author "Yann E. MORIN" <>
Sat May 02 18:23:58 2009 +0000 (2009-05-02)
changeset 1312 dd2afd8765a1
parent 1311 bcd9c49d74ef
child 1313 7f0afd31d602
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
When running ./configure, check for the {n,}curses headers.

-------- diffstat follows --------
/trunk/configure | 66 39 27 0 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
     1 #!/bin/sh
     3 myname="${0##*/}"
     5 VERSION=$( cat .version )
     6 DATE=$( date +%Y%m%d )
     8 PREFIX_DEFAULT=/usr/local
    10 BINDIR_set=
    11 LIBDIR_set=
    12 DOCDIR_set=
    13 MANDIR_set=
    14 LOCAL_set=
    15 FORCE=
    17 do_quit=
    19 # Simply print the error message, and exit. Obvious, he?
    20 do_error() {
    21     echo "${myname}: ${@}"
    22     exit 1
    23 }
    25 # Given an option string and the following argument,
    26 # echoes the value of the option.
    27 # If --var=val => echoes val and returns 0, meaning second arg was not consumed
    28 # If --var val => echoes val and returns non null, meaning second arg was used
    29 get_optval(){
    30     case "$1" in
    31         --*=?*)
    32             echo "${1#*=}"
    33             return 0
    34             ;;
    35         *)
    36             echo "${2}"
    37             return 1
    38             ;;
    39     esac
    40 }
    42 # The set_xxx functions will set the corresponding configuration variable
    43 # They return 0 if second arg was not consumed, and non-zero if it was consumed.
    44 set_prefix() {
    45     PREFIX="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    46 }
    47 set_bindir() {
    48     BINDIR_set=1
    49     BINDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    50 }
    51 set_libdir() {
    52     LIBDIR_set=1
    53     LIBDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    54 }
    55 set_docdir() {
    56     DOCDIR_set=1
    57     DOCDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    58 }
    59 set_mandir() {
    60     MANDIR_set=1
    61     MANDIR="$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    62 }
    63 set_tool() {
    64     local var_name="${1%%=*}"
    65     var_name="${var_name#--with-}"
    66     eval ${var_name}="\$( get_optval "$1" "$2" )"
    67 }
    69 # var_list is a list of variables, each one holding a path to a
    70 # tool, either detected by ./configure, or specified by the user.
    71 var_list=""
    73 # This function adds a variable name to the above list of variable names.
    74 # $1: the name of the variable to add to the list
    75 add_to_var_list() {
    76     var_list="${var_list} ${1}"
    77 }
    79 # A function to test for required tools/headers/libraries
    80 # $*: [prog|inc|lib]=<name[ name...]>
    81 #     the name(s) of tool(s) to test for
    82 #     mandatory
    83 #       eg: prog=bash   prog="curl wget"
    84 # $*: var=<var_name>
    85 #     the name of the variable to test and set
    86 #     optional
    87 #       eg: var=bash    if ${bash} is set and non-null, use that,
    88 #                       else check for bash and set bash=$(which bash)
    89 # $*: ver=<regexp>
    90 #     for each 'prog', test if $(prog --version) matches 'regexp'
    91 #     optional
    92 #       eg: ver='^GNU bash, version [34]\.'
    93 # $*: err=<error_message>
    94 #     the error message to print if tool is missing
    95 #     optional, defaults to: '${prog}: none found'
    96 #       eg: err="'bash' 3.x or above was not found"
    97 has_or_abort() {
    98     local prog inc lib
    99     local var ver err
   100     local val
   101     local item
   102     local where
   103     local version
   104     local status
   106     for item in "${@}"; do
   107         case "${item}" in
   108             prog=*|inc=*|lib=*|var=*|ver=*|err=*)
   109                 eval ${item%%=*}="'${item#*=}'"
   110                 ;;
   111             *)  do_error "has_or_abort: incorrect parameters: '$@'";;
   112         esac
   113     done
   115     case "${prog}:${inc}:${lib}" in
   116         ?*::)
   117             for item in ${prog}; do
   118                 printf "Checking for '${item}'... "
   119                 if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   120                     eval val="\${${var}}"
   121                     if [ -n "${val}" ]; then
   122                         printf "${val} (cached)\n"
   123                         return 0
   124                     fi
   125                 fi
   126                 where="$( which "${item}" 2>/dev/null )"
   127                 if [ -z "${where}" ]; then
   128                     printf "no\n"
   129                     continue
   130                 elif [ -n "${ver}" ]; then
   131                     version=$( ${where} --version 2>&1 )
   132                     str=$( echo "${version}" |grep -E "${ver}" |head -n 1 )
   133                     if [ -z "${str}" ]; then
   134                         printf "no\n"
   135                         unset where
   136                         continue
   137                     fi
   138                 fi
   139                 status="${where}"
   140                 break
   141             done
   142             ;;
   143         :?*:)
   144             for item in ${inc}; do
   145                 printf "Checking for '${item}'... "
   146                 if printf "#include \"${item}\"" |gcc -x c -c - -o /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   147                     where="${item}"
   148                     status=yes
   149                     break;
   150                 fi
   151                 printf "no\n"
   152             done
   153             ;;
   154         ::?*)
   155             ;;
   156     esac
   157     if [ -z "${status}" ]; then
   158         printf "\n${err:-${prog}${inc}${lib}: none found}\n\n"
   159         printf "Either you are missing entirely the needed tool,\n"
   160         printf "or the version you have is too old.\n"
   161         if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   162             printf "You can give the path to this tool using: --with-${var}=PATH\n"
   163         fi
   164         # FORCE can be set in the environment
   165         [ -z "${FORCE}" ] && do_error "Bailing out..."
   166         printf "\n"
   167         printf "<*                                          *>\n"
   168         printf "<*            FORCE in action:              *>\n"
   169         printf "<* Continuing despite missing pre-requisite *>\n"
   170         printf "<*          Prepare for breakage            *>\n"
   171         printf "<*                                          *>\n"
   172         printf "\n"
   173     else
   174         printf "${status}"
   175         if [ -n "${var}" ]; then
   176             eval ${var}='"'"${where}"'"'
   177             add_to_var_list "${var}"
   178         fi
   179         printf "\n"
   180     fi
   181 }
   183 do_help() {
   184     cat <<__EOF__
   185 \`configure' configures crosstool-NG-${VERSION} to adapt to many kind of systems.
   187 USAGE: ./configure [OPTION]...
   189 Defaults for the options are specified in brackets.
   191 Configuration:
   192   -h, --help              display this help and exit
   193       --force             force configure to continue, even in case
   194                           some pre-requisites are missing
   196 Installation directories:
   197   --prefix=PREFIX         install files in PREFIX [${PREFIX_DEFAULT}]
   198   --local                 don't install, and use current directory
   200 By default, \`make install' will install all the files in
   201 \`${PREFIX_DEFAULT}/bin', \`${PREFIX_DEFAULT}/lib' etc.  You can specify
   202 an installation prefix other than \`${PREFIX_DEFAULT}' using \`--prefix',
   203 for instance \`--prefix=\${HOME}'.
   205 For better control, use the options below.
   207 Fine tuning of the installation directories:
   208   --bindir=DIR            user executables [PREFIX/bin]
   209   --libdir=DIR            object code libraries [PREFIX/lib]
   210   --docdir=DIR            info documentation [PREFIX/share/doc]
   211   --mandir=DIR            man documentation [PREFIX/share/man]
   213 Optional Features:
   214   --with-install=PATH     Specify the full PATH to GNU install
   215   --with-make=PATH        Specify the full PATH to GNU make >= 3.80
   216   --with-grep=PATH        Specify the full PATH to GNU grep
   217   --with-sed=PATH         Specify the full PATH to GNU sed
   218   --with-bash=PATH        Specify the full PATH to bash >= 3.0
   219 __EOF__
   220 }
   222 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   223 # Set user's options
   225 while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
   226     case "$1" in
   227         --local)    LOCAL_set="y"; shift;;
   228         --prefix*)  set_prefix "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   229         --bindir*)  set_bindir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   230         --libdir*)  set_libdir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   231         --docdir*)  set_docdir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   232         --mandir*)  set_mandir "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   233         --with-*)   set_tool   "$1" "$2" && shift || shift 2;;
   234         --force)    FORCE=1; shift;;
   235         --help|-h)  do_help; exit 0;;
   236         *)          echo "Unrecognised option: '${1}'"; do_help; exit 1;;
   237     esac
   238 done
   240 # Use defaults
   241 [ -z "${PREFIX}" ] && set_prefix "" "${PREFIX_DEFAULT}"
   243 # Special case when installing locally
   244 if [ "${LOCAL_set}" = "y" ]; then
   245     set_prefix "" "$( pwd )"
   246     set_bindir "" "$( pwd )"
   247     set_libdir "" "$( pwd )"
   248     set_docdir "" "$( pwd )/docs"
   249     set_mandir "" "$( pwd )/docs"
   250 fi
   252 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 # Some sanity checks, now
   255 # We check for grep and sed manually, because they are used in has_or_abort
   256 printf "Checking for 'grep'... "
   257 if [ -n "${grep}" ]; then
   258     echo "${grep} (cached)"
   259 else
   260     grep="$( which grep 2>/dev/null )"
   261     if [ -z "${grep}" ]; then
   262         echo "not found"
   263     else
   264         echo "${grep}"
   265         printf "Checking whether '${grep}' supports -E... "
   266         if echo 'foo' |"${grep}" -E 'foo' >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   267             echo "yes"
   268         else
   269             echo "no"
   270             grep=
   271         fi
   272     fi
   273 fi
   274 if [ -z "${grep}" ]; then
   275     echo "Either you are missing entirely the needed tool,"
   276     echo "or the version you have is too old."
   277     echo "You can give the path to this tool using: --with-grep=PATH"
   278     do_error "Bailing out..."
   279 fi
   280 add_to_var_list grep
   282 printf "Checking for 'sed'... "
   283 if [ -n "${sed}" ]; then
   284     echo "${sed} (cached)"
   285 else
   286     sed="$( which sed 2>/dev/null )"
   287     if [ -z "${sed}" ]; then
   288         echo "not found"
   289     else
   290         echo "${sed}"
   291         printf "Checking whether '${sed}' supports -i and -e... "
   292         touch .ct-ng.sed.test
   293         if "${sed}" -r -i -e 's/foo/bar/' .ct-ng.sed.test >/dev/null 2>&1; then
   294             echo "yes"
   295         else
   296             echo "no"
   297             sed=
   298         fi
   299         rm -f .ct-ng.sed.test
   300     fi
   301 fi
   302 if [ -z "${sed}" ]; then
   303     echo "Either you are missing entirely the needed tool,"
   304     echo "or the version you have is too old."
   305     echo "You can give the path to this tool using: --with-sed=PATH"
   306     do_error "Bailing out..."
   307 fi
   308 add_to_var_list sed
   310 # The regular list of tools we can now easily check for
   311 has_or_abort prog=bash                              \
   312              var=bash                               \
   313              ver='^GNU bash, version [34]\.'        \
   314              err="'bash' 3.x or above was not found"
   315 has_or_abort prog=cut
   316 has_or_abort prog=install var=install
   317 has_or_abort prog=make                                  \
   318              var=make                                   \
   319              ver='^GNU Make (3.[89][[:digit:]]|[4-9])'  \
   320              err="GNU 'make' 3.80 or above was not found"
   321 has_or_abort prog=gcc
   322 has_or_abort prog=awk
   323 has_or_abort prog=bison
   324 has_or_abort prog=flex
   325 has_or_abort prog=makeinfo
   326 has_or_abort prog=automake                                                      \
   327              ver='\(GNU automake\) (1\.[[:digit:]]{2,}\.|[2-9][[:digit:]]*\.)'  \
   328              err="'automake' 1.10 or above was not found"
   329 has_or_abort prog=libtool                                                                           \
   330              ver='\(GNU libtool.*\) (2[[:digit:]]*\.|1\.6[[:digit:]]*\.|1\.5\.[2-9][[:digit:]]+)'   \
   331              err="'libtool' 1.5.26 or above was not found"
   332 has_or_abort prog="curl wget"
   333 has_or_abort prog=patch
   334 has_or_abort prog=tar
   335 has_or_abort prog=gzip
   336 has_or_abort prog=bzip2
   337 has_or_abort prog=lzma
   339 has_or_abort inc="ncurses/ncurses.h ncurses/curses.h ncurses.h curses.h"    \
   340              err="'ncurses' headers files were not found"
   341 #has_or_abort lib="ncursesw ncurses curses" err="'ncurses' library was not found"
   343 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   344 # Compute the version string
   346 # If this version is a svn snapshot, try to get the revision number
   347 # If we can't get the revision number, use date
   348 case "${VERSION}" in
   349     *+svn|svn)
   350         has_or_abort prog=svnversion
   351         printf "Computing version string... "
   352         REVISION="$( LC_ALL=C svnversion )"
   353         case "${REVISION}" in
   354             exported)
   355                 VERSION="${VERSION}_unknown@$( date +%Y%m%d.%H%M%S )";;
   356             *)
   357                 URL="$( LC_ALL=C svn info 2>/dev/null   \
   358                                  |egrep 'URL: '         \
   359                                  |cut -d ' ' -f 2-      \
   360                       )"
   361                 ROOT="$( LC_ALL=C svn info 2>/dev/null      \
   362                          |"${grep}" '^Repository Root: '    \
   363                          |cut -d ' ' -f 3-                  \
   364                        )"
   365                 VERSION="${VERSION}${URL#${ROOT}}@${REVISION}"
   366                 ;;
   367         esac
   368         # Arrange to have no / in the directory name, no need to create an
   369         # arbitrarily deep directory structure
   370         VERSION="$( echo "${VERSION}" |"${sed}" -r -e 's|/+|_|g;' )"
   371         ;;
   372 esac
   373 echo "${VERSION}"
   375 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   376 # Compute and check install paths
   378 # Now we have the version string, we can build up the paths
   379 [ -z "${BINDIR_set}" ] && BINDIR="${PREFIX}/bin"
   380 [ -z "${LIBDIR_set}" ] && LIBDIR="${PREFIX}/lib/ct-ng-${VERSION}"
   381 [ -z "${DOCDIR_set}" ] && DOCDIR="${PREFIX}/share/doc/ct-ng-${VERSION}"
   382 [ -z "${MANDIR_set}" ] && MANDIR="${PREFIX}/share/man/man1"
   384 # Check that install PATHs are absolute
   385 for p in BIN LIB DOC MAN; do
   386     var="${p}DIR"
   387     eval v='"${'"${var}"'}"'
   388     case "${v}" in
   389         /*) ;;
   390         *)  do_error "'${var}' is not an absolute path: '${v}'"
   391     esac
   392 done
   394 #---------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 # That's all, folks!
   397 printf "Building up Makefile... "
   398 var_sed="$( for var_name in ${var_list}; do
   399                 eval echo 's,@@${var_name}@@,${'"${var_name}"'},g'
   400             done 
   401           )"
   402 "${sed}" -r -e "s,@@BINDIR@@,${BINDIR},g
   403                 s,@@LIBDIR@@,${LIBDIR},g
   404                 s,@@DOCDIR@@,${DOCDIR},g
   405                 s,@@MANDIR@@,${MANDIR},g
   406                 s,@@VERSION@@,${VERSION},g
   407                 s,@@DATE@@,${DATE},g
   408                 ${var_sed}
   409                 s,@@LOCAL@@,${LOCAL_set},g" >Makefile
   410 echo "done"
   412 cat <<__EOF__
   414 crosstool-NG configured as follows:
   415   PREFIX='${PREFIX}'
   416   BINDIR='${BINDIR}'
   417   LIBDIR='${LIBDIR}'
   418   DOCDIR='${DOCDIR}'
   419   MANDIR='${MANDIR}'
   421 Now run:
   422   make
   423 __EOF__
   424 if [ "${LOCAL_set}" != "y" ]; then
   425     printf "  make install\n"
   426 fi