yann@63: #!/bin/bash yann@63: yann@63: # This script is responsible for saving the current configuration into a yann@63: # sample to be used later on as a pre-configured target. yann@63: yann@63: # What we need to save: yann@63: # - the .config file yann@63: # - the kernel .config file if specified yann@63: # - the uClibc .config file if uClibc selected yann@63: yann@63: . "${CT_TOP_DIR}/scripts/functions" yann@63: yann@63: # Log to a temporary file until we have built our environment yann@63: CT_ACTUAL_LOG_FILE="${CT_TOP_DIR}/$$.log" yann@63: CT_LOG_INFO=y yann@63: CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX="INFO" yann@63: yann@63: # Parse the configuration file yann@63: CT_TestOrAbort "Configuration file not found. Please create one." -f "${CT_TOP_DIR}/.config" yann@63: . "${CT_TOP_DIR}/.config" yann@63: yann@63: # Override log level yann@63: unset CT_LOG_ERROR CT_LOG_WARN CT_LOG_EXTRA CT_LOG_DEBUG yann@63: CT_LOG_INFO=y yann@63: CT_LOG_LEVEL_MAX="INFO" yann@63: yann@63: # Target triplet: CT_TARGET needs a little love: yann@63: CT_DoBuildTargetTriplet yann@63: yann@63: # Create the sample directory yann@63: [ -d "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}" ] || svn mkdir "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}" >/dev/null 2>&1 yann@63: yann@63: # Save the crosstool-NG config file yann@63: cp "${CT_TOP_DIR}/.config" "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/crosstool.config" yann@63: yann@63: # Save the kernel .config file yann@63: if [ -n "${CT_KERNEL_LINUX_CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then yann@63: # We save the file, and then point the saved sample to this file yann@63: cp "${CT_KERNEL_LINUX_CONFIG_FILE}" "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_KERNEL}-${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}.config" yann@63: svn add "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_KERNEL}-${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}.config" >/dev/null 2>&1 yann@63: sed -r -i -e 's|^(CT_KERNEL_LINUX_CONFIG_FILE=).+$|\1"${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_KERNEL}-${CT_KERNEL_VERSION}.config"|;' \ yann@63: "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/crosstool.config" yann@63: else yann@63: # remove any dangling files yann@63: for f in "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_KERNEL}-"*.config; do yann@63: if [ -f "${f}" ]; then svn rm --force "${f}" >/dev/null 2>&1; fi yann@63: done yann@63: fi yann@63: yann@63: # Save the uClibc .config file yann@63: if [ -n "${CT_LIBC_UCLIBC_CONFIG_FILE}" ]; then yann@63: # We save the file, and then point the saved sample to this file yann@63: cp "${CT_LIBC_UCLIBC_CONFIG_FILE}" "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_LIBC}-${CT_LIBC_VERSION}.config" yann@63: svn add "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_LIBC}-${CT_LIBC_VERSION}.config" >/dev/null 2>&1 yann@63: sed -r -i -e 's|^(CT_LIBC_UCLIBC_CONFIG_FILE=).+$|\1"${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_LIBC}-${CT_LIBC_VERSION}.config"|;' \ yann@63: "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/crosstool.config" yann@63: else yann@63: # remove any dangling files yann@63: for f in "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/${CT_LIBC}-"*.config; do yann@63: if [ -f "${f}" ]; then svn rm --force "${f}" >/dev/null 2>&1; fi yann@63: done yann@63: fi yann@63: yann@63: # We could svn add earlier, but it's better to yann@63: # add a frozen file than modifying it later yann@63: svn add "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}/crosstool.config" >/dev/null 2>&1 yann@63: yann@63: svn stat "${CT_TOP_DIR}/samples/${CT_TARGET}" 2>/dev/null |CT_DoLog INFO yann@63: yann@63: rm -f "${CT_ACTUAL_LOG_FILE}"