author "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
Fri Jan 03 17:10:09 2014 +0100 (2014-01-03)
changeset 3270 dff359adf15c
parent 3167 15f57d843296
permissions -rw-r--r--
libc/eglibc: fix downloading of localedef addon

For the versions of eglibc where the ports addon is not external (ie,
all versions after, and including 2.17), we would fail to download the
localedef addon, since the test did not care about the addon we were
about to download, only whether the ports addon was external or not.

Fix that by skipping the ports addon only if that's the addon we're
trying to download.

Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
     1 # To be sourced
     3 _ct_ng () {
     4     local cur prev samples show_samples actions steps start_steps stop_steps ct_ng_opts vars
     5     COMPREPLY=()
     6     cur=$(_get_cword)
     7     prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
     9     samples=$( "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" list-samples-short 2>/dev/null )
    10     show_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1show-/g;')
    11     build_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1build-/g;')
    12     check_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1check-/g;')
    14     steps=$(${COMP_WORDS[0]} list-steps 2>/dev/null |awk '$1 == "-" { print $2; }')
    15     start_steps=$(echo "${steps}" |sed -r -e 's/($| )/\1+/;')
    16     stop_steps=$(echo "${steps}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/+\1/;')
    18     actions='help menuconfig oldconfig saveconfig extractconfig
    19              defconfig savedefconfig
    20              build build. build-all build-all.
    21              wiki-samples list-samples list-samples-short check-samples
    22              list-steps
    23              show-tuple show-all show-config
    24              clean distclean updatetools
    25              tarball version'
    27     vars="RESTART= STOP= PREFIX= V= DEFCONFIG="
    29     ct_ng_opts="${samples} ${show_samples} ${build_samples} ${check_samples}
    30                 ${steps} ${start_steps} ${stop_steps}
    31                 ${actions} ${vars}"
    33     COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${ct_ng_opts}" -- "${cur}"))
    34     return 0
    35 }
    36 complete -F _ct_ng ct-ng