author "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
Mon Feb 25 21:19:31 2013 +0100 (2013-02-25)
changeset 3185 f89f8e6f8766
parent 3167 15f57d843296
permissions -rw-r--r--
Makefile: fix parrallel (-j) installs

Currently, we would remove previously installed patches before
installing the new ones. Unfortunately, that does not play well
with heavily parallel installs.

Now, we consider it is the responsibility of the user to first
uninstall any previous version before installing a new one.

Reported-by: Markos Chandras <markos.chandras@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: "Yann E. MORIN" <yann.morin.1998@free.fr>
     1 # To be sourced
     3 _ct_ng () {
     4     local cur prev samples show_samples actions steps start_steps stop_steps ct_ng_opts vars
     5     COMPREPLY=()
     6     cur=$(_get_cword)
     7     prev=${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}
     9     samples=$( "${COMP_WORDS[0]}" list-samples-short 2>/dev/null )
    10     show_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1show-/g;')
    11     build_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1build-/g;')
    12     check_samples=$(echo "${samples}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/\1check-/g;')
    14     steps=$(${COMP_WORDS[0]} list-steps 2>/dev/null |awk '$1 == "-" { print $2; }')
    15     start_steps=$(echo "${steps}" |sed -r -e 's/($| )/\1+/;')
    16     stop_steps=$(echo "${steps}" |sed -r -e 's/(^| )/+\1/;')
    18     actions='help menuconfig oldconfig saveconfig extractconfig
    19              defconfig savedefconfig
    20              build build. build-all build-all.
    21              wiki-samples list-samples list-samples-short check-samples
    22              list-steps
    23              show-tuple show-all show-config
    24              clean distclean updatetools
    25              tarball version'
    27     vars="RESTART= STOP= PREFIX= V= DEFCONFIG="
    29     ct_ng_opts="${samples} ${show_samples} ${build_samples} ${check_samples}
    30                 ${steps} ${start_steps} ${stop_steps}
    31                 ${actions} ${vars}"
    33     COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${ct_ng_opts}" -- "${cur}"))
    34     return 0
    35 }
    36 complete -F _ct_ng ct-ng