yann@445: # Options related to how the build behaves yann@121: yann@121: comment "Build behavior" yann@121: yann@1: config PARALLEL_JOBS yann@1: int yann@1: prompt "Number of parallel jobs" yann@1: default 1 yann@1: help yann@1: Number of jobs make will be allowed to run concurently. yann@1: Set this higher than the number of processors you have, but not too high. yann@1: A good rule of thumb is twice the number of processors you have. yann@1: yann@1: Enter 1 (or 0) to have only one job at a time. yann@1: yann@1: config LOAD yann@1: int yann@1: prompt "Maximum allowed load" yann@1: default 0 yann@1: help yann@1: Specifies that no new jobs should be started if there are others jobs yann@1: running and the load average is at least this value. yann@1: yann@1: Makes sense on SMP machines only. yann@1: yann@1: Enter 0 to have no limit on the load average. yann@1: yann@1: Note: only the integer part of the load is allowed here (you can't enter yann@1: 0.75 for example). yann@1: yann@1: config NICE yann@1: int yann@1: prompt "Nice level" yann@1: default 0 yann@1: range 0 19 yann@1: help yann@1: Renices the build process up. yann@1: yann@1: config USE_PIPES yann@1: bool yann@1: prompt "Use -pipe" yann@1: default y yann@1: help yann@1: Use gcc's option -pipe to use pipes rather than temp files when building yann@1: the toolchain. yann@805: yann@805: config CONFIG_SHELL_ASH yann@805: bool yann@805: prompt "Use 'ash' as CONFIG_SHELL" yann@805: default n yann@805: help yann@805: Use /bin/ash as the shell used by ./configure scripts. yann@805: yann@805: ./configure scripts make intensive use of calling a sub-shell, and the yann@805: traditional bash is slow, whereas ash is faster. yann@805: yann@805: Saying 'y' here should be safe enough, but some components may not yann@805: accept using a shell other than bash (this is most probably true for yann@805: old versions). If you have trouble, say 'n' here and see if it fixes it.