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# 00:23:15 idwer quits : Ping timeout: 240 seconds
# 07:20:31 idwer joins #crosstool-ng
# 18:35:19 bhundven cpackham: So, with this whole covid lockdown crap I started on this: https://gitlab.com/crosstool-ng/docker-images
# 18:35:58 bhundven which gets us a cleaner .gitlab-ci.yml for crosstool-ng: https://gitlab.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/-/blob/gitlab-ci/.gitlab-ci.yml
# 18:37:41 bhundven bjobjo: We have actually been discussing removing Cross GDB, and leaving that up to your build system (buildroot, ptxdist, yacto, etc...)
# 19:21:47 bhundven cpackham: there is a schedule for the docker-images to run every sunday at 4am UTC: https://gitlab.com/crosstool-ng/docker-images/pipeline_schedules

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