yann@182: # Makefile for the tools/ sub-directory yann@182: yann@182: # Here, we can update the config.* scripts. yann@182: # If we're in CT_LIB_DIR, then CT_LIB_DIR == CT_TOP_DIR, and we can update those yann@182: # scripts for later inclusion mainline. If CT_LIB_DIR != CT_TOP_DIR, then those yann@182: # scripts are downloaded only for use in CT_TOP_DIR. yann@182: yann@1: CONFIG_SUB_SRC="http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/config.sub" yann@1: CONFIG_SUB_DEST="$(CT_TOP_DIR)/tools/config.sub" yann@1: CONFIG_GUESS_SRC="http://cvs.savannah.gnu.org/viewcvs/*checkout*/config/config/config.guess" yann@1: CONFIG_GUESS_DEST="$(CT_TOP_DIR)/tools/config.guess" yann@1: yann@182: $(CT_TOP_DIR)/tools: yann@182: @mkdir -p $(CT_TOP_DIR)/tools yann@182: yann@182: PHONY += updatetools yann@182: updatetools: $(CT_TOP_DIR)/tools $(CONFIG_SUB_DEST) $(CONFIG_GUESS_DEST) yann@182: yann@182: $(CONFIG_SUB_DEST): yann@182: @wget $(CONFIG_SUB_SRC) -O $@ yann@182: @chmod u+rwx,go+rx-w $@ yann@182: yann@182: $(CONFIG_GUESS_DEST): yann@182: @wget $(CONFIG_GUESS_SRC) -O $@ yann@182: @chmod u+rwx,go+rx-w $@ yann@1: yann@176: help-distrib:: yann@19: @echo ' updatetools - Update the config tools' yann@182: yann@182: distclean:: yann@182: @[ $(CT_TOP_DIR) = $(CT_LIB_DIR) ] || rm -rf $(CT_TOP_DIR)/tools