path: root/patches/glibc/linuxthreads-2.3.6
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2008-07-28Rename patches for glibc: include neither 'glibc' not he version in patch nam...Yann E. MORIN"2-0/+0
2008-06-24New patches from Ioannis E. VENETIS to allow building more up-to-date Alpha x...Yann E. MORIN"1-0/+25
2007-09-23Renamed all patches file names so that locales are now irrelevant to sort the...Yann E. MORIN"1-0/+0
2007-02-24Add the full crosstool-NG sources to the new repository of its own.Yann E. MORIN"1-0/+37