scripts/samples: use the computed '$(sed)', not 'sed'
author"Titus von Boxberg" <>
Wed Feb 03 00:24:24 2010 +0100 (2010-02-03)
changeset 181326974c3670fd
parent 1812 9c3bfbb46b19
child 1814 10579a8e9141
scripts/samples: use the computed '$(sed)', not 'sed'
     1.1 --- a/samples/	Thu Feb 18 19:29:06 2010 +0100
     1.2 +++ b/samples/	Wed Feb 03 00:24:24 2010 +0100
     1.3 @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
     1.4  CT_TOP_SAMPLES := $(patsubst $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/%/crosstool.config,%,$(wildcard $(CT_TOP_DIR)/samples/*/crosstool.config))
     1.5  CT_LIB_SAMPLES := $(filter-out $(CT_TOP_SAMPLES),$(patsubst $(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/%/crosstool.config,%,$(wildcard $(CT_LIB_DIR)/samples/*/crosstool.config)))
     1.6  CT_SAMPLES := $(shell echo $(sort $(CT_TOP_SAMPLES) $(CT_LIB_SAMPLES))  \
     1.7 -                      |sed -r -e 's/ /\n/g;'                            \
     1.8 -                      |sed -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;'                  \
     1.9 +                      |$(sed) -r -e 's/ /\n/g;'                            \
    1.10 +                      |$(sed) -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;'                  \
    1.11                        |LC_ALL=C sort                                    \
    1.12 -                      |sed -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;'                  \
    1.13 +                      |$(sed) -r -e 's/(.*),(.*)/\2,\1/;'                  \
    1.14                 )
    1.16  # ----------------------------------------------------------