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# 01:25:23 idwer quits : Ping timeout: 246 seconds
# 06:48:37 cpackham Hi bhundven been off IRC for a while. Need to see about getting a decent client for android.
# 06:50:16 cpackham I was thinking with the docker stuff we already have a bunch of Dockerfiles https://gitlab.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/-/tree/master/testing%2Fdocker so we should probably be using them at least as a base for the CI images if not the actual images
# 06:56:37 bhundven Nice! I'm not sure why I never noticed that.
# 06:58:03 cpackham I think @stilor added them a while back. I hadn't really explored them either.
# 06:58:22 cpackham Just found them when I was playing with my own dockerfiles for testing.
# 06:59:11 bhundven I just out of instinct just make my own dockerfiles without looking around
# 07:00:39 bhundven I also got the ccache working with gitlab cache:
# 07:00:48 bhundven as well as caching the src directory
# 07:01:17 cpackham Cool that'll make things a bit better
# 07:02:12 bhundven You can see the times decrease on the last three passing pipelines: https://gitlab.com/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng/pipelines
# 07:02:27 cpackham As I said I found out that gitlab does have a limit. But it did let me go 9000 CPU minutes over when I did a mega-build
# 07:04:42 bhundven yea, it will eventually stop builds for going over, unless you have your own runner(s)
# 07:05:41 cpackham https://gitlab.com/cpackham/crosstool-ng/pipelines/116784977
# 07:06:03 cpackham I think you should be able to see my fork now
# 07:06:19 bhundven dude
# 07:06:58 bhundven can't see the build or the code, but I can see the pipeline
# 07:07:14 bhundven that was a mega build
# 07:07:34 cpackham Yeah I don't think we want to be building every config
# 07:15:49 cpackham but we can probably pick one for each architecture as keystone builds
# 07:16:13 cpackham and maybe do the canadians as they tend to be the worst case
# 08:45:49 bjobjo bhundven: Okey, thanks. Do you know where I can find those discussions regarding removing cross GDB?
# 08:46:13 bhundven I think it was just me and cpackham here in irc
# 08:46:22 bhundven I think also Alexey
# 08:52:25 cpackham Issue 1235
# 08:52:48 cpackham But yeah there was a bit more in irc
# 10:10:07 idwer joins #crosstool-ng
# 14:51:08 cpackham quits : Ping timeout: 245 seconds
# 14:54:41 cpackham joins #crosstool-ng
# 15:03:59 feepbot quits : Read error: Connection reset by peer
# 15:24:31 feepbot joins #crosstool-ng

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