author Oron Peled <>
Mon Aug 03 23:11:53 2009 +0200 (2009-08-03)
changeset 1455 e6a3b4ffe576
child 1510 0d601781661d
permissions -rw-r--r--
[configure] Fix automake version check

The configure script fails on automake-1.11 (in Fedora-11) since
it looks for 3-digit version number.

"Yann E. MORIN", added the following comment:

The check for the automake version is not against a 3-digit number,
but really against a 3-part version number, a-la 'x.y.z'. Versions
such as 1.10 and 1.11 are also valid.
     1 # Options specific to extracting packages
     3 comment "Extracting"
     5 config FORCE_EXTRACT
     6     bool
     7     prompt "Force extractions"
     8     default n
     9     help
    10       Force extraction of already exctracted tarballs.
    12       Usefull if you suspect a previous extract did not complete (eg. broken
    13       tarball), or you added a new set of patches for this component.
    16     bool
    17     prompt "Override config.{guess,sub}"
    18     default y
    19     help
    20       Override tools' versions of config.guess and config.sub with the ones
    21       from crosstool-NG. This means that all instances of config.guess and
    22       config.sub in gcc, binutils, glibc, etc... will be replaced.
    24       Most of the time, the versions of those scripts found in packages are old
    25       versions, thus lacking some target definitions. This is the case for
    26       uClibc-based tuples in old versions of gcc and gdb, for example.
    28       Also, doing so will guarantee that all components have the same tuples
    29       definitions for your target, and not diverging ones.
    31       You can update the ones provided with crosstool-NG by first running:
    32         ct-ng updatetools
    33       in the directory where you want to run crosstool-NG prior to the build.
    35 config ONLY_EXTRACT
    36     bool
    37     prompt "Stop after extracting tarballs"
    38     default n
    39     help
    40       Exit after unpacking and patching tarballs.
    42       Usefull to look at the code before doing the build itself.