author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Sun Jan 17 23:06:02 2010 +0100 (2010-01-17)
changeset 1740 c57458bb354d
parent 744 4bf8448536d5
permissions -rw-r--r--
configure: do not require hg when configuring in an hg clone

When configuring in an hg clone, we need hg to compute the version string.
It can happen that users do not have Mercurial (eg. if they got a snapshot
rather that they did a full clone). In this case, we can still run, of
course, so simply fill the version string with a sufficiently explicit
value, that does not require hg. The date is a good candidate.
     1 --- glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/sigsuspend.S.orig	2006-10-22 22:17:01.000000000 +0200
     2 +++ glibc-2.5/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/sigsuspend.S	2006-10-22 22:18:05.000000000 +0200
     3 @@ -31,3 +31,21 @@
     4  libc_hidden_def (__sigsuspend)
     5  weak_alias (__sigsuspend, sigsuspend)
     6  strong_alias (__sigsuspend, __libc_sigsuspend)
     7 +
     8 +#ifndef NO_CANCELLATION
     9 +	.globl __sigsuspend_nocancel;
    10 +	.align 4;
    11 +	.type __sigsuspend_nocancel, @function;
    12 +	.usepv __sigsuspend_nocancel, std;
    13 +	cfi_startproc;
    14 +__LABEL(__sigsuspend_nocancel)
    15 +	ldgp    gp, 0(pv);
    16 +	PSEUDO_PROF;
    18 +	lda     v0, SYS_ify(sigsuspend);
    19 +	call_pal PAL_callsys;
    20 +	bne     a3, SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;
    21 +	ret;
    22 +	cfi_endproc;
    23 +	.size __sigsuspend_nocancel, .-__sigsuspend_nocancel
    24 +#endif