( hg -R "${repos}" log -b "${branch}"  \
    16        |awk '
    17             $1=="changeset:" {
    18                 prev=rev;
    19                 split($2,a,":");
    20                 rev=a[1];
    21             }
    22             $0~/^summary:[[:space:]]+'"${branch}: (bump|update) version to ${version}\+hg"'$/ {
    23                 printf( "%d\n", prev );
    24             }
    25             '
    26      )"
    28 i=0
    29 hg -R "${repos}" log -b "${branch}" -r "${r1}:tip" --template '{rev}\n'    \
    30 |while read rev; do
    31     p="$( printf "%03d" ${i} )"
    32     i=$((i+1))
    33     if [ $( ls -1 "${pdir}/${p}-"*.patch 2>/dev/null |wc -l ) -ne 0 ]; then
    34         continue
    35     fi
    36     plog=$( hg -R "${repos}" log -r ${rev} --template '{desc|firstline}\n'  \
    37             |sed -r -e 's,[^[:alnum:]],_,g; s/_+/_/g;'                      \
    38           )
    39     pname="${p}-${plog}.patch"
    40     printf "Revision '%d' --> '%s'\n" ${rev} "${pname}"
    41     hg -R "${repos}" diff -c ${rev} --color=never >"${pdir}/${pname}"
    42     pdate="$( hg -R "${repos}" log -r ${rev} --template '{date|isodate}\n' )"
    43     touch -d "${pdate}" "${pdir}/${pname}"
    44 done