yann@1345: # elf2flt options yann@1345: yann@1345: if ARCH_BINFMT_FLAT yann@1345: yann@1345: comment "elf2flt" yann@1345: yann@1345: choice yann@1345: bool yann@1345: prompt "elf2flt version" yann@1535: # Don't remove next line yann@1535: # CT_INSERT_VERSION_BELOW yann@1345: yann@1345: config ELF2FLT_CVSHEAD yann@1345: bool yann@1345: prompt "CVS Head" yann@1345: help yann@1345: Grab the latest version of elf2flt from the CVS repository yann@1345: david@3090: config ELF2FLT_CUSTOM david@3090: bool david@3090: prompt "Custom elf2flt" david@3090: depends on EXPERIMENTAL david@3090: yann@1345: endchoice yann@1345: david@3090: if ELF2FLT_CUSTOM david@3090: david@3090: config ELF2FLT_CUSTOM_LOCATION david@3090: string david@3090: prompt "Full path to custom elf2flt source" david@3090: default "" david@3090: help david@3090: Enter the path to the directory (or tarball) of your source for elf2flt, david@3090: or leave blank to use default CT_CUSTOM_LOCATION_ROOT_DIR/elf2flt david@3090: david@3090: endif # ELF2FLT_CUSTOM david@3090: yann@1345: config ELF2FLT_VERSION yann@1345: string david@3090: default "cvs" if ELF2FLT_CVSHEAD david@3090: default "custom" if ELF2FLT_CUSTOM yann@1535: # Don't remove next line yann@1535: # CT_INSERT_VERSION_STRING_BELOW yann@1345: yann@2467: config ELF2FLT_EXTRA_CONFIG_ARRAY yann@1345: string yann@1345: prompt "elf2flt extra config" yann@1345: default "" yann@1345: help yann@1345: Extra flags passed onto ./configure when configuring yann@2469: yann@2469: You can enter multiple arguments here, and arguments can contain spaces yann@2469: if they are properly quoted (or escaped, but prefer quotes). Eg.: yann@2469: --with-foo="1st arg with 4 spaces" --with-bar=2nd-arg-without-space yann@1345: yann@1345: endif